Yes! In standard Hearthstone at least. There are hero powers in battleground that have 2 targets, maybe cards too, but in the main mode it is the first.
Oh, it was quite a drama. When Fandom acquired Curse they announced that they will close (or rather put to read-only) a lot of Curse's sites including Hearthpwn. I think Flux offered to buy hearthpwn, but they refused. So everyone expected that hearthpwn will be gone but then out of the blue it was announced that it'd been sold to some company no one heard about before.
The same happened to mtgsalvation, i.e. Fandom promised to close it but then suddenly sold it to the same folks.
Is there a mini-set? I thought they said that between larger-than-usual set and Path of Arthas there won't be a mini set. But I might be imagining things.
So when you bounce Edwin, it has regular stats in hand; when you play it, it has regular stats; and only when you play card drawn from it, it finally remembers its buff, right? And it is intended behaviour?
But it defias logic, goes against standard HS mechanics and isn't at least hinted in card text.
It reminds me about old bug with Saidan the Scarlet when it didn't double handbuffs until you played a new buff on it.
How does matchmaking in the pit work now? When mercs were first introduced, it was clear: if you are not matched with an opponent in 1:30 min, you get a bot. But at the beginning of this year (or even earlier, I don't remember) it changed, didn't it? Now I can wait for an opponent for 4 minutes and more. And sometimes I am matched with bot before 1:30 have passed.
Does anyone understand the logic behind it? I would play more pvp if the waiting time was reasonable.
So we get our packs after all. I guess it says something about our mental state that we tend to attribute everything that's out of ordinary to this goddamn war.
Yes! In standard Hearthstone at least. There are hero powers in battleground that have 2 targets, maybe cards too, but in the main mode it is the first.
No Secrets for Paladin this year.
Oh, it was quite a drama. When Fandom acquired Curse they announced that they will close (or rather put to read-only) a lot of Curse's sites including Hearthpwn. I think Flux offered to buy hearthpwn, but they refused. So everyone expected that hearthpwn will be gone but then out of the blue it was announced that it'd been sold to some company no one heard about before.
The same happened to mtgsalvation, i.e. Fandom promised to close it but then suddenly sold it to the same folks.
Perhaps it's legendary because devs didn't want you to be able to fill your opponents hand easily.
Is there a mini-set? I thought they said that between larger-than-usual set and Path of Arthas there won't be a mini set. But I might be imagining things.
It doesn't feel like an arcane spell to me flavorfully. I think it should have summoned some other beasts to feel arcane. Maybe dragonhawks, idk.
Thank you Ling for sharing your perspective.
That was Sylvanas.
So when you bounce Edwin, it has regular stats in hand; when you play it, it has regular stats; and only when you play card drawn from it, it finally remembers its buff, right? And it is intended behaviour?
But it defias logic, goes against standard HS mechanics and isn't at least hinted in card text.
It reminds me about old bug with Saidan the Scarlet when it didn't double handbuffs until you played a new buff on it.
How does matchmaking in the pit work now? When mercs were first introduced, it was clear: if you are not matched with an opponent in 1:30 min, you get a bot. But at the beginning of this year (or even earlier, I don't remember) it changed, didn't it? Now I can wait for an opponent for 4 minutes and more. And sometimes I am matched with bot before 1:30 have passed.
Does anyone understand the logic behind it? I would play more pvp if the waiting time was reasonable.
I'm slightly annoyed that both HS and LoR didn't invent their own name for Standard, and just took the same term as in MtG.
The best explanation of how Immune works that I saw is that it is permanent Stealth + Divine Shield.
Oh, I always thought the goal is to prolong the game as long as possible to get more xp.
So we get our packs after all. I guess it says something about our mental state that we tend to attribute everything that's out of ordinary to this goddamn war.
At least we can get all rares and commons from Standard pack.
I'm also from Russia and I confirm that I have the same problem. There is simply no Nathria packs in the shop.
I kinda feel that I don't have a moral right to complain considering the hell my country brings to Ukraine, but it doesn't make much sense.
Wait, does Incanter's Flow really discounts cards that are added into the deck after it is cast?
Maybe her dad can do it instead.
How in Yogg's name can opening of a pack crash the game? 🤯
It's only pity that we can't play Kazakusan in Neeru Fireblade deck anymore, which was the only way to make the latter playable.