Priest Quest: " play 7 cards from your opponents deck, reward: 'hero power name', Passive hero power; Your healing effects damages instead"
Warrior Quest "kill 15 minions in your turns, Reward: 'hero power name', Hero Power: Deal 1 damage to a minion and give it 2 attack"
Rogue Quest"Trigger 8 deathrattles of your cards, Reward: 'hero power name', Hero Power: Trigger a friendly deathrattle"
Paladin Quest: " Lose 10 Divine shields on your minions Reward: 'hero power name' Hero Power: Give a friendly minion Divine Shield"
Mage Quest: " Play 10 different spells, Reward: 'hero power name', Passive Hero Power: Spell Damage +3"
Hunter Quest: " Play Summon 10 beasts, Reward: 'hero Power name' Passive Hero Power: Your beasts have rush or Summon a Beast that died thş game. (even have a name; Rescue pet)"
The paladin one might be too weak, the rogue one is definite possibility, if not trigger as a hero power then "all deathrattles trigger twice for you"
Shaman is the battlecry specialist, brann is a battlecry guy from the original expansion. I'm the new version of brann will be hunter related, may or may not be battlecries this time.
(double shudderwock is nuts also as proven when shudderwock first came out :)
I joined the month after naxxramus came out, so I missed out on the naxxramus MONTH card back(the one that came out in the same month naxx came out), I went on to finish naxx on heroic and got the worse looking card back of the 2(green and grey) , i'd like to be able to earn the cardback I missed.
So this is a great idea and i'm sure blizzard just wanted to give a participation award for this blast from the past visiting the molten core.
Yeah thats what I do , I just use the thank you emote at the end of the game if it wasn't particularly well played, it's still good to be decent to a fellow player.
Of course that and everything else could be taken the wrong way if they're already tilted due to randomness or whatever. Saying "well met" at the end especially can be taken the wrong way, even if it was an accidental wrong emote. That one can be re-themed to be "welcome to the game, you're obviously new because you're bad" etc
Even if I play what I think was a balanced even game (not a trample one way or the other) if I try to add people when I win; most of the time they wont anyway.
I have a much better chance if I lost. Fragile Ego's being what they are.
p.s. everytime I play I emote hello at the start, then block all emotes. Just got sick of mungrels abusing emotes to rub in their win or a lucky swing draw. I'll still emote well played even though I cant see what the response is.
The obvious way to "break" this card is to reduce it's cost , a warlock summoning stone will reduce it to 1 as will the priest card that was nerfed.
So there probably will be a viable (or fun) mech warlock or mech priest. Late in the game it will still allow any mech to deal 2x mana to the opponents face.
I can also see druid, shaman , warrior and of course hunter making use of this card.
Netdecking always happens even when there wasnt a net, any sort of communication about what people are playing will do it.
The only solution is something that blizzard could do but probably wont, and thats check to see if you're using a netdeck (easily done) and make sure you're in the queue with others doing the same.
If you're not using a netdeck then it could prioritize playing somebody who isnt also.
I like it lots of combo disrupter cards, they're not hard counters which give them a chance to bypass the disruption but theres some way to fight combo now. before there was nothing if you didnt draw well and smash them quick you died to the mesh of card draw, mass removal then the combo.
You could add Secret Plan giving you some control options
No It wont shuffle, it will just remove all duplicates from BOTH players decks once. That way shuffle rogues will get some pain too
I'm thinking it will be a neutral card that removes all duplicates from both players decks, probably cost about 6 or 7
You can also get them to attack say your own gurubashi beserker which would survive and gain 12 attack
I'm thinking priest could be play X deathrattles again with double rattle passive as reward thought they may want to change it up from the old quest.
Priest: might be something like : HEAL X damage. reward: Hero power heal 3 and random enemy takes 2 damage.
Rogue might be assassinate X minions. reward: passive: kill a minion get a coin and a random spell (from any class)
Mage, Cast 3 spells in one turn 3 times. reward: passive: all spells you draw gain twinspell
Hunter: Play X spells reward put a random hunter spell in your hand at the end of every turn.
Paladin: Play X minions with 1 attack. Passive: All minions played gain attack equal to their health
Warrior: Play X rush minions: Passive All your minions have +1 attack and reborn.
Just guesses.
The priest QUEST is likely double rattlecry effects then, it seems to be similar to single player ENEMY hero powers for quest rewards
Shaman is the battlecry specialist, brann is a battlecry guy from the original expansion. I'm the new version of brann will be hunter related, may or may not be battlecries this time.
(double shudderwock is nuts also as proven when shudderwock first came out :)
I joined the month after naxxramus came out, so I missed out on the naxxramus MONTH card back(the one that came out in the same month naxx came out), I went on to finish naxx on heroic and got the worse looking card back of the 2(green and grey) , i'd like to be able to earn the cardback I missed.
So this is a great idea and i'm sure blizzard just wanted to give a participation award for this blast from the past visiting the molten core.
Except for stranglethorn, hearthstone has been all those other places specifically in past adventures. But I think the OP is very close to the theme,
remember also that the LEAGUE of evil STOLE the city for the master plan, so what would you do with a hijacked city of magic
Reno is definitely the paladin (well a rogueish one)
Elise will be mage
Brann will be hunter
so that leaves finley the druid
Could also throw in a shirvallah if you have it probably play enough mana in spells to put her out late game :)
With the 2x call to adventures I dont think yhou need a piper
Could also possibly put equality in there, even at 4 mana it's still very effective
Yeah thats what I do , I just use the thank you emote at the end of the game if it wasn't particularly well played, it's still good to be decent to a fellow player.
Of course that and everything else could be taken the wrong way if they're already tilted due to randomness or whatever. Saying "well met" at the end especially can be taken the wrong way, even if it was an accidental wrong emote. That one can be re-themed to be "welcome to the game, you're obviously new because you're bad" etc
Even if I play what I think was a balanced even game (not a trample one way or the other) if I try to add people when I win; most of the time they wont anyway.
I have a much better chance if I lost. Fragile Ego's being what they are.
p.s. everytime I play I emote hello at the start, then block all emotes. Just got sick of mungrels abusing emotes to rub in their win or a lucky swing draw. I'll still emote well played even though I cant see what the response is.
The obvious way to "break" this card is to reduce it's cost , a warlock summoning stone will reduce it to 1 as will the priest card that was nerfed.
So there probably will be a viable (or fun) mech warlock or mech priest. Late in the game it will still allow any mech to deal 2x mana to the opponents face.
I can also see druid, shaman , warrior and of course hunter making use of this card.
Netdecking always happens even when there wasnt a net, any sort of communication about what people are playing will do it.
The only solution is something that blizzard could do but probably wont, and thats check to see if you're using a netdeck (easily done) and make sure you're in the queue with others doing the same.
If you're not using a netdeck then it could prioritize playing somebody who isnt also.
I'm sure you're working on it , just wanting to know the ETA.
You always have to build for the last boss, so it helps having seem them before.
even without face damage, a number of hunter spells can damage minions which are enhanced with this for board control
I like it lots of combo disrupter cards, they're not hard counters which give them a chance to bypass the disruption but theres some way to fight combo now. before there was nothing if you didnt draw well and smash them quick you died to the mesh of card draw, mass removal then the combo.