Legends of Runeterra Realm

Legends of Runeterra

1 Characters

Purrsuit of Forgery

Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago
  • Deck Type Ranked
  • Crafting Cost 0
  • Your Cost 0
Neoguli's Avatar Registered User 0

Opening Marks

Hello, everyone! I'm Cooler39140 - one of newcomers to Legends of Runeterra. I fell in love with it after watching some gameplay, and after pre-registering, I came to play. And boy is this game a perfect mix of smooth, but complex gameplay!

This is my first actual deck that I've created - or at least it's the dream version of my deck, which I'm pretty close to finishing. Basically a control deck with a lot of shenanigans you can do and [Hearthstone Card (Purrsuit of Perfection) Not Found] as a finisher.


As some cards of the deck and the title may suggest, this deck is about controlling your opponent as much as you can. You've got a lot of versatile removal - ranging from cheap and single target to expensive and AoE. You've also got a lot of value through [Hearthstone Card (Back Alley Barkeep) Not Found] and [Hearthstone Card (Flash of Brilliance) Not Found]. [Hearthstone Card (Purrsuit of Perfection) Not Found] helps with finishing games and can be also combined with cards like [Hearthstone Card (Counterfeit Copies) Not Found].

In early game, try to estabilish your board with your early game units and use your cheap removal. You want to draw [Hearthstone Card (Counterfeit Copies) Not Found] pretty early into the game to combo it with cards like [Hearthstone Card (Back Alley Barkeep) Not Found] or [Hearthstone Card (Progress Day!) Not Found]. Get to draw other forms of removal aswell in the meantime. If the game goes late, try to play [Hearthstone Card (Purrsuit of Perfection) Not Found] and combo it with other cards if needed.

Notable Cards

[Hearthstone Card (Counterfeit Copies) Not Found] - I'd say it's your bread and butter card for this deck. It enables you to copy important cards to draw them later. This is especially amazing with card generation to summon [Hearthstone Card (Catastrophe) Not Found] faster.

[Hearthstone Card (Back Alley Barkeep) Not Found] - Your main target for Copies due to ti's abilty to generate more cards for each copy of the minion played. Also seems to only give you cards from the regions present in your deck, which adds to consistency.

[Hearthstone Card (Purrsuit of Perfection) Not Found] - Provides a late-game finisher or a last-ditch card to defend your Nexus with its huge stats.

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