We've got a new featured location in MARVEL SNAP and it's Milano!

Milano is a completely new location being added to MARVEL SNAP as part of the May Season: Guardians Greatest Hits. Turn 5 is the only turn cards can be played there.

MARVEL SNAP's newest club is Milano, and it's one of the most exclusive places in the game. It works great as a target for a 5-Drop finisher like Devil Dinosaur to win the location without having to worry about turn 6 removal, and it also synergizes with Movement cards that can sneak in there after they're played.

However you choose to plan for the featured location, you'd better get used to it; being a featured location means that Milano will have a 50% chance to appear for 24 hours, from 8 PM PT Tuesday night to 8 PM PT Wednesday night (2 AM UTC Wednesday to 2 AM UTC Thursday).

What Are Featured Locations in MARVEL SNAP?

There are two different types of location events in MARVEL SNAP, both of which have a 50% chance of appearing for the next 24 hours.

  • Sunday's Hot Location that always pulls from existing locations.
  • Wednesday's Featured Location that usually shows off new locations, but will pull from the pool of existing locations from time to time.

This helps pave way for new deckbuilding strategies as you may want to be playing something else should the bonus better benefit cards you aren't playing with. We've seen this previously with the featured location, Monster Island, whose boosted appearances meant many players ran Shang-Chi to destroy the 9 Power Monster.

Hot Decks for Milano

If you're looking for ideas of what decks you can play to the Featured Location, we've got you covered: with recommended decks for players just starting out in Series 1, players still moving up through Series 2, and players who are starting to fill their collections with cards from Series 3, 4, and 5.

Series 1 Zoo on the Move

This Series 1 deck has a couple of ways to get extra Power to Milano, with Squirrel Girl summons, Nightcrawler movement, and the Ongoing effect of Mister Fantastic. Play Blue Marvel or Ka-Zar and a 1-Drop to Milano, and call it good.

Kazoo (Pool 1)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Series 2 Movement

This Series 2 Movement deck has ways to get into the featured location, and it's also running some of the frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy to take advantage of some predictable plays by the opponent. If you play Cloak to the featured location on turn 5, you can spend your final turn sending all your high-impact movers there.

Guardians Move (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

Series 3 Move Control

Our first Series 3 deck runs Electro to get an extra 6-Drop on the board, which could be good for playing Magneto and Doctor Doom back-to-back and winning the featured location. If it looks like you won't, then Captain Marvel will swoop in to save the day.

Move Control (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

Series 3 Wong Reveal

If you were thinking this location would be all about Movement, then you're barking up the Wong tree [EDITOR'S NOTE: Oof]. This On Reveal deck can find plenty of ways to get bodies to the featured location without needing to play anything there, with cards like White Tiger, Arnim Zola, and Doctor Doom.

Doom Reveal (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 3 months ago

Series 3 Multiple Movement

Our final deck is a Movement-heavy Series 3 deck that uses Heimdall to fill the featured location with big hitters like Human Torch and Vulture.

What do you think of Milano? Have your own ideas for taking advantage of the featured location? Let us know in the comments below!