Welcome back to another part of the Legends of Runeterra Concept Art Spotlight series (eh, that took a while). We're halfway there, but we ain't livin' on a prayer. Last week, we took a look at Piltover & Zaun. Today, we're going to be looking at Ionia and this will be the longest article in the series. As always, all of this artwork is available to view on Riot's partner site, Six More Vodka. Links to all of the artist's Artstation or Deviantart profiles will also be provided.

Fasten your seatbelt and get comfortable because you'll be on a long ride.

Solitary Monk by Marko Djurdjevic

Marko Djurdjevic provided the artwork for Solitary Monk, which is simply called "Ionian Female" in its original name. A bit passive-aggressive, don't you think?

Navori Conspirator by Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan provided the artwork for Navori Conspirator, internally known as "Ionian Retriever". The main character's pose appears to have stayed the same, although the position of the building he's running from appears to be slightly different and the woman's hand no longer appears to be visible. He also lost the "N" on his hood, because we all already know he isn't Neo Cortex.

Kinkou Wayfinder by Gerald Parel

Gerald Parel provided the art for Kinkou Wayfinder. A little... kinky maybe? Internally, this art uses the name "Kinkou Weaponmaster"

Inspiring Mentor by Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Preliminary sketch of Inspiring Mentor from Claudiu, which uses the name "Kinkou Trainer" internally. Although he still appears to be sitting on a slab of stone, the landscape around him has changed significantly.

Greenglade Lookout by Alessandro Poli

Preliminary of Greenglade Lookout from Alessandro Poli which really gives you the full scope of what's going on, doesn't it? It's actually really cool. Uses the name "Yordle Watch 02" internally ("Yordle Watch 01" appears to be something else entirely).

Yasuo by Gerald Parel

Gerald provided the art for Yasuo in his Leveled Up form, pretty much the champion I think everyone tried to play with at one point. Don't blame them, he's pretty awesome.

Zephyr Sage by Marko Djurdjevic

Marko provided the artwork for Zephyr Sage (known as "Wind Sage" internally), the card which proves that birds can do dagger work too.

Herald of Spring by Monika Palosz

Sketch of Herald of Spring from Monika Palosz. Most notably, the red smoke isn't there yet and the human seems to be giving the heavy metal horns, but the tree to the far right also changed a bit.

Jeweled Protector by Michal Ivan

Preliminary artwork of Jeweled Protector. I don't have a joke for this one, but the artwork has the most interesting internal name we've seen so far, where it's known as "Sky Speaker of the Old Ways".

Silent Shadowseer by Högni Jarleivur Mohr

Högni Jarleivur Mohr provided the artwork for Silent Shadowseer, with the artwork internally named "Spiteful Blade" despite the face that I don't see any spite or blades.

The Empyrean by Michal Ivan

Michal provided the artwork for The Empyrean where you can get a view of how huge this thing actually is. It has the name "Sky Sovereign" internally.

Living Shadow by Michal Ivan

Michal also provided the artwork for the Living Shadow token created by Zed, simply known as "Shadow" internally.

Navori Highwayman by Gerald Parel

Preliminary sketch for Navori Highwayman by Gerald Parel.

Greenglade Caretaker by Gerald Parel

Concept art of Greenglade Caretaker from Gerald Parel. The art is known as "Meadow Warden 02" internally, as "Meadow Warden 01" appears to be an earlier attempt at artwork for the card.

Sparring Student by Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Concept art for Sparring Student from Claudiu, which is known as "Ambitious Student" internally. Notably, the "speed strikes" signifying the direction of the swing are missing in the final artwork.

Unused Art #1 - Yordle Watch 01 by Alessandro Poli

Here is a piece of unused concept art by Alessandro Poli, known as "Yordle Watch 01". The art known as "Yordle Watch 02" would be used for Greenglade Lookout, so it's possible that this artwork was meant to be an earlier representation of the character.

Unused Art #2 - Ionian Male by Marko Djurdjevic

This artwork appears to depict Shen, although this particular art of him is never used anywhere in the game.

Unused Art #3 - Symphony of Shadows by Gerald Parel

A piece of unused art known as "Symphony of Shadows" by Gerald Parel. It appears to depict Zed and it's not clear what this would've been used for.

Unused Art #4 - Meadow Warden 01 by Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

This specific piece of art is never used in the game, but it appears to depict a Greenglade Caretaker. The artwork name seems to suggest that this is an earlier version of the artwork.

Artist: Marko Djurdjevic

Artists: Marko Djurdjevic, Gerald Parel

Artists: Marko Djurdjevic, Michal Ivan, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Michal Ivan, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan, Maki Planas Mata, Marko Djurdjevic

Artists: Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan, Monika Palosz, Michal Ivan, Maki Planas Mata

Artists: Maki Planas Mata, Marko Djurdjevic

Artists: Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan, Gerald Parel, Michal Ivan, Marko Djurdjevic

Artists: Gerald Parel, Michal Ivan, Maki Planas Mata, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Marko Djurdjevic, Högni Jarleivur Mohr

Artists: Maki Planas Mata, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Maki Planas Mata, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Maki Planas Mata, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Högni Jarleivur Mohr, Alessandro Poli, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Högni Jarleivur Mohr, Alessandro Poli, Maki Planas Mata

Artists: Högni Jarleivur Mohr, Alessandro Poli, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Högni Jarleivur Mohr, Alessandro Poli, Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan

Artists: Claudiu-Antoniu Magherusan, Maki Planas Mata, Högni Jarleivur Mohr

Artists: Gerald Parel, Högni Jarleivur Mohr

*breathes heavily* We're finally at the end of this one. Stay tuned next week for Noxus, which should be quite a bit shorter than this one.