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Site Update Notes - March 20, 2024

Submitted 4 months ago by

You can view our previous patch notes for March 18 here. All known issues are being tracked in our dedicated thread.

New Features


  • You can now upload images in the text editor!
    • Click on the image button to get started and then visit the Upload section on the modal.
    • Alteratively, you can paste an image in from your clipboard - perfect for quick screengrabs.
    • We will be monitoring this for abuse. We are not a dedicated image host, we're providing this service to aid our community.



  • Realm headers will now appear for articles we have tagged with a single game.
    • This should help users navigate to more content they care about for that game!

Bug Fixes


  • All collectible cards should now have their pretty style images in decks and the deckbuilder.
  • Decks can once again be saved!


  • The description field during thread editing now appears.

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