I think you're underestimating just how bad having a 40 card deck is for most archetypes. Aggro wants to play the highest quality cards possible, and combo wants to get their specific combo cards in hand as quickly as possible. A 40 card deck makes that harder, and the extra 10 health just isn't worth the trade-off. Control is probably the only archetype that would consider running this card, since the 10 health is more valuable and a bigger deck is potentially an upside.
I've only had a little bit of time to play since the set dropped, but yeah dropping Tamsin on curve feels nutty and not all that inconsistent. Glad the deck's been working out!
Oh wow thanks!!! This is my first guide so that's really encouraging :) You have some cool decks/guides too! I'm excited to try out your Gahz'rilla deck, I've had one for years but never found a good way to use it.
Those are really cool combo ideas that I never really considered to be honest! I wrote off Bloodbloom because of its post-nerf cost but you're right, it seems quite good with DOOM!. I love the idea of being able to complete a quest stage in one go while clearing and drawing a bunch of cards, not to mention how outrageously powerful it becomes if you play it with a completed quest, empty deck, and full board. Malchezaar's Imp with Cataclysm is a neat idea too, particularly if you're running Sense Demons.
Thanks for the great ideas, glad you enjoyed the guide!!!
Right? It's my favorite DS game, and has one of the most satisfying stories and endings of any game I've ever played. The gameplay was great too, super unique and never wore out its welcome. It's really a shame that the game didn't get more attention.
Congrats on the pull! Unfortunately I've lost my original decklist from the Barrens meta and haven't had time to make a new from from scratch, but I'm hoping to mess around with it once the expansion launches. I think the addition of the Quest makes it a far better deck, and might be enough to get it out of meme tier.
It's an interesting deckbuilding challenge that comes with a lot of questions - How many ways to draw Hemet do you want to include, and how consistent do you want them to be? How many 4+ cards do you want to potentially remain in your deck after playing Hemet? It's a tricky balance and there's a lot to consider. There are a lot of ways to build a deck around this combo!
Here are a few tips I didn't mention it in the guide:
Healing is essential, yet most of Warlock's healing costs 3 or less. Reno Jackson is a promising solution to this problem since he triggers with an empty deck.
It's possible to complete the quest with fatigue, but it'll probably result in wasted self-damage which could make things dicey.
I'm not too sure how the interaction with the quest and self-damaging draw effects (Life Tap, Backfire, etc.) works. For example, if you're at 5/7 on the quest and life-tap with an empty deck, I suspect that your fatigue damage will happen before the quest completes and not count towards the next stage. However, it's an interaction worth keeping an eye on.
One of the biggest problems with the deck in the Barrens meta was that while you wanted to get through your deck as fast as possible, too much card draw would leave you with an unplayable hand after playing Neeru. With the quest completed and your deck empty, those formerly useless cards turn into outrageous amounts of burst. Tapping and playing Backfire, for example, deals a minimum of twenty damage, and each instance of card draw makes the next even more absurd. This makes stuffing your deck with draw much more appealing.
Whatever way you decide to go with it, I'm sure you'll have a blast. These kind of decks really make Wild feel Wild. Good luck with the build!
Congrats to all the winners! This was my first guide so it was cool to get a shoutout :)
I've done a little bit of theorycrafting for past expansions, but I never thought too hard it so my decks never really made much sense. Writing this guide got me to really think about my deck and its gameplan, which ended up transforming it into something completely different than what I initially had in mind.
I had a ton of fun writing my guide and seeing those that other people made, and I feel like I became a better deckbuilder in the process. I'd love to see more of this kind of giveaway in the future!
This is a great idea for a contest! I love seeing other people's decks. :) The new Warlock Quest has stuck with me since it was announced so I figured I'd try to make it work in Wild. Good luck everyone!
I think you're underestimating just how bad having a 40 card deck is for most archetypes. Aggro wants to play the highest quality cards possible, and combo wants to get their specific combo cards in hand as quickly as possible. A 40 card deck makes that harder, and the extra 10 health just isn't worth the trade-off. Control is probably the only archetype that would consider running this card, since the 10 health is more valuable and a bigger deck is potentially an upside.
Thanks for trying it out, glad you've been having fun with it!
I've only had a little bit of time to play since the set dropped, but yeah dropping Tamsin on curve feels nutty and not all that inconsistent. Glad the deck's been working out!
Oh wow thanks!!! This is my first guide so that's really encouraging :) You have some cool decks/guides too! I'm excited to try out your Gahz'rilla deck, I've had one for years but never found a good way to use it.
Those are really cool combo ideas that I never really considered to be honest! I wrote off Bloodbloom because of its post-nerf cost but you're right, it seems quite good with DOOM!. I love the idea of being able to complete a quest stage in one go while clearing and drawing a bunch of cards, not to mention how outrageously powerful it becomes if you play it with a completed quest, empty deck, and full board. Malchezaar's Imp with Cataclysm is a neat idea too, particularly if you're running Sense Demons.
Thanks for the great ideas, glad you enjoyed the guide!!!
Right? It's my favorite DS game, and has one of the most satisfying stories and endings of any game I've ever played. The gameplay was great too, super unique and never wore out its welcome. It's really a shame that the game didn't get more attention.
Congrats on the pull! Unfortunately I've lost my original decklist from the Barrens meta and haven't had time to make a new from from scratch, but I'm hoping to mess around with it once the expansion launches. I think the addition of the Quest makes it a far better deck, and might be enough to get it out of meme tier.
It's an interesting deckbuilding challenge that comes with a lot of questions - How many ways to draw Hemet do you want to include, and how consistent do you want them to be? How many 4+ cards do you want to potentially remain in your deck after playing Hemet? It's a tricky balance and there's a lot to consider. There are a lot of ways to build a deck around this combo!
Here are a few tips I didn't mention it in the guide:
Whatever way you decide to go with it, I'm sure you'll have a blast. These kind of decks really make Wild feel Wild. Good luck with the build!
Congrats to all the winners! This was my first guide so it was cool to get a shoutout :)
I've done a little bit of theorycrafting for past expansions, but I never thought too hard it so my decks never really made much sense. Writing this guide got me to really think about my deck and its gameplan, which ended up transforming it into something completely different than what I initially had in mind.
I had a ton of fun writing my guide and seeing those that other people made, and I feel like I became a better deckbuilder in the process. I'd love to see more of this kind of giveaway in the future!
This is a great idea for a contest! I love seeing other people's decks. :) The new Warlock Quest has stuck with me since it was announced so I figured I'd try to make it work in Wild. Good luck everyone!
Play Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective - available on the Nintendo DS and mobile devices!