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  • Ghostiee's Avatar
    50 6 Posts Joined 02/23/2023
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Can Surfer Still Succeed?

    How to Play:
    1. No one drops in this deck so nothing to do in most games on turn 1.
    2. Turn 2 is almost always Zabu; if you don't have Zabu, then Lizard.
    3. Often Polaris is your best turn 3 ton cause disruption; Jugg and Kill Monger also offer this.
    4 On 4, were either setting up Wong Lane or setting up Brood Lane, it's also possible to Brood on 3 and then Absorbing Man on 4 (this deck is quite versatile on turns 3 and 4).
    5. Sera is the play 90% of the time. If you don't have Sera you'll be dropping a 3 and 2 and hoping your Aero is good enough to win on 6, or that your Wong remains untouched and you can win with Surfer and Absrobing Man.
    6. This Deck has a few potential game enders, like Wong/Surfer Combo, Aero/Absorbing Man on 5/6, or Shang + Absorbing Man on 6 with Zabu. Lots of ways to complete the game.

    Additional Info:
    This deck, while feeling underpowered, has all the capabiliies of having a straightforward plan that leads to lots of big cube wins. In addition, it allows knowing exactly when you've lost and making it easy to retreat, so we're not losing big.

    Meshing the Sera Control with the Silver Surfer to form a Modified Sera Surfer has lead to a very fun deck to play and a great way to counter your opponents plans.

  • Ghostiee's Avatar
    50 6 Posts Joined 02/23/2023
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    A look at the best decks in the game after this weeks Balance Patch! Agree or disagree? let us know in the comments!

  • Ghostiee's Avatar
    50 6 Posts Joined 02/23/2023
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    How to Play:

    1. Play Korg to throw a rock in your opponents deck
    2. Zabu is your ideal 2 cost play with Sentinel as a backup for filling curve
    3. Rockslide to add more rocks to the opposing deck or Polaris to disrupt opponents' locations
    4. Generic location set up deciding which you want to contest on the finals turn
    5. In most cases you are playing Sera on turn 5, there will be moments you chose to play Aero instead
    6. Darkhawk and Lizard are great ways to win via power; use Shang and Killmonger against the decks they are best against; and Aero + another card can help you secure locations to win the game as well.

    Additional Information:

    This Deck has currently a higher skill requirement than most decks in the game, but once you have picked up on its power you can truly take down a lot of 4 and 8 cube games.
    Opposing players are never really certain of how you can possibly best them, and they like to see the last turn more often than they not.
    Cards like Shang-chi and Killmonger along with the Aero pairing can truly ruin their plays and give you some great cube gains.

  • Ghostiee's Avatar
    50 6 Posts Joined 02/23/2023
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Galactus the World Eater

    How To Play:
    There are 2 phases to play the deck: Destroy Worlds followed by Winning. For the first couple of turns you attempt to retain priority, so you can ensure your Galactus lands through disruption (specifically Aero). Then you want to give priority away after Galactus to ensure your cards are Shang proof and your Shang is live (also applies even more to Valkyrie versions). Having turn 5 Spider-Man or Doc Oc after Galactus makes this even easier because it gives perfect information about your opponent's last turn. Kang has also given a big boost to this deck's ability to climb ladder as an additional way to see your opponent's last turn after Galactus, but also, and more importantly, allowing you to see if they have the Aero when you are about to destroy worlds. Snap + Kang > they play Aero, go back and retreat.

    Additional Info:
    With the advent of the Thanos meta the Galactus deck isn't in a great place, since its soft to Aero and early Leeches. But you can definately climb ranks thanks to the combination of the high power level and opponents not always prepping for it, due to the low volume of Galactus players on the ladder right now.

  • Ghostiee's Avatar
    50 6 Posts Joined 02/23/2023
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    We post guides and card breakdowns on Marvel Snap and many other games DAILY on our Discord - Join us and access our game library FOR FREE!

    Tacter Discord:

  • Ghostiee's Avatar
    50 6 Posts Joined 02/23/2023
    Posted 1 year, 2 months ago

    Wanted to share an interesting build created by @ketronome using Tacter's guide building platform.

    I hope this helps some of you and if you try it and it works, please feel free to comment and let know how it went for you!


    T1: Sunspot / Pass.
    T2: Morbius OR Colleen Wing (discarding Swarm or Wolverine).
    T3: Lady Sif (discarding Apocalypse) OR Nakia (ideally buffing Swarm, MODOK or Apocalypse. OR Morbius + Sunspot.
    T4: Dracula OR Morbius + Colleen Wing.
    T5: MODOK.
    T6: America Chavez + all 0-cost Swarms, ensuring Dracula discards Apocalypse.

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