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Joined 08/03/2019 Achieve Points 295 Posts 72

Dunyil's Comments

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 1 year, 1 month ago

    Can't be sure what Blizzard thinks will make the game 'healthy' but in wild, I would certainly recommend the below adjustments to make the meta less stale and oppressive:


    Twig of the World Tree - 6 mana, 3 durability; (slow the rate of the obvious T4-5 mana cheat)

    Swordfish - 2/2, buff weapon and minion +1 attack; (currently Swordfish is too strong given how consistently it is tutored)

    Cavern Shinyfinder - Combo: Draw a Weapon; 

    Illuminate - If it's a holy spell reduce by (2) mana; (reduce the Big Priest spell fishing for T3 Neptulon pulls)

    Neptulon's Hand - Cannot attack; (can only attack when Neptulon does; not as individual units)

    Clownfish - Your next Murloc costs (2) less; (reduce the huge swing turns from Murloc Shaman)

    Time Warp - The next turn is yours; (no longer an EXTRA turn- non stackable)

    Prince Renathal - 40HP; (agro is just too dominant)

    Anonymous Informant - 3 mana;

    Contract Conjurer - Costs (2) less for every secret you control.


    Highly doubt any changes other than Twig will occur, however.

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    I desperately hope that this is not the extent of their 'wild adjustments' becuase they do not come close.

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 1 year, 3 months ago

    Some very interesting points have been raised. 
    There’s a common misconception that wild is just a graveyard for old cards, decks and metas to be immortalised in history in their current state. As a result, people have an impression that these cards cannot be adjusted or balanced as it might ‘spoil’ the preservation of what they were in standard. Classic format has proved that this limits the amount of enjoyment that can be had.

    Wild needs to be viewed not as a fixed hall of fame but instead a live meta, like standard is. Just as every new expansion printed joins the standard card pool, it also enters the wild card pool and thus, the cards in wild need to be adjusted to reflect the changes. It is inevitable that new cards with create toxic relationships with some of the existing cards.

    Based upon what the wild community has been asking for, and as a strictly wild player myself, there are no issues with making card adjustments for the sake of the health of the format. People do not want to lose the playability and nostalgia of their greater collection due to a select few unruly decks that abuse combinations or mechanics that were never contemplated due to cards being printed years apart or not designed together. 

    Yes wild is wild, yada yada yada, but wild doesn’t mean unplayable, unenjoyable, or unbalanced, it means that it has a vast arrangement of combinations, collections and play styles outside of the limited standard mode

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    If played with Brann Bronzebeard would it draw two cards and reduce each card by (2) or (4)?

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    This seems... overly generous...?

    hey, I’m not complaining though

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Mark of the Spikeshell will be a very useful card. As far as I can gather, the taunt package has two major components: Greybough and the often forgotten [Hearthstone Card (Archspore Msshi’fn) Not Found]. The mark will give you multiple copies of both, which is a huge bonus. It also appears to work on enemy minions like Seance does!

    [Hearthstone Card (Pride’s fury) Not Found] is disappointingly not a nature spell.

    Thickhide Kodo is a lot better than you suggest. It will have a strong place in Agro metas due to the armour gain alone

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    What an awesome mechanic. Great concept for something original with lots of potential to build upon in the future.

    a lot of hate for something different that is not deemed immediate or reactive. T

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Cool card, great concept and underrated power level. A lot of mana value here and good flexibility

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Pretty mehspending (2) mana for a (3) mana reduction. Even if it tutors one draw. I can only imagine this being incredibly powerful for enabling a high cost beast to be copied by Germination, the turn after played and the discount is applied. 

    I would imagine that this implies that Druid will not be getting many large draw cards to replace  Overflow, instead mini tutors such as this.

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    It looks like Wintergrasp could be the third expansion. 
    Dean did mention something about testing ‘vehicle cards’ that would replace your hands with buttons. Much like the siege engines in WoW...
    It would be a cool melting pot for a Horde vs Alliance showdown.

    In reply to Forged in the Barrens
  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Another known issue: I was just OTK’d by a Mozaki Mage on turn 8 where he drew his entire deck and dealt 40+ damage to me. 
    definitely not healthy

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Apologies for the confusion, and allow me to correct myself:

    ”Tickatus is not a ‘low-enough power level’ card, it is completely devastating”.

    although the point still remains that I am saying tha it IS devastating; which is contrary to what Dean was saying (I did “read the whole thing”). Surely you can read between my poorly paraphrased semantics and understand the substance of the content, instead of implying that I missed the point by not quoting him verbatim.


  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    Tickatus is not a “low-enough power level” card, it is completely devastating and can be tutored into play way to easily. Needs to be fixed.

    edit: revised paraphrasingas per feedback below.

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    A shame that they couldn’t incorporate ‘Choose One’ into the wording as it would be great to play with Keeper Stalladris

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 4 months ago

    A+ for set flavour. The play on the “Wacky Races” cartoon is very nostalgic, and the trailer was short but sweet.

    The set continues with the fun and quirky play style brought back to the game with MDF, and encourages interesting mechanics and quirks instead of the more boring dimensions of “deal X damage”, which is great. The cards all compliment existing strategies perfectly and have the potential to bring some new decks to the meta.

    for a mini-set that is specifically designed to add ‘fun’ to a stale meta, this will do exactly that, but without being necessarily overpowered. 
    My only gripe is that despite Mage, Priest and Warlock being lower on the meta list at the moment, they are getting yet another legendary (rouge too) when they already have the Reno hero/Galakrond package (all-be-it for only another couple of months). I would have liked the rarity distribution to lend in another class’ favour.

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    You are right about the Skull, the draw engine and cost reduction is too powerful. I’m guessing it will leave standard with the next rotation so Blizzard might be keeping it as/is in the hopes that it might one day enable the fabled “Big Demon Hunter”

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Personally, I’ve never understood the purpose of a post like this... Oh well, to each their own.

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    I do agree, missing Paladin does seem like an oversight. There is a lot of power in that class at the moment and it’s prevalence over the last 4-5 months is wearing thin 

  • Dunyil's Avatar
    295 72 Posts Joined 08/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Good changes all around. I was very nervous all these battlegrounds antics were going to distract from standard nerfs, leaving us to wait weeks for changes.


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