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3 Off Meta Decks To Beat Kenin

Submitted 2 years, 6 months ago by

Yeah so you're getting stunned, you're getting comboed out, and burst down and you can't do anything. I know it's frustrating, the meta decks just aren't cutting it right now, and you dont want to play the mirror.

Well boys I've got you covered here are 3 deck concepts that all do well into Kenin, you could call them control lists but they play like midrange.

1. Just challenge everything

Drag that little ****** with laurent protégé or bird as soon as he comes down, and then drag everything else over and over until you get the concede. Keep your singles and sharpsights for reactive plays.

2. Nami TF control

Pings all day long, and lots of attune and draw to keep things flexible. Probably the only "infinite" cycling deck I enjoy because there is some skill involved.

Tf Nami Control
A Runeterra Deck created by Nifty129. Last updated 2 years, 6 months ago

3. Slay Control

Vulnerable is almost as good as challenger, and we have things like vile feast and other sweepers to keep the party rolling. Has the addeded benefit of playing well into other midrange decks.

So yeah if you don't like these lists just build your own, remembering that if you can't out control the combo deck you have to out aggro them consistently so that limits your deck building option to low curve threats like pirate aggro etc. and most people already know those lists so here are the more interesting options.


Swain decks are always strong in combo situations because youre essentially putting them on a clock to go off and they don't run a ton of non self bounces sometimes none. So yeah thats basically all the regions so you can counter Kenen with pretty much anything you want to greater or lesser effect as long as its built right.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Yeah so you're getting stunned, you're getting comboed out, and burst down and you can't do anything. I know it's frustrating, the meta decks just aren't cutting it right now, and you dont want to play the mirror.

    Well boys I've got you covered here are 3 deck concepts that all do well into Kenin, you could call them control lists but they play like midrange.

    1. Just challenge everything

    Drag that little ****** with laurent protégé or bird as soon as he comes down, and then drag everything else over and over until you get the concede. Keep your singles and sharpsights for reactive plays.

    2. Nami TF control

    Pings all day long, and lots of attune and draw to keep things flexible. Probably the only "infinite" cycling deck I enjoy because there is some skill involved.

    Tf Nami Control
    A Runeterra Deck created by Nifty129. Last updated 2 years, 6 months ago

    3. Slay Control

    Vulnerable is almost as good as challenger, and we have things like vile feast and other sweepers to keep the party rolling. Has the addeded benefit of playing well into other midrange decks.

    So yeah if you don't like these lists just build your own, remembering that if you can't out control the combo deck you have to out aggro them consistently so that limits your deck building option to low curve threats like pirate aggro etc. and most people already know those lists so here are the more interesting options.


    Swain decks are always strong in combo situations because youre essentially putting them on a clock to go off and they don't run a ton of non self bounces sometimes none. So yeah thats basically all the regions so you can counter Kenen with pretty much anything you want to greater or lesser effect as long as its built right.

  • TheTriferianGeneral's Avatar
    Soldier 555 878 Posts Joined 02/10/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Only 1 The Box in slay control?

    Given the frequency of turn 4 wayfinders i would run at least 2 copies to always "welcome" our Kennens

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    Yeah bro for sure. Vengeance is probably the cut, doesn't have a lot of great targets these days.

  • Nifty129's Avatar
    Banned 590 1235 Posts Joined 05/29/2020
    Posted 2 years, 6 months ago

    I also wanted to mention a technique that has nothing to do with deck building and will vastly improve your chances into a control or combo matchup known as the reverse aggro pass.

    Ionia needs to reserve mana for fast speed answers into your aggro swings for cards like concussive palm, stunning your attacker and developing a 3/2.

    However these cards are played while the attack is occurring 100% of the time. You can devalue these plays as the aggro deck by developing, looking like you're committing to a swing and simple not attacking.

    Ask yourself how much is the attack worth 4 dmg? Well is that better or worse than the opponent burning 4 mana? In most cases I would argue its worse unless you're closing things out with burn next turn.

    So once again develop aggressively, wait for the attack phase pass they will give you, than dont swing. It will really screw them over when they went down on tempo and didn't develop their free 3/2's.


    The mistake is what I see happen next, the control deck trying to restore tempo now that they have the attack token will open pass back to the aggro player. Do not accept this pass, return to developing there's very little of proactive substance they can do with the token no sweepers, no removal, they can play ez and swing but you can keep up a 2 mana answer while still building board.

    Follow these steps and you will beat Kenin consistently it goes: Develop -> pass -> develop -> counter -> open swing once board is full.

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