MARVEL SNAP's Hot Location this weekend is Sinister London!

Sinister London is a great location for players who want extra copies of their strongest cards. Just about every deck has a card they want to double, and most have a handful. Whether it's Patriot or Iron Man, Death or Dracula, there are a multitude of ways to get the most out of Sinister London. Just be wary - your opponent will likely be trying to get the most from it, too.

However you choose to plan for the Hot Location, you'd better get used to it; being a Hot Location means that Sinister London will have a 50% chance to appear for 24 hours, from 8 PM PT Saturday night to 8 PM PT Sunday night (2 AM UTC Sunday to 2 AM UTC Monday).

Hot Decks for Sinister London

If you're looking for ideas of what decks you can play to the Hot Location, we've got you covered: with recommended decks for players just starting out in Series 1, players still moving up through Series 2, and players who are starting to fill their collections with cards from Series 3, 4, and 5.

Series 1 Zoo

In Series 1, one of the best cards to double up is Ka-Zar for more buffs to all your 1-Drops. Nightcrawler, Ant-Man, and Blue Marvel are all good to play to Sinister London as well, and we've gone ahead and added Onslaught for even more Ongoing buffs.

Kazoo (Pool 1)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Series 2 Double Dino

Onslaught makes another appearance in this Series 2 Devil Dinosaur deck that has plenty of ways to keep a big hand for the Dino, and has one slot on Sinister London earmarked for our Cretaceous friend. If no Dino, then the best we can offer is the Iron Man Onslaught combo instead.

Double Dino (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Series 3 Deathwave

The cheapness of big cards Death and She-Hulk when played following a turn 5 Wave gives this deck a ready-made use for Sinister London. Its ability to clear out some of the other locations with Destroy effects from Killmonger, Carnage, and Deathlok means you'll usually have space for your high-Power finishers.

DeathWave (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Series 3 Patriot

Doubling up the Ongoing buff of Patriot is already Mystique's job, but Sinister London can push it even further. We've opted to showcase a Silver Surfer variant of the Patriot deck because Surfer is also very powerful when played to Sinister London. Rogue is a fringe tech card designed to steal away other Patriots or possibly an Iron Man.

Patriot Surfer (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

Series 3 Dracula Discard

Discard shenanigans can get very wacky with Sinister London in play. With Apocalypse in hand, every Discard effect has potential to out him over the top. Swarm can get a little clunky (and might need to be jettisoned early in games with the Hot Location), but Dracula is the ideal finisher for a deck designed to isolate Apocalypse in hand. Also, don't sleep on playing Gambit to Sinister London.

Discard Dracula (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

What are Hot Locations in MARVEL SNAP?

There are two different types of location events in MARVEL SNAP, both of which have a 50% chance of appearing for the next 24 hours.

  • Sunday's Hot Location that always pulls from existing locations.
  • Wednesday's Featured Location that usually shows off new locations, but will pull from the pool of existing locations from time to time.

The increased appearance rate for the Hot Location will shake up the meta for a day - for example, Odin was the finisher of choice for many players when Kamar-Taj was the Hot Location.

Have your own strategy for capitalizing on the Sinister London Hot Location? Make your deck using our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder, then share it in the comments!