My level is in the mid-30s at this point; i have played way more than i anticipated. Very curios as well what their battle pass will entail.
Agree on performance, it is so smooth and i love the character movement. Many of the guns took some practice with handling (Mozambique here!) but i did find several that i like to use. Longbow with skullpiercer, havoc with select fire, 301 carbine with bullets, and damn, that peacekeeper is strong.
I didn't realize until i looked into it that they never even announced or marketed the game beforehand. They just released it and said 'Hey guys here's Apex have fun!' so people had to just try it. Certainly made some more sense as to how it just came out of nowhere and was talked about everywhere.
I would like to see some more balance for the legends because it seems like Lifeline and Bangalore are picked in almost every match, with Wraith and Bloodhound not too far behind. When i started i tried playing Gibraltar a bunch of times and although i do enjoy his kit for the most part it's a little underwhelming in comparison. Those hitbox adjustments can't come soon enough either.
Welcome to HearthStation all! As of the creation of this thread, the website is still undergoing (very competent) development. As such, there will be surely be some problems or interruptions from time to time. In the likely event that you are the first to discover something that is not working as intended, please do let us know in this forum (with a NEW thread!) if you have a minute! If you are not sure if a thing is doing what is should be you can let us know that too, and we would be happy to shed some light on it and investigate!
When reporting bugs or other errors, please try to include as much information as possible. The more we have to go on, the easier it will be to solve! This would include things like the URL (, what you were doing at the time, a good description of what the problem is, a method of replicating this issue if possible, and even the time. All reports are greatly appreciated and play a part in building HearthStation to be the most reliable and feature-rich fan site for Hearthstone.
If you have ideas, suggestions, or feedback, we encourage you to share your thoughts in the Site Feedback & Ideas forum!
My wife got me to play this game with her reluctantly. I regret to admit that it is very fun and i keep playing it. I hate EA, but the developers are cool, as is the gameplay. I unlocked my first additional legend, Caustic, but i sort of wished i had chosen Mirage afterwards. Fortunately i read that Caustic is getting buffed. Anyway, has anyone else gotten into this lately.
The teasers have developed an interesting concept and it seems many are excited about the possibilities. Especially with the recent leak of Dalaran on one of the cards, there's a lot of talk about Violet Hold. I for one have a good feeling about the direction they are going with the lore of these new sets. Any bold predictions before they spill the beans?
Looking forward to see what they produce. I suppose from one perspective it sucks that all these people responsible for making Hearthstone what it is leaving Blizzard, but from another it's cool that there will be some people who may take Hearthstone in a different and better direction.
Definitely hyped to see what this is all about. The last few sets didn't really do anything for me and I played very little. Hopefully the Year of the Dragon will change that.
Good luck all!
My level is in the mid-30s at this point; i have played way more than i anticipated. Very curios as well what their battle pass will entail.
Agree on performance, it is so smooth and i love the character movement. Many of the guns took some practice with handling (Mozambique here!) but i did find several that i like to use. Longbow with skullpiercer, havoc with select fire, 301 carbine with bullets, and damn, that peacekeeper is strong.
I didn't realize until i looked into it that they never even announced or marketed the game beforehand. They just released it and said 'Hey guys here's Apex have fun!' so people had to just try it. Certainly made some more sense as to how it just came out of nowhere and was talked about everywhere.
I would like to see some more balance for the legends because it seems like Lifeline and Bangalore are picked in almost every match, with Wraith and Bloodhound not too far behind. When i started i tried playing Gibraltar a bunch of times and although i do enjoy his kit for the most part it's a little underwhelming in comparison. Those hitbox adjustments can't come soon enough either.
Welcome Liid!
I like the card designs thus far. Seems like this will be a fun and fresh set.
Welcome to HearthStation all! As of the creation of this thread, the website is still undergoing (very competent) development. As such, there will be surely be some problems or interruptions from time to time. In the likely event that you are the first to discover something that is not working as intended, please do let us know in this forum (with a NEW thread!) if you have a minute! If you are not sure if a thing is doing what is should be you can let us know that too, and we would be happy to shed some light on it and investigate!
When reporting bugs or other errors, please try to include as much information as possible. The more we have to go on, the easier it will be to solve! This would include things like the URL (, what you were doing at the time, a good description of what the problem is, a method of replicating this issue if possible, and even the time. All reports are greatly appreciated and play a part in building HearthStation to be the most reliable and feature-rich fan site for Hearthstone.
If you have ideas, suggestions, or feedback, we encourage you to share your thoughts in the Site Feedback & Ideas forum!
My wife got me to play this game with her reluctantly. I regret to admit that it is very fun and i keep playing it. I hate EA, but the developers are cool, as is the gameplay. I unlocked my first additional legend, Caustic, but i sort of wished i had chosen Mirage afterwards. Fortunately i read that Caustic is getting buffed. Anyway, has anyone else gotten into this lately.
Questions to those who enjoy building decks in Hearthstone:
Questions to those who avoid deck building:
The teasers have developed an interesting concept and it seems many are excited about the possibilities. Especially with the recent leak of Dalaran on one of the cards, there's a lot of talk about Violet Hold. I for one have a good feeling about the direction they are going with the lore of these new sets. Any bold predictions before they spill the beans?
Looking forward to see what they produce. I suppose from one perspective it sucks that all these people responsible for making Hearthstone what it is leaving Blizzard, but from another it's cool that there will be some people who may take Hearthstone in a different and better direction.
Definitely hyped to see what this is all about. The last few sets didn't really do anything for me and I played very little. Hopefully the Year of the Dragon will change that.
Wow, i legitimately think the 'US Only' items look terrible, but perhaps the real things are better.
I am looking forward to this year for Hearthstone. Seems like some much more interesting and original lore will be involved in the coming sets.
Welcome! This is most definitely still in Beta stages, but awesome to see you found your way here.
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Use this sub-forum to discuss everything Hunter related. Discuss strategies, lore, cards, deck-building, archetypes, and more!
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