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  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Gee, making hero cards is hard! I have two, one a bit more conventional and one that's a little out there.  Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Alexstraza, Life-Binder is pretty straightforward - good for spell druid, both tempo and big, as well as some heal druid support.  The battlecry is very powerful, so it might have to go down to 2 spells, even if the hero power is not so strong.

    I'm not sure about this one balance wise, but I like the idea and flavor.  I wanted to try some more risky designs since I feel like I've been playing it safe a little this season.  Cursed! already exists, while the other two are new. I like how the hero power accumulates value over time, giving your opponent a choice between losing tempo or becoming overwhelmed after a few turns.

    Edit: Looks like its 4 cards total, not 4 extra cards allowed.  I'll probably drop Hexed! if I go with Cho'gall.


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    BloodMefist - I like the gauntlet with the Arch-Villainy ability from an art and gameplay perspective.  On second thought, wouldn't it be better to transform/discard the lowest cost card instead of the highest?  Unless you're running a discard-specific build, you would just be as likely to lose value as gaining it.  Maybe that's the point, which is why the hero power is so cheap.

    Wailor - Could the tokens have both taunt and rush?  It might have to make the cost bumped to 8.  Not really a fan of the three tokens with three different abilities to be honest.

    MenacingBagel - There's some missing capitalization: health, mana, and crystals are all capitalized, and I don't understand why this didn't cost 3 mana instead of 6 and refreshing 3 mana crystals.  I like how well the card fits with the boss encounter and that it's niche enough so that only certain decks would want to run it, which helps with the potential problem of a neutral hero card homogenizing decks.  I really don't think a neutral hero card is much of a leap. [Hearthstone Card (Majaordomo Executus) Not Found] already exists and is basically a neutral hero card.

    DavnanKillder - I like it.  Not sure is playable in necessary in the hero power text, as the game is set up not to offer secrets that you already have on the battlefield.

    Dreams - The changes you offered seem pretty cool.  Given that there aren't that many divine shield minons in the game, I think the hero power could be more impactful towards the battlefield instead of the enemy hero.  May I suggest some sort of AOE effect? How about "after a friendly minion loses divine shield, deal 1 (or 2) damage to all enemies (or enemy minions).

    Demonxz95 - The best I could think of for the hero power is "After your hero first attacks a minion each turn, it may attack again."  Essentially two attacks per turn, but only the hero once.  It might be a little too weak though.

    shaveyou - The weapon might be a little too strong, but I like the idea and pirate support.

    fungusABao - I like both of them, but the warrior would work better if was repesented by a different character.  Grace of the God  should say 'characters' instead of 'character' and 'your' in the Howling hero power should be capitialized.

    KANSAS - I really like it. No issues from me.

    linkblade91 - I agree with BloodMefist that +2/+1 would be better, as it would affect every minion you play for the rest of the game.

    TheHoax91 - Very creative and interesting!  I can't speak for balance, but I like it how it helps the discard warlock archetype by allowing it to include minions normally be there because of the potential value lost. 

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Good luck to all!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I took out Freezemeister because it seems a little too low impact and hard to work with, even in a dedicated freeze deck.  I've put a rogue weapon in place of it.  It gives a hint of Headmaster Kel'Thuzad's necromancy.

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    shaveyou - It should say "summon two 3/2 Raptors", not "summon 2 3/2 Raptors".  Every card that summons multiples of the same minion while specifying its attack and health does this.  You might want to combine the two sentences into one like Nagrand Slam and Troublemaker for concistency.

    Wailor - I like Sturdy Quarterback best as well.  I don't think the flavor of Note-Buying Slacker translates into its mechanics very well.   Why are you being paid - I thought you were paying for the notes?  As for Spellcaster in Training, I think the drawback is too easy to get around and won't be that relevant.  You could just save your damaging spells for later.

    FieselFitz - A little boring for a legendary - though it is fine as it is.  Spell tutoring is more of a mage than a rogue ability, so I could see this being an interesting mage-rogue card, giving mage a stealth minion.

    bananenparty - I don't like the name of the card, sorry.  I think that this could be buffed a little bit.

    KANSAS - I would go to the first card.  It can be frustrating for the Wind Totem to grant a different minion windfury than the one you want, especially in a class that likes to go wide.

    DavnanKillder - Mad Researcher is too powerful in my opinion. The spellburst essentially draws two cards, or even better if built around properly.  I think Trapmaster Alanna would be better at be better at 6 mana.  You would probably have to change the name, since Dragoncaller Alanna already exists and this appears to be a different character.

    Ekkeh - Looks good to me.  I'm afraid others might not look at this card and think of Mind Control more than Sylvanas Windrunner, but I could see this being a skill-testing card.

    TheHoax91 - I don't like how the card is so bad if you're not running it for the combo.  It's not someting like Mecha'thun where it could be at least a 10 mana 10/10. 

    anchorm4n - The second version is better worded, but as KANSAS mentioned, im not sure if the spells stack on adjacent minions or if the bonus works more like Lightning Breath.

    BloodMefist - I like the second version more, because it is different than being a smaller version of Headmaster Kel'Thuzad.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I have three cards this week, but two are varients of the same idea.

    Freezemeister gives support to freeze decks, and I would like to see more Freeze shaman support.  There's a bit of a deck building puzzle to make full use of the effect.  Also considering making this a 1/4.

    I have also wanted to see a Gang Up for spells for a while, but it was difficult to make it work in the past.  As a spell or a battlecry effect, you would have to play the spell you wanted to shuffle on the same turn, which made it clunky.  Not to mention that there would be too much text to fit.  Attentive Student uses spellburst as an elegant solution to this, allowing you to activate the spellburst effect next turn earlier in the game.  The second version goes further in letting you casting copies for free.  The Enchanted Book is worded like that to match other cards that cast a specific card that isn't known until it is generated, such as Shadow and Drustvar Horror.

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    Wailor - The first version technically works, but it reads a little weirdly.  I'm not sure the second version works - its gaining spell damage instead of what - the negative spell damage?  I think the third version is best because it is the most intutive.  It is easy to tell that the spell damage gain cancels out the negative spell damage.  Also, you would want to have the -1 bolded in all three versions.  As for the balance, it might be to easy to circumnavigate around the drawback by playing a spell that doesn't deal damage.  I really like the artwork. 

    Demonxz95 - Masked Prowler - You might want to shrink the text slightly - the first s in the third line is very close to the attack circle.  I like the card a good amount - it does make Shifty Sophomore look quite bad, but I don't know what to think of the fact that it can generate rogue spells.  Doesn't rogue usually generate spells from other classes and not theirs?

    Stitcher's Arm - This one I really like. Bringing back Zombeasts into standard is very cool, and this is a very flavorful and well designed execution.

    linkblade91 - I find it difficult to evalutate the power level of this.  As Arkasaur, mentioned this much more powerful than Stampeding Roar, but that card was really bad, so there's a lot of room for it to be better and still be fair. 

    TheHoax91 - I really like the ambitious design on this one.  I could see the spellburst indicator on your hero just fine, so I don't have a problem with the implementation.  That being said, I don't like the play pattern with this one.  It reminds of Frost Lich Jiana, except that it goes infinite.  I can imagine it being miserable to play against.

    shaveyou - I kinda want the Enchanced Raptor itself to have charge or rush, especially since its a spellburst minion with higher attack than health.  It seems to be standing back when the other raptors attack, which doesn't fit flavorfully to me.  That way, it could also have some use if the spellburst doesn't activate so your opponent doesn't just kill it.

    Arkasaur - Ancestral Crescent is an awesome design.  It doesn't just unlock already overloaded mana crystals, it also "cancels" your next spell's overload.  I would definitely go with that one.  Golden Justicar is good too, but it is not as exciting to me as the weapon.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Congrats, Arkasaur!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Congrats to BloodMefist!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Two ideas:

    The first is good for big demon decks in Warlock and Demon Hunter, who need reliable ways to play big demons early, while the second is really slow but can make your minions really big and overwhelm the opponent.



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    TheHoax91 - Really interesting card and I would like to see this work.

    linkblade91 - I feel like this is too powerful; you can combo and clear the board really easily with this.  Cost should probably be capitalized.

    Demonxz95 - Submerged Bomb is an awesome design.  I find it hard to evaluate is power level, as it has a high ceiling but your opponent has a lot of ways to play around it.  I also  like how it makes your opponent care about positioning in a unique way.  I would word it as "deal 3 damage to its neighbors" to specify to make it clear that the damage is going to the minions next to the played minion.  I don't like Drown as much because I'm not a fan of the art and I don't find the effect as exciting, though its fine both design and balance wise.

    Wailor - I think I like the Hammerhead Bloodseeker the best. It's very flavorful and I like how it fits within Warrior's class identity.  Sacred Seahorse is also cool and Abyssal Monstrosity is an interesting puzzle, but is too easy to coin out on turn 9. 

    Valor1204 - My first impression is that this is too weak. It doesn't affect the board in a meaningful way since your opponent can just ignore the treasure chest, meaning that you have to build around it, and it only counts pirates, which makes it hard to build around it.  That's being said, I find a link between a pirate and deathrattle build interesting.

    DavnanKillder - The card doesn't make it clear how the summoned nagas attack; is it like Nagrand Slam? Also, the token is missing a watermark.

    BloodMefist - Very interesting! If you know your opponent's deck, you can choose the option that they can't deal with effectively.  I fear that your opponent will eventually figure out what option you chose reliably, much like Fatespinner, but it is harder to counter.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Good luck to all!  Not a lot of activity this week. Guess its hard to keep your eyes off a slow motion trainwreck :(

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From MenacingBagel

    Its probs a bit overdone but I want to at least throw my hat in this time.

    Did you mean to affect friendly minions only?  It seems really good for the opponent if they have multiple minions on board.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    GoliathTheDwarf  - You should remove the orphan in the last line of text, and dragon is capitalized.  Also, I think it would be better as a 3/2 to make it harder for your opponent to ignore.  There's not a meaningful difference between 2 and 3 health if the goal for it is to activate the deathrattle, and it can make more favorable trades if you decide to trade with it on your turn.  That's why most of these "if it's your opponent's turn" deathrattles in Frozen Throne have higher attack then health.

    bigcums - I like this one.  The flavor, mechanics and art fit together very well. Good job!

    DavnanKillder - I still feel like it would be very easy to pick a card that wasn't in your deck since the pool of spells is so large and the condition would end up being trivial.  The first version has five lines of text, which breaks an unspoken rule of making viable Hearthstone cards.  I would suggest making gain echo like "If your deck has no chosen copies of the card, gain Echo" but that would require a Witchwood watermark, which isn't the most fitting for the art.  The second version is definitly cleaner and more elegant, though some may find it annoying to be on the receiving end of 3 Lightning Bolts or 3 Lava Bursts. 

    FieselFitz - The first two versions are pretty simple and don't seem like they should have a higher rarity than say, Azure Explorer.  I like the third version best and no, I don't think it needs a restriction.

    Arkasaur - You're good to go. I would add in the description examples of cards it would work well with, because the synergies are not obvious.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    DavnanKillder - It's very unlikely that your deck will have the spell you've discovered, especially in wild.  When you cast this, your going to end up with a full hand a vast majority of the time. I would try something else.

    linkblade91 - I like the second version the most, followed by the third version.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Quote From bananenparty

    Quote From grumpymonk

    I've slightly changed the wording of my first card, as "from your class" wasn't necessary.  I've also added a second idea because I wasn't sure of my card.

    I really love your first idea!
    Especially since the second one seems a little bit weird to play in my eyes, it just doesn't look situational to me.
    The small tortollan though is not only incredibly cute, but gives you some variance in all of the classes. I do like it a lot.

    Forgive me for not understanding, but I don't know what the second sentence means.

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    Neoguli - Simple and elegant, though it might be a little too simple for it to stand out.  I think its slightly below the curve, so I would add a stat point somewhere.

    FieselFitz - Reminds me a lot of Azure Explorer, losing a point of spell damage and its dragon tag for a usually more desirable spell.  I would experiment with the cost and stats to differentiate it from the aformentioned card more.  What I said about Neoguli's card applies here too.

    BasilAnguis - You seem to fond of "when this loses x, gain y" effects, which is a triggered effect, not like an aura like you mentioned.  I like the flavor of this card a lot and the effects is quite fitting. 

    bananenparty - Educate the Wild is very niche, needing to build around both beasts and spell damage.  Yes, both druid and hunter have a lost of beasts naturally, but having to consider both when putting this into your deck make this too expensive at 3. 

    Trainee Archeologist is my favorite.  It doesn't need to specify another because discover cards can't discover copies of themselves anymore.

    Follow the Frost is a little weird because it keeps track of minions played on subsequent turns without an easy way to visually indicate buffs.  I think it would be better if it buffed minions currently on the board instead.

    anchorm4n - Polar Ursa Champion I like quite a bit, though it seemed slow at first glance.  Polar Furblog reminds of Seeping Oozeling, same stats and all and a Deathrattle enabling event, so I would make it 4/5 or something like that.

    Nirast - Not a big fan of Shellcarver Totom, to be honest.  The art of  is too un-heartstonelike for my taste and the effect is not fitting for Shaman at all.  I get what you're trying to with the flavor but it seems too convoluted in practice to work well.

    Rejoin the Group is very unique and innovative, but why does it select the bottom three cards? Is it so that you could play multiples on the same turn?  You might want to specify that it puts the cards on top of the deck in a random order if Stay Behind is chosen.

    Este - Very interesting card!  Ancestral Healing needs to be in single quotes. 

    Arkasaur - Good as a consistent combo activator.  I agree with others that this should not be a common.

    Valor1204 - Runeforge Haunter already exists, and is a better fit in rogue than in shaman, imo.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I've slightly changed the wording of my first card, as "from your class" wasn't necessary.  I've also added a second idea because I wasn't sure of my card.

    *Edit*: Added slightly different wording for the druid card to fit with Big Boomba from the Dalarian Heist solo content.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Really? No wildkin, hozen, jinyu, sethrak, virmen, or arakkoa art? I am dissapoint.

    Anyways, Tortollan Primalist had a baby!


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    Demonxz95 - I entered a card with this effect in a previous competition in Rogue and ended up kind of medium.  Maybe it will do better in priest.

    linkblade91 - The first version I really like.  It should have taunt because it could hide behind another a larger taunt and make it more likely your opponent wouldn't be able to attack at all with sacrificing anything.  I also think it is rather underpowered and could be costed at 5. 

    The second version I don't like as much as it could require some bookkeeping, having to remember to subtract 2 every time damage is dealt to it, whether by attacking or casting spells on it.  It is also too small for a big demon deck.  Even Ancient Void Hound isn't enough, and that is much more impactful than this.

    Valor1204 - I'm not as persuaded that this would be op, but this would fit better as a shaman card.

    Cg8889 - I don't think the cost reduction needs to be so binary. If this had been worded as "costs (1) less per Attack of your weapon" like Dread Corsair, it would function the same if your weapon had 3 or more attack and would allow a 1 or 2 attack weapon to help discount the cost.

    Pokeniner - Cool idea and effect. I really like the flexibility and the callback.  There should be an uncollectible spell representing the fourth option to "discover" like Mystery Choice! did for Vulpera Scoundrel.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    First idea:

    A mash up of Backstab, Overwhelm, and Cutting Class, Slice and Dice deals damage to undamaged minions because you can't cut up things that are already cut up, and its more effective with a sharper blade.  I've also thought about making it a *gasp* dual-class card, even though slice and dice is a rogue-exclusive ability.


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    Demonxz95 - Very cool :)  I can imagine throwing this to your opponent lol. Based on Demonfire, the text could be shortened a bit to "If it's a friendly one, restore 4 Health to it instead."

    Cg8889 - I think the card fits very well in rogue, and the cost restriction is not necessary.  They got stuff like Biteweed and Vilespine Slayer after all.

    Inconspicuosaurus - How about "Destroy a beast and gain its Health"? It could make it a little different and scales in the late game without being too good in the early game.

    Valor1204 - Does the deathrattle happen before the reborn effect? I was thinking that it could heal itself, so you want to specify that it restores another character.

    Hordaki - 100% chance to attack the wrong enemy huh.  I really like it.

    linkblade91 - I like it, and I've got nothing much to add to it.

    KANSAS - For the murloc, it's weird that the minion that kills it might get the bonus.  I also like the flavor of the shaman spell, though murloc should be captialized and it is quite similar to linkblade's Curious Catering.

    Arkasaur - I would go ahead and make it a 2/1, and I would like to see a watermark other than classic.  Good card.


  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Cg, sinth!

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From Inconspicuosaurus

    I have a question: The topic is "food or eating", so would something like Hungry Crab that canonically "eats" a minion be acceptable?

    Its up to the mods to decide but since I've suggested this theme, my opinion is that yes, things that eat are acceptable.  I think Humongous Razorleaf might be a better example, since Hungry Crab is already a food.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback, but I'm getting conflicting info about the stats of my card.  Closest thing that I could find as a reference point is Gloom Stag.  

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    GoliathTheDwarf - Permanent stealth is scary because it allows combos to be set up easily without any interaction.  I suggest a battlecry with granting stealth for 1 turn only, maybe affecting all friendly minions to compensate for the weaker effect.

    Jhamel - "no netural" needs to be in the text somewhere, so this wouldn't work.

    BloodMefist - I like Medivh quite a bit, and the weapon is a lot of better than Atiesh, summoning a Dread Infernal regardless of the cost of the spell. It makes sense since its a payoff for a no neutral deck.  I prefer it over pure evil, which isn't bad but is not as interesting.

    FieselFitz - I like this card a lot. I don't have much to add. I also managed to get the card to fit into three lines of text without any issues.

    Demonxz95 - I think the original card is better. I can't see the second card fitting a class in particular and I would leave it as a neutral card.

    KANSAS - I like the second art the best.

    Neoguli - The discover bonus effect is very interesting.  I don't know if Rogue has more discover cards than the other classes, but its an unique effect to build around with.

    linkblade91 - Sargeras is very cool.  Now if warlock just had better demons XD

    I'm not sure how to feel about Emperor Shaohao.  A neutral hero card is a unique and hard to pull off, and this is a good implementation of it, but this issue is that if it's become popular, it makes decks play out the same. It would be like if all the versions of Galakrond were exactly the same.

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Pokeniner

    "No neutral thoughts allow you to better understand your magic. That's deep man."

    My card idea for the contest. Thoughts?

    I see that you've made a way to help all-spell mage without using the text "no spells".  You might want to keep in mind that there's already a submission which is similar: 2 mana 2/3 mage minion that draws 2 spells from your deck if the no neutral requirement is met. 

  • grumpymonk's Avatar
    360 137 Posts Joined 04/02/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    We have quite a few newcomers here, so welcom aboard!

    Took off a point of health in the original version of my card and added a version with taunt based on anchorm4n's usggestion. Also considering 5/8 and 5/7 for stats respectively. Which do you think is better and do you feel that it violates what the prompt is about? I don't feel that it is the case, but some might feel differently.


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    BloodMefist - Neutral should be capitalized.  Does the 6 damage replace the 4 damage to does it add on to it? It would be quite powerful and be good against deathrattles if it did add on.

    R - I don't like the warlock one because if it is very matchup dependent and functions a lot like a tech card, which isn't fitting for a legendary imo. It would be useless against another no netural deck, for instance.  It should say "in your opponents deck", not "into your opponent's deck". 

    I like Beast Tamer a lot. It shouldn't have a classic watermark.

    anchorm4n - Seems really interesting. A like it a lot.

    Neoguli - The first is too similar to Zephrys too my liking, same statline and slightly different payoff. Kenzou reminds me of Thief of Futures from the Taverns of Time event.  You might want to templete it like that (adding a copy instead of stealing it) to reduce the feel-bad feeling from your opponent.

    JackJimson - There a bit too much going on here for me. There are two different and interesting ideas here, but I think you should pick just one to reduce the text since its cramped.  I think you meant to have the minions go dormant for 2 turns, otherwise this is 3-mana Crushing Walls with upside in a no netural deck, which I think is too powerful.

    bigcums - Could be abuseable with Raise Dead, but maybe not.  I think its a cool idea, regardless.

    FieselFitz - I think both the spell and minion could cost 3 and it will be playable but not overpowered.  I think both are pretty cool. I don't have a preference for either one. Sorry it that wasn't very helpful.

    allthehype - Neutral should be capitalized. Discover two more doesn't really add or take away from the card than if were keep all 3.  I guess there's a few more choices. Either way, I like the card.

    Shivershine - Two underpowered imo. I could see this being 4 mana and it would be in a good spot, but maybe 5 if you wanted to play it safe.  If it had stealth and poisonous unconditionally, I still would find it to be as playable as Gyrocopter.

    KANSAS - Seems good for control.  The text is a little cramped and I not a big fan or the art.

    Cg8889 - Might give priest some burst potential that it shouldn't have, but I like it.  It shouldn't have a classic watermark though.

    grayghost39 - Solid card! I don't have much more to add.

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