With the release of the Rising Tides expansion for Legends of Runeterra we've got a lot of new decks to experiment with. In this series we'll be taking a look at each of the new Champions and share some of the popular decks players are using with them right now. If you've got your own awesome deck you'd like to share, make sure to use our Deckbuilder and post it in the comments section below. First up, we'll explore some of the various decks that are currently being used for Fizz!

Fizz may look small for a Champion, but he's nearly impossible to kill, except by brute force. As long as you have a spell in hand, he can be very difficult to handle. All the decks highlighted today have loads of spells to make sure your opponent will really have to work to get him off the board.

Fizz Card Image
  Fizz Card Image


Fizz Aggro

This deck assaults your opponent with Fizz and Teemo, and utilizes Professor von Yipp to make sure all your 1-cost allies are much more threatening.

The only reason I boarded this ship was to knock over their barrel of oranges. I hate fruit!

Fizz Midrange

In this build you ping away at your opponent's Health until you can buff Fizz and finish them off after a successful Relentless Pursuit or assist from your friendly Citrus Courier.

Fizz Combo

Here you have plenty of spells with the Spinning Axe generation machine, Draven. If you don't kill your opponent with the smaller allies you can always finish them off with a Mind Meld, making your board a force to be reckoned with.

We've had this talk before, Bruce. Fish are friends - NOT food!

Fizz Control

With this one you are basically assaulting your opponent with Elusive units and finishing them off with a Lee Sin high kick to the face.

Fizz Control
A Runeterra Deck created by . Last updated 4 years, 8 months ago