For some classess this will never go on
Great card to resurrect in Priest
Aggro decks will love this
Druid/Shaman dual class minion
There was a Demon that was same and dealt only 2 damage
Very nice merfolk
Tempo token druid incoming
Worse than the Dryads
OKish which is not enough
Draw after two turns? Slow
Not bad but not as good as older spells
This is quite good buffing potentially two beasts or more with Dire Frenzy
Targets face so looks good
Fortunately it is without taunt
This is nice health gain for all classes
Fireball but different and good
Great stats, net you a card - love this
With silence existing this is not good card
very good stats but not much impact
This is much better than it looks, basically draw three cards
For some classess this will never go on
Great card to resurrect in Priest
Aggro decks will love this
Druid/Shaman dual class minion
There was a Demon that was same and dealt only 2 damage
Very nice merfolk
Tempo token druid incoming
Worse than the Dryads
OKish which is not enough
Draw after two turns? Slow
Not bad but not as good as older spells
This is quite good buffing potentially two beasts or more with Dire Frenzy
Targets face so looks good
Fortunately it is without taunt
This is nice health gain for all classes
Fireball but different and good
Great stats, net you a card - love this
With silence existing this is not good card
very good stats but not much impact
This is much better than it looks, basically draw three cards