This is an OP rogue card if i've ever seen one. Wild player's are going to have a damn good time with their quests and the pogo hoppers will be humongous. Then there's the fact that it's a 1 cost spell. Gadzooks.
I think this makes a really nice class card and i am glad it's not neutral. Shadow priest can use this to their advantage, and silence priest can... yes.
This is interesting. By playing your 1-cost minions you can draw cards that are guaranteed to be spells. Off the top of my head i can't formulate any scenarios in standard, but i think this card may be very strong if built around.
I don't think that there will be any problem reducing the cost of this card. Zoo decks now have their very own demon giant. Outstanding move.
Definitely flexible but way better when generated by other cards rather than putting it in a deck.
Huge synergy with tokens/bloodlust/murlocs/hero power. Murlocs for days.
Absolutely disgusting. Year of the murloc?
Well it seems like some keywords are for flavour, because this is clearly an echo effect. Very good card regardless.
I typically don't play murloc decks but this card seems to be an auto-include for them.
This is an OP rogue card if i've ever seen one. Wild player's are going to have a damn good time with their quests and the pogo hoppers will be humongous. Then there's the fact that it's a 1 cost spell. Gadzooks.
Extremely solid weapon with some good synergy that rogue can abuse. Really nice to see good weapons these days.
This is a disgusting addition to silence priest and i love it.
I think this makes a really nice class card and i am glad it's not neutral. Shadow priest can use this to their advantage, and silence priest can... yes.
Wow, obsidian jr. is going to be in a LOT of priest decks. It's good on it's own.
I can't believe you've done this.... secret paladin now seems quite OP. Again.
Well holy shit this is a very good card. Mage is going to be way more fun this year. Mini Flamewaker, but it is also a beast which is a cherry on top.
The math checks out!
Decent if you have very cheap spells.
A perfect vessel for spell damage. Twinspell makes it also very versatile having multiple pings at your disposal.
Good mech hunter card, where ever mech hunter exists.
It has potential but it's very narrow potential. If there were a control hunter deck, maybe this would be worth trying?
This is interesting. By playing your 1-cost minions you can draw cards that are guaranteed to be spells. Off the top of my head i can't formulate any scenarios in standard, but i think this card may be very strong if built around.
This is a very cool card for a token deck. I guess the Twinspell keyword costs 1 mana?
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