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Joined 07/03/2019 Achieve Points 110 Posts 22

HairyPotter89's Comments

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From iWatchUSleep

    People who are suggesting OP to play wild clearly haven't played wild constructed in a while.

    It was bad enough for a control player in wild last expansion with Quest mage running rampant.

    And now you've got Reno priest, which was already a top tier deck before, with a bunch of new cards AND druids with their regained innervate all over the place.

    Wild is combo all around right now. Good luck playing a control deck there.


    But as others have rightfully said already, there's plenty of viable control decks in standard right now.

    Highlander mage, bomb/big warrior and galakrond priest (in order from most to least effective) are all more than serviceable decks.

    Yeah that sounds like the wild I remember from last season, quest mage and raza priest every where ^^

    Is big warrior actually viable? I am missing rattlegore and am hesitant to craft it since it seems it doesn't have a place on any other deck. I thought big warrior was just one of the day one memes, maybe I should give it a try. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    I do have quite a good wild collection, I usually only play wild at the end of an expansion to catch a breath of fresh air, but maybe it is time to make the switch to wild completely. I will give it a try, I will also keep an eye on the standard meta but toying around in wild might just be the kind of mix up I need to really enjoy the game again. If that doesn't work out might be time for a longer break :/

    Thx for your answers and suggestions! 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    First of all, this is not a salt thread about aggro decks. I know everybody enjoys different types of decks and I am not the one to judge. However, I do not enjoy aggro decks. I don't want games to end on turn 5, I don't want my highest cost card to be a 4 mana card. I want to play expensive cards, I want to control the board, I want to assemble my win condition and I want big swing turns. I am a control/combo player, that is what I enjoy about hearthstone.

    Last expansion was the first time I generally experienced fatigue and stopped playing for a couple of weeks. The introduction of demon hunter and how blatantly overpowerd basically all of their cards were and how it was a stupid strong deck even after 10+ cards got nerfed just tilted me so much that I could not enjoy the game anymore. 

    Then the new expansion came and I got excited again, so many cool new legendaries with unique effects, but also a lot of veeeeryyy strong tools for aggro(a better jeeves, really?). I jumped into the first day, opened my packs, crafted some exciting cards and went right in and it was so fun. I played highlander warrior and priest, ripper warrior, control-soulshard-warlock, paladin paladin and more. Druid seems stupid again with all the ramp but that is nothing new. Besides that I had a lot of fun the first couple of days. Paladin paladin also seems very strong but not op and I saw loads of different decks and archetypes. But after a couple of days, the thing that always happens happened. Aggro came through. Suddenly a majority of players started playing aggro rogue, hunter or druid, all petty much the same lists and they are very strong. The reload they gave rogue is insane(1 mana draw 5 seems like a good idea, right?) , token druids win condition has been savage roar for years and I am sick of it and even hunter has so much card draw and value generation, that it seems impossible to outvalue/outlive them with any type of control deck.

    It just seems there is no place for control decks any more, and if you want to play a combo deck you better combo your opponent to death before turn 7 or you are just dead. Which means you gotta play druid and that just feels like tossing a coin to me.

    I want to know how you feel, has anyone made similar experiences? What do you do to still enjoy the game? Or is hearthstone just not the right game for me anymore? 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I climbed to legend with control - galakrond-priest(non highlander, no res-bullshit) this month. You have enough heals to survive against dh and facehuntards and enough value to beat any late game deck thanks to galakrond.

    I played with some stealy cards (2 thoughtsteal, madame lazoul) for extra value and extra fun, although you could alsp tech in even more anti aggro stuff if you feel like you don't really need the value.

    I saw the list on nohandsgamers YouTube channel, although I believe he picked it from another site and did not create it himself. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I definitely think that aggro has become stronger over the time. The overall power level of cards has risen throughout the expansions, I feel that not only the early game and aggressive cards got stronger, but also the late game value cards(like dq alex), but since they didn't really print strong early game aoe recently(miss you defile) and you still start with 30health, it is way harder to keep up if you want to survive and reach the late game.

    When I first saw that new hellfire-drake for warlock I thought surely this will help controllock have a comeback, and sure a couple of expansions ago hellfire on a stick would have been nuts. But what could is 3dmg aoe if you're opponent plays 10/8 rush or 10/12 taunt or 11/11 chargers on turn 5 or 6? I feel there is just too many ways to create crazy boards in the early or mid game or alternatively, like in token or questhunter, to many ways to create small boards throughout the whole game.

    The bad news is, that in my opinion the design team wants it this way. It is in the way the game is made, since you can't block you attackers(only indirectly by playing taunts) the aggressor will always be in favor in hearthstone since they control the action. Plus in metas when we actually had valuable control decks, people complain alot about how boring the game had become, how they don't want to play 8hour control mirrors etc. I think most players prefer a quick 5 minute game on the toilet to a intense 20 minute resource battle between two control decks.

    So in conclusion I totally agree with op and I don't see much hope in the future. I mean control decks are still kind of viable, as long as you have crazy big swing turns available (like most of the highlander decks do), but classic control like in the old days might be dead(for now at least). 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Almaniarra

    It is not a general empathy tho. It is empathy for this case and something appeared just because people's attitude and answers.

    It is in this order;

    me:       "I want you guys to obtain the skin but if you are obtaining it, I deserve a compensation, don't I".
    people: "no you fucking loser ! We deserve that skin ! You did nothing to obtain it ! "
    me:       "Look; I already want that skin for you, can't you show some empathy towards me in this situation ?"
    people: " No way ! You can't deserve a compensation just because you are in the right place in the right time ! "
    me:       "So people, listen me, I did that mistake before, I want to suggest you not support the game about limited time content like me just because there is a possibility that they might trick you too."
    something: "something, something, children's card game, something, you are giving so much value to a gif, something !!!@@!!@!!"
    me           : " something, something, flame, something, insults, something, toxic, something !!@!@!@"
    people: "STFU ! We don't need a losers suggestion, That was your fault to be tricked at first place !"
    me:       "Ok thanks for the discussion, I've gained something here and fuck y'all ! "
    people: "Thanks ! Some of us also gained something and Fuck you too ! "
    at the end we all: "Some off-topic example arguments!"

    I actually read the whole post and I don't think that is an accurate representation of how it went down. I know you are obviously simplifieng and exaggerating to get your point across. However there was a fair share of arguments made, like how you weren't really tricked since it was never clearly said tyrande would never be available again, it was discussed if people who already own her should get compensation, people from both side gave different opinions and so on. Of course there are always people who insult and bring the children's cards game-argument, this is the internet after all. But I think there where a lot of points made in this thread, it seems that there are more people happy about tyrande coming back than people who feel cheated. Yet you are not alone, but you are the minority. If you think you can convince everyone to think like you and feel for you, then you will be disappointed. Most people mainly care about themselves and don't show empathy for strangers, especially if they are in different circumstances than they are and especially especially if they are some what anonymous on the internet. Don't keep pushing, you are fighting windmills here buddy. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Garrosh just wants to do some smorcing, too, so he borrowed rexxars bow xD

    In reply to Garrosh are you ok?
  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Almaniarra
    Quote From ShadowsOfSense

    I don't understand the complaint of not getting any compensation for this. We've known Tyrande would be returning for a long time now; your 'compensation' is having been able to use Tyrande for the years before other players could.

    I got Tyrande during the Twitch Prime promotion, and have happily used her quite a lot since then. Now other players are finally able to use her, which is great. Nothing about this scenario means anything bad for me; I don't lose anything, all that happens is other people gain. There's no reason for me to gain anything. I already got the gain years ago.

    Actually, I don't want a compensation. I just want people who doesn't own the skin be able to want a compensation for me like how I want the skin for them. That's why I am trying to answer any comments here to make my point clearer. Even If I'm a collector and like rare stuff, I like relationships more like any other human-being but It seems noone wants to show that empathy for me.

    I just wanted to see some empathy. That's all.

    I already did whatever I can do for compensating it for myself, stopped supporting hearthstone and suggested people to not support Hearthstone by learning from my mistakes. That's all i can do and i did it. My conscience is clear enough.

    Wait what? At first you said you only want to complain to blizzard because they tricked you. Then you said you would be fine if everyone gets the skin, as long as it is different from yours (in other words you don't want everybody to get the skin you already have). Now you say you actually do want for everyone to the get skin, you also don't want compensation, but you want other people to want a compensation for you. Because you want empathy? I am thoroughly confused. Not really sure what you goal is here, but if you are really looking for empathy, maybe a internet forum about a ccg isn't the best place. 

    Also we understand you wont be supporting hearthstone any more, you don't really need to put it at the end of every response. 


  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago
    Quote From Adder

    I find it funny that every single post upset by the lack of compensation for the people who already owned Tyrande is getting downvoted into oblivion. Here, on Reddit, everywhere. You have to add a 'I'm glad you guys are getting her too' disclaimer to any post that touches this subject or else you're just gonna get spammed with red arrows. I think this shows how small of a minority the Tyrande owners actually are, in which case it really boggles my mind, why not offer a compensation in the first place? When I heard that Tyrande will be free with the arrival of a new $10 hero, I honestly thought Sylvanas will be given for those that don't apply, but hey apparently not.

    On one hand I really am glad more people will be able to switch out of Anduin, as I don't give two hoots about exclusivity. But on the other hand, I do feel like I earned her: by being a long-time customer, paying attention to Hearthstone-related news, and spending a full two hours learning and troubleshooting the process of getting her since I was not part of the eligible countries either. Others got Tyrande by buying an overpriced code off eBay and whatever too. It's really, really not that far-fetched to want this effort to be acknowledged, and I'm sure more people would be able to sympathize with this situation if they didn't see any criticism of it as selfishness and entitlement, which in most cases it certainly is not.

    Then again at the end of the day we're still all arguing about .jpg's, so what do I know.

    The effort was acknowledged, though? You got to use this portrait while others could not. For over 3 years you got to use a skin that wasn't available for others. It is only now that this also becoming available for others again, and again for only a limited time (I assume) so in future there will be  people who own the skin and people who don't.

    I do understand that people that already own the skin feel like others are getting something for free here while they are not, but I think they are forgetting that they had something for years which others could not optain but maybe really wanted. As it was stated before in this thread blizz apparently never claimed that Tyrande never came back(I never checked that though, only relying on others), so one can't really argue that they lied or tricked people and therefore should compensate with packs, a different version of a existing skin or whatever(maybe a little "I play this game longer than you" button to add to your side of the board? ^^)

    On the other hand I would not have a problem if they gave you guys free packs, but we know how blizz feels about giving packs away for free... But that is another topic. 

    In conclusion I think that people who already own tyrande should try to remember that they had access to a cosmetic that others could not obtain, which is apparently really important for some people, for three years. That is a good thing you guys had. However things always change, the demand for tyrande was high and blizzard decided to give a lot of people what they want but could get before(for different reasons). So nowothers get to enjoy this too, which means that you might feel a little less exclusive about owning that portrait now, but on the other hand a lot of people will be really happy to be able to play with her in the future(like me :D)

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    I really hope the other cards in this set are gonna be as powerful as predicted, because if after getting all kinds of awesome dragons I still have to play against nothing but stupid quest and aggroshamans using this stupid card I will lose my mind :) 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Climbed to 5 using deathrattle rogue again, pretty easily. Then I did some experimenting at rank 5 but stopped, meta is just stupid right now. It's either evolve-shaman (whatever kind, they all run the package), tempo-rogue (yawn), quest-druid(yawn) or aggro-combo-priest(yaaaaaaaawn).

    I hate playing against all these highrolly decks (except quest-druid which is fine)... "oh look i got my stupid combo and you don't seem to have the right removal in hand, guess I'll win". I do my dailies and some bg, but thats it. 

    Sorry it turned into kind of a salt post, but seems that my ladder experience in this meta just comes with salt on top. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Three quest-shamans in a row (all evolved some rabbits in their first 3-4 turns of course) followedby a combo-priest who combod me in turn 5. I think that is enough hearthstone for today. And people complained about n'zoth making the ladder boring, lmao. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From Savron

    I often do something different for the community. Whenever I am at about Rank 5 and get matched with a player at R6 I instantly concede because I know how valuable this win is for them.

    This is is actually making hearthstone a better place! Roping someone because they are roping you is not, its just wasting your own time to feel like you are getting back at someone who is also wasting your time. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Got to rank 5 with combo-whip-warrior (danes list) and n'zoth-rogue quite easily this month, then continued to experiment with otk-ra-warlock and hakkar-control warrior and surprisingly kept climbing, hovering between rank 3 and 4 now.

    I usually don't play much beyond dailies after reaching 5 but this time I am really enjoying the meta, n'zoth is among my favorite cards as he can be a great tool to stall out or be a win condition in itself.

    I don't really get why everyone hates on shaman that much, sure if of they luck out with an early evolve it sucks, but there have been far worse things around imo(maybe that's because I also play wild and am used to being hit in the face for 20dmg in turn 4). They don't seem that strong, I think the main selling point of the deck is how straight forward and ez to play it is. The only thing annoying about it for me is how many you face at times, but like I said, could be worse.

    In general I think it was a good idea to bring back some wild cards, will be interesting to see if any more strategies evolve(hehe) or things stay the same now for the rest of the event/expansion. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Warlock is the only class where I am over 1k wins currently, so I am very happy with bad - ass - Guldan. On the other hand I hate playing with and against hunter(I think I have less than 200 wins with huntard) so I am very happy to see the reward for smorcing successfully for more than a 1000 times is a dumber looking rexxar. 


    The other portraits are ok i guess, valeera looks a bit like she is attending a Halloween party, which usually looks dumb 11 out of 12 months but meh, guess it fits with her playstyle, especially in wild. 

    A bit disappointed in Garrosh, too, as his golden portrait is one of the coolest imo (fire!) but this corrupted version doesnt really do it for me. At first I didn't even recognize him (yeah I have no clue of wow) but I guess if this version is interesting for some wow-fans it is alright.


    All in all cool addition for long - time - players, although new voices-lines would have made it even better. 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 8 months ago

    Finally Harbinger Celestia will get its much needed nerf and stop terrorizing standard and wild! 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Really disappointed this time, opened 53 packs and got:

    Colossus of the Moon =trash

    Armagedillo =meh

    Unseal the Vault =trash plus I hate hunter and barely ever play this class

    I got some useless epics, too. I got the stupid meme-obelisk, two copies of the 5 mana 8/8 mech and some more epics I am really unsure about.

    So far I have no idea what kind of decks I want to build on day 1, I got 30 more packs from gold coming plus the quest and legendary you get, really hoping for something nice there, otherwise I don't know what to do :/

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    This is so going in my betrug-warlock! 

  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    This is so going in my betrug-warlock! 

    In reply to Khartut Defender
  • HairyPotter89's Avatar
    110 22 Posts Joined 07/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    Well if you like feeling powerful and like a good hs-player because you played barnes on 4 and then resurrect some 8 drop over and over again it is the deck for you.

    I tried it back when it first came up in standard and was bored after 10 games. It literally comes down to if your opponents is aggro or control and whether you find your mana-cheat-cards in time. Very boring to me, but on the other hand there are players that enjoy playing odd-paladin month after month, so to each his own I guess.

    I can recommend big rogue though, similar play style but more decisions, a bit more randomness (sneeds!) and barely ever mirror matches. Check Dane's list if you are interested. 

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