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Joined 02/02/2019 Achieve Points 785 Posts 294

AbusingKel's Comments

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 8 months ago

    Good changes for the meta, despite the fact that I'll miss Poofing all minions with my non-highlander Odyn deck.

    All highlander cards in the set get the same text change but only Reno is available for refund. Another chance to do right by the playerbase scoffed at by Bli$$avision. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 1 year, 6 months ago

    Correct call banning Fanottem from Duels. Too easy to play early in runs and is just massive with Taunt so clearing it is nearly impossible. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 1 year, 7 months ago

    Interesting. I encountered a similar bug in Duels, where my use of Kazakusan shuffled cards into my deck but put a copy of the first treasure chosen into my hand. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 1 year, 8 months ago

    No mention of a fix for the completely broken Groovy Cat / Warmaster's Frenzy interaction for Drek'Thar in Duels. I guess it's going to take a month like the bugged From Golden Light last month. Sad... another month not bothering with my favorite game mode. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 5 months ago

    100% crafting golden Kel even if he's terrible.

    (Unless he's diamond on the reward track)

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 8 months ago

    I'm playing mech mage because that's the deck I got the pieces for in my 50 packs. I could see the shark getting a nerf but think the issue is the synergy, small pool for discover, and the cost reduction. It's one of those decks that's immediately strong and there isn't one standout problem card. I'm definitely seeing mech mage more than any other decks. Not seeing it as a big problem to start, though. It's just easy, efficient, and relatively cheap to craft/build.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    R5 Diamond is ~50% Druid for me right now. All the aggro is way more fun since there's a decent chance to beat it. T5 2x Cenarion Ward shenanigans is even worse (and more consistently reliable) than T5 Kazakusan bullshit. Once again ramp druid proves there's nothing less fun than mana cheating. 

    In reply to Meta evolution
  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    I think the nerf will make it better in the first few matches of a run. If they are struggling to get early wins, those Vanndar decks maybe get abandoned to some extend. However, once they get into 30+ health and their survivability increases, it's still going to be a very dominant build. It is far to easy a strategy for it to be abandoned altogether. It's especially obnoxious with For the Alliance! since that makes their build more reliable (and makes Send in the Scout give only coins!), as well.

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    Nerfing Battle Tactics is a much needed change but it doesn't feel like enough. This change means you have less options for your insanely OP drop on turn 4 or 5 but it's still a similar procession of board bombs turn after turn. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 10 months ago

    These unlock requirements are brutal and should be eliminated. It's a grind that just sucks the fun right out of the shiny new toys. It's frustrating for all the reasons noted: the grind, the sporadic opportunity to even select the new heroes, the sub-optimal decks required. 

    I'm using casual to unlock and it feelsbadman to waste so much time. It's not fun for me (or my opponent, presumably) to immediately concede my first game with an old hero just so I have the option to retire the deck and re-roll for the new heroes. Then the games aren't much fun either, as I do my best to just spam the weak deck built solely to satisfy the random requirement. Blizz, please. Please stop with this locked HP & treasure combo. At least give us all the HP choices so unlocking the treasures doesn't feel so repetitive.


  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 2 years, 11 months ago

    My first few duels runs with traditional heroes went fine. It was on my fourth run with Drek'Thar that caused the rewards screen to break. I was able to login on my phone and tap away at the area where the rewards handle would be and the door swung open (still behind the Resume Screen) and the loot boxes popped up. Collected, then was able to do another run. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    This deck is so much fun. Thanks for sharing!

    @Siegfrieddo - Cheaty Snobold only deals damage to enemies. Definitely worth the craft if possible, as it's crazy powerful. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    In from the starting gun!

    Decklist number one is a Soul Fragment deck with only Shadow spells. 

    Currently 2-1.., lost to a 3 mana, 12 point burst turn by a priest with Fireshaper and the embrace/heal combo. I'll update as I go. 


    NOTE: Power Overwhelming is in my deck, NOT Wicked Whispers. It was not available in the deckbuilder b/c it's HoF.



    5-2 at the moment. recycling and Battle totem have been solid. The losses were ugly lol.


  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Perfect timing, as I was about to start a run when the thread popped up!

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    When is this card going to be fixed? I'm really sick of the BS in wild where it's coined out and immediately followed by a zero mana 6/6 taunt. 

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I know I'm not getting the screen shots and other requirements right. No worries on the credit for runs.

    I'm in this for the challenge of building a deck based on requirements/restrictions. It forces me to try different things and is fun! It's also cool to see what other are doing. Thanks for running these.



  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    FFS... I had a full Scholomance set but DE'd Mindrender Illucia when she was nerfed. I have Jandice Barov in gold but can't DE her or I'd then be missing that one and still wouldn't get her diamond copy. Quite the connundrum! lol

    I should have enough dust if I DE some dupes. Off to check the collection...

  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Botched the pics again... TIL that screenshot won't include the HSDT overlay. lol

    This deck was really fun. 10-3 finish thanks to the insane treasures I was offered. Mummy Magic and Wax Rager are rude AF in a DR build that is fairly light to start. I had back to back games that were just brutal starts for my opponents when I dropped Hunter's Insight on T1 and reduced Undertaker & a choice DR minion for an explosive start. Two other games where Wax Rager came out on curve and ran away with the games.



  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Much better result with an Awaken the Makers priest build. I was too slow with the final screenshot. Got destroyed by a Paladin with Disks of Legend and dropped my all-time favorite minion: Kel'Thuzad! He just started recycling Tirion Fordring... I couldn't even get mad about it. lol



  • AbusingKel's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 785 294 Posts Joined 02/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    The full moon has pushed me to... lunacy. Stalagg and Feugen? Hell yes! Posting my deck image to keep a spot warm. Will add the final results and other images once I get under way. 


    Welp... that was quick. Is there a consolation prize for a lame AF 0-3 run?

    Game 1 vs. QLMage playing few minions. Lucked into a fireball generated by RNG to close it out.
    Game 2 vs. QLHunter playing no minions. Dead on turn 5. Fun.
    Game 3 vs. HPMage that played a turn 8 Mordresh Fire Eye followed by a turn 9 Mordresh Fire Eye.