As some of you remember, War of the Dark was a brilliant April 1st joke inspired by recent MTG set.
I want to notice that some of the predictions turned out to be not far from truth.
We actually got a large number of Hero Cards: total of 16 if we count different Galakrond forms.
Also it seems that in the final chapter of Galakrond's awakening both League of Explorers and League of EVIL have to battle with Galakround. This counts as "two teams banding together" to fight elder "destructive power".
Yeah, I know it's a huge stretch. But anyway kudos to our fluffy prophets.
As some of you remember, War of the Dark was a brilliant April 1st joke inspired by recent MTG set.
I want to notice that some of the predictions turned out to be not far from truth.
We actually got a large number of Hero Cards: total of 16 if we count different Galakrond forms.
Also it seems that in the final chapter of Galakrond's awakening both League of Explorers and League of EVIL have to battle with Galakround. This counts as "two teams banding together" to fight elder "destructive power".
Yeah, I know it's a huge stretch. But anyway kudos to our fluffy prophets.
Just got The Amazing Reno from Blink Fox. Think it's a bug or rather an oversight.
Wording of Faceless Corruptor is odd. Why not 'transform a friendly minion' as usual?
Any plans to put this glossary in a Guide section (which isn't here yet for Runeterra)?
Want more plague rats in my Hearthstone.
But there are tons of Marvel-related games for android already. And none of them looks like it's worth wasting time on it.
Can you clarify what's about Sylvanas in My Warcraft?