Hearthstone Grand Totem Eys'or is a New Legendary Shaman Totem Revealed for Hearthstone's Darkmoon Faire Expansion
Hearthstone Deck of Lunacy is a New Legendary Mage Spell Revealed for Hearthstone's Darkmoon Faire Expansion
Hearthstone Sayge, Seer of Darkmoon is a New Mage Legendary Revealed for Hearthstone's Darkmoon Faire Expansion
Revisiting Oozefest - Treasure Hunt Clues Solved, Candy Eaten, Shop Closes Tomorrow, and Event Survey
Hearthstone Tenwu of the Red Smoke is a New Rogue Legendary Revealed for Hearthstone's Darkmoon Faire Expansion
Hearthstone Rinling's Rifle is a New Hunter Legendary Weapon Revealed for Hearthstone's Darkmoon Faire Expansion