OT: for the admins - I don't know if you are aware of it but, if I'm not mistaken, tomorrow there will be a Q&A on Reddit with the game Devs. They'll probably say something about the new expansion and maybe will even show some new cards.
No, the current Chooseone cards do not justify the Quest: to be fair, the reward isn't much better than the basic Hero Power with the current card pool.
If you are Token, you want to close the game as fast as possible and Untapped Potential would slow you down by a lot. On the other hand, Control only exists in the form of HealDruid, which is more of a meme archetype right now, and you don't have enough reasons to want the new HP (consider that attacking with your face is a way to receive damage and thus being able to heal).
However, we should consider that Blizz will also support these new archetypes, so I'm sure we'll see at least two good Choose One cards, one of which will be auto include in every Control-ish deck, that will make the Untapped Potential worth experimenting.
Moreover, Biology Project may see some play now: don't mistaken me, it's still a bad card, but it can allow you to leave some unspent mana even in the first stages of the game (at the cost of a considerable drawback tho).
I dislike losing without being able to move a finger. I don't mind losing (it's a game after all), but what I really loathe is doing it while not being able to do the slightest thing. I'm not necessarily referring to OTK decks (not all of them at least): there have been some decks able to generate so much pressure in the first 2/3 turns that made the rest of the game kinda pointless. For example, I still remember HealZoo openings with Kobold Librarian, The Coin, Voodoo Doctor and double Happy Ghoul. Please not again Blizz.
Another thing that I personally dislike is infinite value: value is ok in itself (you would play with vanilla minions otherwise), but 1 card decks are one of the most toxic things for this game if not the most toxic. Infinite value kills the grind during Control matchups and seals the Aggro ones. Completely unfair and stupid, doesn't matter if you are the ones exploiting it or the opponent. Frost Lich Jaina and Deathstalker Rexxar have been an authentic bane for me before the last set rotation and I hope to never ever see something similar to be printed again.
OT: for the admins - I don't know if you are aware of it but, if I'm not mistaken, tomorrow there will be a Q&A on Reddit with the game Devs. They'll probably say something about the new expansion and maybe will even show some new cards.
Ok, here's my choice
No, the current Choose one cards do not justify the Quest: to be fair, the reward isn't much better than the basic Hero Power with the current card pool.
If you are Token, you want to close the game as fast as possible and Untapped Potential would slow you down by a lot. On the other hand, Control only exists in the form of HealDruid, which is more of a meme archetype right now, and you don't have enough reasons to want the new HP (consider that attacking with your face is a way to receive damage and thus being able to heal).
However, we should consider that Blizz will also support these new archetypes, so I'm sure we'll see at least two good Choose One cards, one of which will be auto include in every Control-ish deck, that will make the Untapped Potential worth experimenting.
Moreover, Biology Project may see some play now: don't mistaken me, it's still a bad card, but it can allow you to leave some unspent mana even in the first stages of the game (at the cost of a considerable drawback tho).
We'll see.
Mmh... yeah we may need some Crab tech here lol
Judging just from the trailer, I say that Elise will be this expansion's best girl.
Not even Reno flexing on two camels will change my mind
A guide would be appreciated
Nice 2 drop after a turn 1 quest.
Moreover, a pretty solid card vanilla-wise: that 3 health will usually allow it to survive a trade into the opponent's 1 drop.
The only thing left to see is if the new Quest archetypes will be a thing or not.
Yess new expansion incoming
Now Priest might return to be a class LUL
I dislike losing without being able to move a finger. I don't mind losing (it's a game after all), but what I really loathe is doing it while not being able to do the slightest thing. I'm not necessarily referring to OTK decks (not all of them at least): there have been some decks able to generate so much pressure in the first 2/3 turns that made the rest of the game kinda pointless. For example, I still remember HealZoo openings with Kobold Librarian, The Coin, Voodoo Doctor and double Happy Ghoul. Please not again Blizz.
Another thing that I personally dislike is infinite value: value is ok in itself (you would play with vanilla minions otherwise), but 1 card decks are one of the most toxic things for this game if not the most toxic. Infinite value kills the grind during Control matchups and seals the Aggro ones. Completely unfair and stupid, doesn't matter if you are the ones exploiting it or the opponent. Frost Lich Jaina and Deathstalker Rexxar have been an authentic bane for me before the last set rotation and I hope to never ever see something similar to be printed again.
That's a cool one (I'm ok with playing it again), but I really hope Magnetize shenanigans won't ruin it
Just give us some decent Shadow Priest stuff
Kinda triggered for Priest always getting bad cards till becoming toxic in November every single year.
On the other hand, I'm very excited for all the other cards: I'm sure they'll help at least a couple archetypes to be playable.
I wish I had more cards to play this Brawl... feelsbadman