Theres too many non-interactible, auto win cards that sit in peoples hands that actually way more frustrating to play against that having your op win condition removed.
However Theotar stealing the card is probably too rough, I would have gone with a neutral version of the rogue one that puts the card back into there deck
Yes riot is doing better with it's "tavern brawl" but it was a feature added upon from hearthstones tavern brawl, and thats the nature of feature copying.
The new guy will improve on the original.
Given tavern brawls arent rewarding classic packs soon, they may well give packs of the phoenix instead (thats my guess) which may get people playing it again.
I played a lot of tavern brawl as a casual player and I dont play it much now , I think it's still ok for it to be a fun addition for new players to mix up the game a bit and earn a small card bonus for your collection.
I'm not phazed that they arent spending any time making new brawls, given theres duels and other content like champions coming.
Yeah it;s a good question, if the next minion has a battlecry will that get passed on after also? I'd say from the wording it will just be the spelldamage +2 and the rattle which spreads it.
This is exactly LIKE an adventure, you used to pay 2700 gold to get about the same number of cards but you'd get single player missions and have to earn all the cards by playing those missions.
This is just the same without the extra content, though the hall of heroes does have some single player missions trickling in.
I'm fine with it.
You can even just open normal packs from dark moon faire and not pay the 2000 gold to instantly get all the new cards. (though the chances at getting the 4 legends wont be high)
I play a lot of alt characters, who on the old system pretty much did their daily quests and nothing else.
A few of those alts only play till they get their 5 wins per month also.
The new system I have a few alts that have played ALL weeklies and dailies every week.
I have not payed for the pass on any of these characters:
My most advanced character (my main basically) is at 42
My least played is at about 27 and the others are somewhere in between, mostly in the 30's somewhere.
generally I'd find that the lesser played one's would do all of the dailies and about half the weeklies, that is it would take 2 weeks to complete the weeklies.
My guess is they will have a basic set that may change each year and a classic set that WILL rotate each year.
basic cards may or may not change yearly, you just get them anyway they're all free (as long as you've reached level 10 in the appropriate class)
if you own a classic card thats going to rotated out you'll still keep your card but get the "REPLACEMENT" card free . If you already own the replacement card you'll get the crafting essence value.
The question each year will just be whether a card is staying in classic or basic or leaving to wild, and what the replacement card will be for each change.
Yeah thats the idea, you get more rewards "ticks" as you rise to the level 50 (which will be 100) at the same rate as before. So it will FEEL more rewarding.
But will it give more gold overall between expansions? Dont know might be the same as what the change was in the first update to it.
No real change, just tickles that dopamine receptor :)
I've been playing since naxxramus came out and power creep is really apparent now, all the new sets are so much stronger than basics (and a lot of the classics)
I used to play some ONLY basic decks to see how they'd fare and they do much worse than they did only a couple of years ago, mostly I think it's because the advent of value sets: cards that make other cards and just very efficient aggro tools.
So it'll be interesting to see what they do with the basic set.
Classic i'd like to see it rotate in and out cards each year from old sets. It is a lot of work for somebody however (or multiple people even)
Alternate universes are cool, but you dont NEED to make copies of the heroes for those universes, you really just can make a whole bunch of new named champions with different abilities.
Of course if the ability is VERY close to the original champion then sure having an "alternate" universe version of the same champion would be fine.
The big question for me is: will there be new weekly/daily quest(s) available when the patch goes live? I hope so.
Yep there definitely is, and all the pay stuff is purely cosmetic so you just pay if you want it. If you go to the heartstone main web site a video they made earlier goes through the changes.
Interesting deck as always funki but I would have swapped out the freshmen for disciples of galakrond since you have him in there. (for late game value) depends I guess if you want early sticky minions.
It's very much the way mtg arena is doing it, though they have gold quests, and give xp for those as well as xp for normal wins per week/day.
It'll be much more exciting than just quests for gold actually, will give people more reasons to play beyond their quests too which is a good thing.
You can also play a lot and level up your "battlepass" over one weekend for example, then not play for a bit and still get rewarded for the more intense time you put in.
After it rotates out of standard is still 2 years from now. so thats another 4 types that will be made before it becomes "discover a card from the board's expansion" which is fine actually.
Theres too many non-interactible, auto win cards that sit in peoples hands that actually way more frustrating to play against that having your op win condition removed.
However Theotar stealing the card is probably too rough, I would have gone with a neutral version of the rogue one that puts the card back into there deck
So it;'s not gone forever just delayed.
My guess will be that it will start as a weapon with a reasonably high attack, 4 or 5 but with 1 durability
Rattle says: destroy enemy minion and summon the minion with deathrattle: equip this weapon.
That way you go killing enemies with the weapon, summon a copy and when the minion dies weapon comes back again.
Just needs better wording than i gave it.
I'll miss broomstick in rotation, made all my weirdo decks actually playable by giving them some board control.
Yeah it's just silly, 1 mana is the easist card ever to corrupt, so it's nearly always 1 mana for +2 to minion and +2 to weapon.
Yes riot is doing better with it's "tavern brawl" but it was a feature added upon from hearthstones tavern brawl, and thats the nature of feature copying.
The new guy will improve on the original.
Given tavern brawls arent rewarding classic packs soon, they may well give packs of the phoenix instead (thats my guess) which may get people playing it again.
I played a lot of tavern brawl as a casual player and I dont play it much now , I think it's still ok for it to be a fun addition for new players to mix up the game a bit and earn a small card bonus for your collection.
I'm not phazed that they arent spending any time making new brawls, given theres duels and other content like champions coming.
Tavern brawl I think is fine as it is.
Yeah it;s a good question, if the next minion has a battlecry will that get passed on after also? I'd say from the wording it will just be the spelldamage +2 and the rattle which spreads it.
This is exactly LIKE an adventure, you used to pay 2700 gold to get about the same number of cards but you'd get single player missions and have to earn all the cards by playing those missions.
This is just the same without the extra content, though the hall of heroes does have some single player missions trickling in.
I'm fine with it.
You can even just open normal packs from dark moon faire and not pay the 2000 gold to instantly get all the new cards. (though the chances at getting the 4 legends wont be high)
Yeah I'm liking the set reveal so far, both art and mechanics.
I play a lot of alt characters, who on the old system pretty much did their daily quests and nothing else.
A few of those alts only play till they get their 5 wins per month also.
The new system I have a few alts that have played ALL weeklies and dailies every week.
I have not payed for the pass on any of these characters:
My most advanced character (my main basically) is at 42
My least played is at about 27 and the others are somewhere in between, mostly in the 30's somewhere.
generally I'd find that the lesser played one's would do all of the dailies and about half the weeklies, that is it would take 2 weeks to complete the weeklies.
My guess is they will have a basic set that may change each year and a classic set that WILL rotate each year.
basic cards may or may not change yearly, you just get them anyway they're all free (as long as you've reached level 10 in the appropriate class)
if you own a classic card thats going to rotated out you'll still keep your card but get the "REPLACEMENT" card free . If you already own the replacement card you'll get the crafting essence value.
The question each year will just be whether a card is staying in classic or basic or leaving to wild, and what the replacement card will be for each change.
Yeah thats the idea, you get more rewards "ticks" as you rise to the level 50 (which will be 100) at the same rate as before. So it will FEEL more rewarding.
But will it give more gold overall between expansions? Dont know might be the same as what the change was in the first update to it.
No real change, just tickles that dopamine receptor :)
I've been playing since naxxramus came out and power creep is really apparent now, all the new sets are so much stronger than basics (and a lot of the classics)
I used to play some ONLY basic decks to see how they'd fare and they do much worse than they did only a couple of years ago, mostly I think it's because the advent of value sets: cards that make other cards and just very efficient aggro tools.
So it'll be interesting to see what they do with the basic set.
Classic i'd like to see it rotate in and out cards each year from old sets. It is a lot of work for somebody however (or multiple people even)
I'm a very casual player but I've been making sure I get my weekly 7 wins and dailies done i'm at 29 as of today
Alternate universes are cool, but you dont NEED to make copies of the heroes for those universes, you really just can make a whole bunch of new named champions with different abilities.
Of course if the ability is VERY close to the original champion then sure having an "alternate" universe version of the same champion would be fine.
Yep there definitely is, and all the pay stuff is purely cosmetic so you just pay if you want it. If you go to the heartstone main web site a video they made earlier goes through the changes.
This guy is also a potential random drop from a certain lackey, that sort of synergizes with other lackeys you may get.
Interesting deck as always funki but I would have swapped out the freshmen for disciples of galakrond since you have him in there. (for late game value) depends I guess if you want early sticky minions.
I'd still prefer if you could JUST buy the skin, I dont really want to pay for packs I dont need just to get the skin.
It's very much the way mtg arena is doing it, though they have gold quests, and give xp for those as well as xp for normal wins per week/day.
It'll be much more exciting than just quests for gold actually, will give people more reasons to play beyond their quests too which is a good thing.
You can also play a lot and level up your "battlepass" over one weekend for example, then not play for a bit and still get rewarded for the more intense time you put in.
After it rotates out of standard is still 2 years from now. so thats another 4 types that will be made before it becomes "discover a card from the board's expansion" which is fine actually.