Midrange Clock
Last updated 4 years, 10 months ago
- Deck Type Ranked
- Crafting Cost 0
- Your Cost
This deck is mostly meant as midrange deck with barriers and strong spells, but at the same time it has Teemo who asks for removal and/or gets a clock started on the enemy.
How to play: try to get Teemo early, he will either bait out early removed or snowball out of control.
Keep the board with your strong removal units like Laurent Protege, Fleetfeather Tracker and Silverwing Vanguard. Don't be afraid to also trade with your Puffcap Peddlers, they are just additional ticks on the clock and not as important as in other puffcap decks. Garen also helps with keeping the board.
Once Lux is out and Upgraded, she's the one keeping the board clean while the clock keeps ticking. Don't be afraid to use the big spells to get a Final Spark, it's just great removal.
And if possible, hit the enemy with big buffed swings, even if it's not lethal(be carefull of counters though). The clock keeps ticking.
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