Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Death Rattle Atrox

Last updated 2 years ago
  • Archetype Control
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 33600
  • Your Cost 33600
Nifty129's Avatar Banned 0

The way the deck works is fairly straight forward.

You have your darkin weapons, you have your death rattles

Trade off till you can play them for full mana for their much better versions

Who knows maybe you'll even level atrox at some point and turn all your undying into darkin

Maybe...probably not

Ooookay if wr want to run stupid decks that don't do anything I'll just run a shit ton of pings and you'll lose rofl

Was able to beat and trade off with my own very powerful thrall list

Also appreciate the love guys but you played my list too aggressive instead of setting up otk


Just beat vaults of helium by out valuing them can you imagine?

Apparently my bs infinite value shadow isles deck is better than theirs rofl 🤣 


The only real choice here is fading icon vs cursed keeper.

Into aggro icon is better usually, but it's substantially worse into midrange and contro


Okay so unkillable frog pretty funny and good into me but try it against meta decks.

Once again brews only have value if they beat what's good like mine do snipers


I do think fading icon is best because a two bodies equals double the weapon strikes for attrox spell, and again you're only going to be losing into Annie so the two bodies is once again better 

Coupled with wings and the wave, vile feast, crumble, and vengence you have a good control foundation and infinite value.

Unless someone is literally running an unkillable value engine, which you know...they won't be even landmarks will die, you'll win.

I need even more anti unit spam because that's all anyone knows how to play

------final edit----

Now with a full set of black spear I can kill allllll yourrrr unit spamming

Now you actually gotta play me bro

And in that environment you lose I win

I've said it a million times your decks have to actually do something for me to stick around

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