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Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 195 Posts 73

Thez's Comments

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 9 months ago

    Never been a fan of Devolve effects. It's basically a better Silence. Any deck built around card effects like Deathrattles or buffs just get neutered with zero counterplay. This is effectively a 1 mana "Silence 3 random enemy minions and then replace them with crappier minions that have zero synergy with your deck". The only bad hits are high cost low-stat minions and those are easy to kill off first due to the low stats.

    On top of the Devolve RNG, you also get hit based RNG to make it even worse. This can either completely neuter your board into something utterly terrible and just give your opponent the win, or it doesn't do much at all but then the opponent has only wasted one mana.

    Yes, it screws over Rez Priest. That is literally the only positive thing about it. Everything else about it will make the opponent smash their keyboard when the RNG screws them over and turns their 8/8, 5/5 and 4/6 board into a bunch of high-cost low-stat crap minions for 1 mana.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From KANSAS

    Some more feedback:


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    @DecentOfDragonsOP, Overload 2 may be better, but I am not sure. I just think having the ability to deal 4 damage every turn is a lot. I think 3 damage overload 1 is fine. It is a little worse than Lightning Bolt, but as a Hero Power it should be okay.


    @Linkblade91, I didn't know Motorcycles were a thing in WoW. I guess the card is fine then.

    @TheHoax91, I like A'dal, though I don't really like the Humility Hero Power. I really liked the flavor of the Divine Shield one, but hitting your entire board seems like a lot. I would change the Hero Power to give a single minion Divine Shield. On a more minor note, I would adjust the stats to 3/4 simply because I feel that is more aesthetically pleasing.

    @DestroyerR, I like Healing Stasis, but I think it could be worded better. It should say "Change your Hero Power to restore (2) Health to your Hero at the end of your turn. Add an 'End Stasis' to your hand." If you try and put a description of what both the Hero Power and the token do on the card, it isn't going to read very well. I think just putting the name of the token is sufficient, but I am not 100% sure on the correct wording. Lighning Shield is OP and the wording is super weird.

    @CapnMunch, In all honesty, this card is really bad. You are spending 10 mana on a vanilla minion, so that later you can Heal yourself while also accelerating fatigue. In the short run, you are gaining life, but in the long run you are ultimately taking more damage. I would reduce the cost of G'huun to either 7 or 8, and maybe change the Hero Power to kill a friendly minion and gain life? I feel like this would have more interesting interactions that removing the top card of your deck.

    @anchorm4n, Having played a good bit of Lorewalker Cho, I can say that having this ability as a one-sided effect for the entire game is really powerful. I would increase the cost to 8 mana to compensate for the near-infinite value.

    @meisterz39, I like Shadow Mend a lot better than Thunderfury. Though I do think it would make more sense as a Warlock card. You are gaining a lot of immediate power, at the cost of having your life slowly sucked away from your body. One note about the wording, I think the "swap back at 15 or less life" bit should be on the Hero Power instead of the card, or maybe on both.

    @shaveyou, I like the change, but I still think 3 mana may be a bit too little. 4 mana would probably be good. Also, you Hero Power costs 2 mana when it is passive, don't forget to fix that.

    @Thez, I like it. It is interesting and flexible, but not really OP. It is really creative and interesting, but in a subtle way. Good job.

    @grayghost, Pretty neat idea and good flavor. I don't have anything to criticize.



    I am also going to re-post my cards here since it seems people didn't notice one of my first ideas.

    Do you think Chalice of Rebirth should be Legendary and also buff the Orc? Or should I increase the cost?

    Some people were confused as to whether Old-Fashioned Blacksmith was a passive effect, or if I had just forgotten the Battlecry. I want to clarify that it is a passive effect. Once he dies your Hero Power goes back to what it was.

    Having the Hero Power being actively changed by a live minion is interesting but I can understand the confusion, since it could be a Battlecry as well. Maybe replace 'Your Hero Power becomes' to 'Your Hero Power is'? Maybe even add 'while this is alive' to the description if you have room for it.

    Keep in mind though, that it is unlikely to be anything more than a 2 mana 3/2 War Axe on the turn it is played. Given the durability of the weapon, I doubt it would live long enough to be used again (other than maybe replacing your War Axe the next turn for 1 durability).

    The Warlock card is interesting but Charge is really tricky to balance. I think Rush would a bit easier to balance.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Gives more flexibility with 1 mana and it lets you spend 3 mana for 3 Health if you want to.

    Any thoughts?


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    Shaveyou: Interesting, though I'd consider reducing it to 1 damage. Yes, it's a 3 mana Twisting Nether, but you only get the one and are taking damage for the entire remainder of the game for each and every card drawn.

    meisterz39: I like it, but shouldn't it say: Swap your Hero Power to Shadow Drain, as that is the name of the Hero Power?

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, I think I'm going to replace my earlier idea with this one:

    Any thoughts?


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    bigcums: Murgatha is a cool idea, I like it. Do keep in mind that Overload might make certain spells very powerful to play via a minion. As for Murgul, I'd keep it a little more simple. Just the past is good enough I think. Maybe even Discover two Murlocs from the past.

    MurderFaece: I like the idea, even if it is similar to Face Collector. For the Quest, the synergizes well with Shadowstep or playing it later without being too broken. Seems solid.

    Sinth: The concept is really good. Might be crazy against early aggro and token. Think 2 attack would make it too strong though, especially since you could somewhat reliably buff this and have a new 1/4 Taunt spawn if your opponent doesn't kill it. Don't forget you might be able to attack with it and heal it, triggering the effect.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Does this count, it doesn't directly help with the weapon quest, but it does have synergy with weapons in general:


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    meisterz39: Fiery Warbringer seems a bit too strong. A 6 health Taunt that buffs your weapon's durability by 1 every time it takes damage? That will usually mean at least 2 if not 3 more durability for your weapon, which is massive. Maybe make sure it can only do it once (Deathrattle for example) or up the cost or lower the health.

    Hakuna Matata seems a bit weak compared to existing Druid cards. Oasis Surger which you mentioned will give you two 3/3 Rush minions, which easily beats your 3/3 and 2/2 with no rush and it still beats it when the Quest is completed.

    Better Part of Valor: Maybe it should be a bit more directed towards Reborn minions? Seems a bit too broad at the moment but I like the overall idea.

    Hordaki: Anubisath Guardian feels a bit late for the Choose One Quest. Generally if you're doing that Quest, you're looking to have it completed by turn 5. And generally, you only leave one mana unspent, so it only heals you for one. Given the more aggressive nature of Jungle Giants, maybe a more aggressive statline with a different unspent mana effect is an option?

    Trans-mrrgl-fier: I like this card, seems solid. My only gripe (a small one) is that it doesn't synergize with the Battlecry Quest if it's already completed since you'll replace the Murloc from the first Battlecry with another random Murloc. That does help the other Quest though I suppose.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Thanks for the feedback everyone, I've given it some thought and ended up with two variantions:

    One which goes to Warrior:

    This still uses the Unholy Aura theme of movement speed with Rush and fits decently with Warrior I think.

    The other option is to stick with Rogue but remove the Lifesteal and Taunt and tweak the Runeblade to just trigger a Deathrattle. Rogue does have synergies with Deathrattle so I do want to see what I can do with that:

    It loses any connection to the Unholy Aura though.
    Any thoughts?

    Some feedback for others:

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    Xarkkal: Much better. Still a ton of resource gain but no massive swing on the turn it is played. Seems solid.

    Swizard: You should try and keep card text to 4 lines or less (soft rule), but the card effect seems a bit random. Why not make it something like 'Battlecry: Transform all your non-legendary minions into legendary minions.' Or just 'Battlecry: Destroy all non-legendary minions.'.

    Kansas: Seems good. You can tweak the rez pool by not putting weaker Beasts in the deck. Rush Beasts and King Krush would love this card.

    DestroyerR: Millhouse seems a bit broken honestly. You can pretty reliably determine when you draw cards and you get a decent enough statline. Maybe it would be a little better if had some synergy with Spells, given it's a Mage minion. Hogger feels misplaced. Never really seen him as a Stealth character and returning to hand doesn't fit him either. You could just make it a Battlecry for the 2/2's. Hakkar seems decent but given how easily Warlock can fill a board with just 1/1's and wipe everything, I'd reduce the power of the card in general a bit.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    My first idea, with Rivendare. His runeblade gave Unholy Aura, which increases movement speed (Rush) and gave life regen (Lifesteal).
    Deathrattle minions having Rush works well with the theme of the Scourge.

    Any thoughts?


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    Hyperorange: Kel'thuzad seems good, though I'd consider renaming him Frost Lich instead of Frost Catalyst, as that's what he was. Leeroy seems a bit too niche, you'd have to actally put chickens in your deck. You'd rather take the regular Leeroy.

    Renolord: Not really feeling the Leeroy here. If you're making him a Hero card, he should have some synergy with Rush or Charge. Gaining Armor through Spell kills on minions seems odd for Leeroy as well as Warrior. Lich is better, though I'd like it better as a Deathrattle than a Battlecry. I'd also consider just using Frost Lich Jaina as the Hero to resurrect into, fits the theme better.

    Xarkkal: Subject 9 seems good, though I'd consider making him a little more expensive and buffing his stats accordingly. Being able to play 10 mana worth of Secrets and dropping a 4/4 Beast on turn 5 seems a bit much that early.

    Feuerrabe: I'm not really feeling the theme here. If you want to give Leeroy a Deathrattle, for the theme it should involve things like Whelps, Dragon/Whelp Eggs, Chickens or even a card that plays around coming back (as you would rez in World of Warcraft and Leeroy is foolhardy!). Not really getting the Party card.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From Conduit

    Alright, here's an idea I like much better! Do you think this is a bit overpowered?

    Seems interesting. However, the worst you can do is give your opponent one bad draw for 3 mana. And you'd need to do the same type of minion twice if you want to disrupt a Highlander deck. And you really don't want to give them a decent minion. You're also delaying their fatigue. Seems more beneficial to your opponent than to you.


    Anyway, here is my first idea:

    I'm considering just placing the discovered card on the bottom of the opponent's deck instead of replacing it.
    The card would be 1 or 2 mana then though.

    Any thoughts?

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From Thez
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    Quote From anchorm4n
    Quote From Thez
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From Devizz

    Can I somehow remove my submission? 

    Unfortunately no, we do not allow people to edit or remove their cards after submitting :( We always suggest people come here first if they want feedback on their ideas.

    I can understand not making the card editable, but what about the description below it? Say you make a typo in it?
    Also totally missed this thread before I submitted my entry. Used to posting in a forum submission thread and all that. Guess the HearthPwn version of the competition I always played in needs to phase out of my head.

    What I made (might help someone avoid making a copy):

    While I really like this idea, there's already one submission which is nearly identical (minion goes dormant when played) and Elfensilver showed us another version of it 8 posts above of yours (hunter version, though). You can check the already submitted entries on your voting page. As I have no idea who had the idea first, I would give all of you the same raiting, but that's only my view and I wanted to let you know that there are similar cards around.

    Thanks. Going through all 40+ submissions by refresh though is going to get old very fast.

    Why not just show all submissions on the page with a random order? That way everyone sees different cards first or last and you can much much more quickly look and see if your idea is present or not. 40 images isn't exactly server breaking (and you could auto-generate lightweight thumbnails of them for that page if needed).

    I'd submit a different card now given the other Rogue Secret with Dormant in the pool but sadly I can't remove my entry. Shouldn't it be possible to modify/update/replace your entry until the voting phase starts? Until then no one can vote, so what's the harm right? Otherwise whoever throws down a card quickly enough will get free additional votes by virtue of being present on the voting page earlier. Timezones alone would make that unfair.

    Maybe a timer or a specific amounts of views would be needed to lock in your card before the voting phase?

    As soon as you can submit, you can vote.

    • Submission Phase: Enter the competition and vote on everyone's submissions.
    • Voting Phase: Last chance to help us choose the finalists. Get those votes in - Good luck!

    Voting period is just an extra period to give ppl time to vote. Our weight system makes sure that the cards with less views are shown more often so that every card has roughly the same amount of votes, or rather it gets roughly the same amount of view time, ppl can decide not to vote on a card. So even the very late submission generally get fair amount of view time to be voted on. Prime example is the last weeks winner, it was literally the last submission, yet it won the whole thing!

    You can see all the cards you voted on on your Voting Page, as said. We might add an option to see all at once at some point.

    Submissions are closed for editing for a reason and you are given warning that is the case. We might change this in the future, but no change for now.

    Got it. Will remember that next time. :)

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From anchorm4n
    Quote From Thez
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From Devizz

    Can I somehow remove my submission? 

    Unfortunately no, we do not allow people to edit or remove their cards after submitting :( We always suggest people come here first if they want feedback on their ideas.

    I can understand not making the card editable, but what about the description below it? Say you make a typo in it?
    Also totally missed this thread before I submitted my entry. Used to posting in a forum submission thread and all that. Guess the HearthPwn version of the competition I always played in needs to phase out of my head.

    What I made (might help someone avoid making a copy):

    While I really like this idea, there's already one submission which is nearly identical (minion goes dormant when played) and Elfensilver showed us another version of it 8 posts above of yours (hunter version, though). You can check the already submitted entries on your voting page. As I have no idea who had the idea first, I would give all of you the same raiting, but that's only my view and I wanted to let you know that there are similar cards around.

    Thanks. Going through all 40+ submissions by refresh though is going to get old very fast.

    Why not just show all submissions on the page with a random order? That way everyone sees different cards first or last and you can much much more quickly look and see if your idea is present or not. 40 images isn't exactly server breaking (and you could auto-generate lightweight thumbnails of them for that page if needed).

    I'd submit a different card now given the other Rogue Secret with Dormant in the pool but sadly I can't remove my entry. Shouldn't it be possible to modify/update/replace your entry until the voting phase starts? Until then no one can vote, so what's the harm right? Otherwise whoever throws down a card quickly enough will get free additional votes by virtue of being present on the voting page earlier. Timezones alone would make that unfair.

    Maybe a timer or a specific amounts of views would be needed to lock in your card before the voting phase?

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago
    Quote From linkblade91
    Quote From Devizz

    Can I somehow remove my submission? 

    Unfortunately no, we do not allow people to edit or remove their cards after submitting :( We always suggest people come here first if they want feedback on their ideas.

    I can understand not making the card editable, but what about the description below it? Say you make a typo in it?
    Also totally missed this thread before I submitted my entry. Used to posting in a forum submission thread and all that. Guess the HearthPwn version of the competition I always played in needs to phase out of my head.

    What I made (might help someone avoid making a copy):

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Just reduce the cost to 8 mana so you can summon a 6/6 on the same turn you play him.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    No more Amalgam in Battlegrounds is huge. I do think it's a good change in the long run though. The difference between getting an Amalgam and getting your 30/30 Divine Shield, Taunt, Poison fortress or not was the difference between making it to Top 4 or not.

    The Boogeymonster needs a straight up buff, it still won't be picked on Tier 4. Why not make it so it actually keeps the +2/+2 it gains. Best case scenario it gets like +4/+4 in a single fight. Two buff minions or just one with Brann can already do that easily. It has no tribe so you can't buff it further or give it anything (other than Carl giving it Divine Shield).

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Mechano-Egg is just better. A consistent 8/8 Mech whilst the egg itself is also a Mech. Now this is a neutral card but this is simply too expensive. Any Battlecry Dragon won't trigger said Battlecry so the pool of good Dragons will be limited. Last thing you want is to play this and have your choices be Faerie Dragon, Nightmare Amalgam and Twilight Drake.

    In reply to Chromatic Egg
  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Pretty good with stuff like Crowd Roaster.

    In reply to Dragon Breeder
  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 5 months ago

    Dragonrider seems like it could have potential. It's fine to throw down on curve. If a Twilight Drake gets +3/+3 it's pretty solid to throw down next turn. If you can make copies of it in any way (Quest Paladin for example) it could be even better.

    I also think this has some potential with Da Undatakah, as it will inherit the Deathrattle AND pass it on when it dies. Give a Dragon +9/+9 and the Deathrattle? Sure!

    The other two seem a bit meh. While end of turn means Shu'ma can repeat its ability, just a 1/7 is terrible. Atleast make it like a 3/7 or 4/7.

    Envoy seems a worse Glimmerroot. I suppose you could try and use it together with Madame Lazul and try to figure out your opponent's hand but that would be about it.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I don't mind many of the RNG effects in the game. Some can be partially relied/counted upon to give a somewhat decent outcome. But there are also some RNG effects that can be soul crushing if it works for your opponent.

    Imagine if you're playing against a Hunter and you've got four small minions and one giant 8/8 on the board. Your opponent decides to play Deadly Shot and surprise, it hits the 8/8 in the face. Only a 20% chance and if it hit a small minion it would've seriously put the Hunter further behind but no, it worked out. The reason this can feel extremely frustrating as the other player is that you can't see the Hunter's hand. Maybe the Hunter had a backup plan in his hand in case the Deadly Shot didn't hit the right target. The Hunter just felt it was worth trying to save another more important card and hey, it happened to work out. The 8/8 was dead anyway but as the opponent you can't know that for sure. All you see is the Hunter seemingly going YOLO for 20% which is an otherwise desperate or terrible play and then getting away with it. Add a Threaten emote from the Hunter and the other player will feel like throwing their keyboard into orbit.

    Another example would be Shaman just RNGing his Hero Power into a Spell Power totem, giving his Lightning Storm +1 and then highrolling 4 damage on everything, wiping your board. Shaman could've had other options in his hand like Hagatha's Scheme and decided to try and roll a Spell Power totem first but again, you can't know that for sure as the opponent. You only see the (seemingly entirely luck-based) outcome.

    For me, stuff like Tess feels far better because you partly decide what Tess gets to do. I also approve of the Discover effect. It's RNG but it gives you some options. It takes away the feeling of pure luck/extremeness because Discover gives you 3 options to choose from.

    Again though, some of the RNG cards can be painful to play against. I was happy to see Evolve (and Devolve even more) rotating to Wild for sure. It was so frustrating to see Shaman highroll their board and ending the game on turn 6 or 7. And there's isn't really any way to improve your play against it. There is little to learn, especially if the play occurs within 1 turn without any possibility of interaction from the opponent.

    In the end, you just learn to accept it. I still dislike playing against Shamans going fully for all their RNG effects, even if their winrate isn't actually that great for it. I'll still get pissed off when I lose to an RNG effect, but I'll still play the next game anyway. One tends to have the unfortunate memory of remembering the games where the opponent's RNG destroyed you and not remembering the games where the opponent's RNG destroyed them instead.

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    You've misspelled Floating Watcher as Floating Watching in the first sentence about the card, but a good read other than that. :P

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Felt like a bit of a rant against Combo decks. Yeah, some are frustrating to play against but if you get rid of it, everything becomes Control. Do you really want to see Control Warrior vs Control Warriors forever?

  • Thez's Avatar
    195 73 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 7 months ago

    Here's the thing, what is Priest supposed to do in order to win outside of either an Inner Fire combo or Resurrect effects (usually into Inner Fire)?

    Last year I had a blast playing Dragon Control Priest. It wasn't unfair/annoying to play against, it fought for the board with minions but importantly, it had a win condition with Alexstrasza + some damage the next turn, usually 2x Mind Blast and something else. Mind Blast is gone and we got a completely useless spell for it in return, so spell damage isn't an option anymore.

    If Divine Spirit goes out (which I can understand fully), the only thing left is using Resurrect effects on big stuff or Deathrattles. I've played the latter of this deck with Deathrattles like Mechanical Whelp, Cairne Bloodhoof and Da Undatakah and it's fun, but it simply isn't strong enough to really push very far. It is partially dependant on getting the right minion back and doesn't do much of anything in the early to mid-game. Quest is unreliable. It can work but just prevent Priest from having a minion and not letting them heal and you win the game pretty easily.

    Which leaves me with one very simple question, what is Priest supposed to play exactly?

    Control deck? Okay, how does Priest kill the opponent? Where's the damage, the threat?
    Combo? With what? All the combo damage cards are effectively gone if Divine Spirit kicks the HoF bucket. (which again, I do understand)
    Aggro/Zoo? Might as well play Warlock, they're usually far better at it.

    I'd love it if Priest was a class that could *really* make a board stick. They have some healing tools for it, but often enough your minions die after trading once. The actual health buffs that might make something like this work (so you could trade and not lose the minion) are scarce. Power Word: Shield is about it really. Yeah ok there's the 6/6 that gives a minion +3 health. I've never seen it played outside of Arena. And then there are still plenty of board clears that don't care about health or simply do crazy amounts of damage (Hagatha's Scheme for example). And Priest isn't that good at a comeback outside of (again) Resurrect effects.

    I'd hate to see Priest revolve solely around Resurrect effects. Players can quickly adapt to this by adding one or two tech cards that pollute the Resurrect pool. I also don't like the random aspect of it. Priest definitely needs something. It's my favorite class, especially with Dragons or Deathrattles, but I'm starting to worry that all the punch is being taken away because it's frustrating to deal with but getting nothing in return once it's gone.

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