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Academy Sleuth
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  • Iplaywhite's Avatar
    Academy Sleuth 405 143 Posts Joined 06/10/2019
    Posted 5 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Avalon
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    Mechwarper is simply an outdated concept from a time where powerlevels were much lower and synergy was scarce.

    I think that Goblins vs Gnomes cards are nowadays either straight trash of broken: see Mechwarper, Metaltooth Leaper, Quartermaster, Muster for Battle or Mal'Ganis.

    Probably the card pool was so little at the time that even insane effects weren't as game deciding as they are now, but I may be wrong since I wasn't playing the game back in 2014

    Coin Quartermaster on 4 was usually a game decider if you were able to keep 3 recruits alive. argent squire into minibot/3/2knife juggler into muster into coin Qmaster very powerful 

    the rest you are correct, lacked enough synergy at the time.