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Joined 07/26/2019 Achieve Points 120 Posts 6

Scarth's Comments

  • Scarth's Avatar
    120 6 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    About half of my games at Diamond 1 are like this. I've been bouncing between the bottom of rank 2 and the top of rank 1 for 3 days. Nearly every game is a one sided highroll. I hate this deck but am only playing it out of desperation at a friends recommendation - I was previously playing tempo warrior and miracle druid and got 1 or 2 games away from legend but was forcefed losses. I swear at this point my account has a bad RNG seed or something.

  • Scarth's Avatar
    120 6 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From ShadowsOfSense

    I think the average player is more likely to enjoy random effects than a pro is.


    That's true. However, no game that calls itself an esport should be designed or balanced around average or casual players. If that were the case, heroes in DotA such as Wisp, Chen and Earth Spirit would've been buffed despite being some of the strongest heroes in the game during their particular metas and even today. I use DotA as an example because it's the game I'm most familiar with. Game balance and design should be based on how a game is played at tournament level. It doesn't hurt to have fun random cards here and there, but there should not be entire decks based around randomly generating minions that do something random (e.g Galakrond Rogue). Seeing some of the Zephrys issues posted by people playing in tournaments recently (and laughably, even live on stream) only gives me a stronger impression that randomness is harmful to a games image as competitive.

    Being able to adapt to a situation created by randomness is a skill within itself; however, randomness is not something which should be prevalent enough that it wins a game by itself or causes constant tempo swings. Someone is always going to be upset about a Rotnest Drake hitting a taunt and giving the hunter lethal, and someone is always going to be upset about Rotnest hitting the non-taunt and the hunter losing shortly after.


  • Scarth's Avatar
    120 6 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From Zwane

    A perfect answer to rush is deathrattle/reborn. Or rush them back (but bigger).

    That's what I said in the OP about gameplay being just turns of bashing creatures together until someone doesn't have an answer. The 'pre-hit' thing you would see people doing prior to rush existing, where you would damage an enemy minion to set up to kill it next turn, feels like a waste now if I can just play a highly statted rush minion and kill it instead and hit the opposing player with my minion on board - if it managed to survive.

    Quote From RandomGuy

    It's funny to see people in this thread complain that Rush has removed minion trading from the game.

    I'll just double down on things Flux and others have said - the problem with Rush (if there's a problem at all, and I don't necessarily think there is one) is the number of cards with Rush. The mechanic is fine.

    But this is what happens at this stage in rotations. We have the maximum amount of cards in the card pool. Indeed, due to Galakrond's Awakening, this is the largest cardpool we've had since rotations began.

    The problem (if there is one) will correct itself.

    What if they print a large amount of rush minions in the upcoming expansion? Unseal the Vault is going to be around for another while and they're going to need to support that. Oasis Surger and Faceless Corruptor, some of the stronger rush cards, will also be around for just as long.

  • Scarth's Avatar
    120 6 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    New players trying to get into the game have an absolutely hellish time trying to get decks that can be viable for ranked. I don't know how many packs ranks 50-25 award, but I suspect that they are nowhere near enough to build a standard-viable collection.

  • Scarth's Avatar
    120 6 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I started playing this game in late November 2017. Before that, I played Shadowverse, which also featured the rush mechanic - same name and functionality - which was infamous for some decks having a 'remove everything' policy. One reason I found Hearthstone interesting and eventually stopped playing Shadowverse is that this game isn't based around having unpreventable damage from hand, whether that means damage to creatures or damage to face. Being able to actually establish a board, yet not automatically because you've done that, made the game much more appealing to me. It felt more like MTG.

    Since being introduced as a keyword in Witchwood, there are currently 64 cards which either have rush, can gain rush or interact with rush some way. Not all of these are viable, I know, but a quick read through the list suggests about 30 are viable or have been viable at some point. Simply put, the mechanic feels too widely distributed and makes the game into a fight of whoever can make their rush creature stick after playing and swinging with it. I have no issue with any deck archetype - except for the extremely non-interactive Quest Priest, which ironically lacks rush creatures - but I'm playing games now with a Highlander Hunter deck which is just turn after turn of slamming rush minions into each other. I suspect that the old coin Chillwind Yeti play wouldn't be viable now because it would just get removed instantly instead of trading.

    I've probably written this post poorly but I hope it gets my point across.

  • Scarth's Avatar
    120 6 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 4 years, 9 months ago

    I think Diseased Vulture is probably my favorite. Like Vex Crow, but with a tanky enough statline that lets it live a turn. I like Overflow too, reminds me of Sphinx's Revelation from Magic.

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