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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I don't think it's that out there, just a smart and slightly overlooked pick.  It's been around since a month or so ago when people brought it to grandmasters.  It's favored against Mage which is the majority of the field.  It doesn't do well against warrior but with so many mages you don't expect a lot of warrior.  The undertaker side deck is solid against warrior but it's still warrior favored if they play it a certain way.

    The problem was that now with Luna's Pocket Galaxy, even mage's bad matchups become super winnable if you draw that card.  That card has pushed that deck over from being one of the strongest decks in the meta with a high skill cap and some highroll potential, to a high skill cap deck with the highroll potential of easily winning any matchup.  

    Pocket should probably go to 6.

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Battletag: heavyrocks#1293
    Region: NA
    Trade Only?: Yes, you first.  

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    doesn't kill a board of giants, unplayable.  

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    This has the potential to be really strong with the right cards but with what we currently have it seems kind of meh.  it's basically spirit of the shark but might be a bit more flexible to use.  Shaman doesn't actually have many good battlecries right now, and the ones they have don't actually have synergy with this.  There are some decent neutrals but nothing you can build around.

    I would assume they're going to give some battlecry support for this, and hopefully that comes with this expac.  The 2/3 that draws a card if you have a quest seems good for getting the quest done quick.  

  • duppie's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago
    Quote From AliRadicali

    I dislike nerfing CC because the card is fine in a vacuum. It's oppressive due to the availability of discountable minions, and especially Mountain Giant because there are only 2 minions that cost 12.

    Some people want there to be another 12-cost minion with crap stats to hurt the MG+CC combo, but that's rather awkward because 10+ mana discountable minions are still very strongly associated with giants. An inelegant but effective solution would be to have CC summon minions for the manacost they were played rather than their printed cost. It'd probably kill the conjurer deck though, and I'm not convinced that something that drastic is warranted. It may be a top tourney deck, but it's not like there's no competition to it, and ladder is still all mech hunters and bomb warriors.


    If you're that bothered by conjurer mage, try playing aggro for a bit. Mages are a free win and you'll quickly come to resent warriors instead.


    This is the situation pretty much spot on.  It's a cool mage deck but maybe a bit overpowered, but tinkering with it in almost any way probably kills it. 

    I also think changing the mana cost of grave horror up or down one would make the deck a lot more balanced.  Getting boardlocked by several giant taunts is what makes the deck so strong even against aggressive decks.  


    Quote From Lightspoon

    Giants as always been good cards in different kind of decks, both control and aggro, but they've never been the problem. Conjurer's Calling is the problem: too much value, low cost, very flexible, too powerfull. HoF'ing or nerfing giants is not the right solution: CC is what should be addressed.

    I would strongly disagree.  Conjurer's calling is a pretty balanced card when you're not talking about mana cheat giant situations.  I would say if you're going to nerf this or giant you probably just nerf this though.  A one mana bump on conjurer's calling is another possible solution, if a solution is needed.

    In reply to Krapgar
  • duppie's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Pulling this from Mana cyclone is going to be interesting.  On one hand it's kind of a brick spell because 10 mana, but on the other hand it can win you games you have no business winning, especially with the new priest spell they printed.

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    This card is very good.  Helps negate the tempo/card advantage loss of playing a quest.  Will be auto include in quest decks.  Not much to say about it but I like it.  

  • duppie's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Not sure if this is good.  It's definitely not as good as the warlock and rogue lackey generators in a tempo battle, but if it sticks for more than a turn that is some pretty strong value.  

    It's a bad tempo card because you don't get a lackey when you play it and it's a 0/2.  0/2 is really bad with backstab/SI being in every rogue deck.  


    Maybe in a slower shaman deck or just a slower meta in general it has the potential to be powerful.  

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I'm really enjoying the current meta.  There is a pretty decent selection of decks, not a ton of polarization, and some of the top meta decks are really fun in my opinion.  I love bomb warrior and cyclone mage.  

    It makes sense hunter is the most popular class among all ranks despite it not being "the best deck" or even close to it.  Both of it's decks counter warrior well enough which is one of the top decks, and mech hunter is the easiest deck in the meta and one of the few true face decks.  Mech hunter gets worse the higher the skill level goes (hasn't won a single match in GM) but on ladder the warrior matchup and non optimal counterplay keeps it afloat.  It's definitely not hunterstone, but there are a lot of hunters.

    Rogue is still super strong.  As a lot of people thought, Rogue was so good it could be nerfed hard and still be a top class.  Vendetta/Shark and Tempo Rogue  are both great.  Hooktusk Rogue seems mediocre to me but it seems to have the better winrates for Rogue decks.  Surprising because it's warrior matchup is pretty bad but I also think the lists are more often refined whereas some of the other Rogue decks are non optimal on top of it having a higher skill ceiling.  

    I think the meta is pretty much figured out.  I think there might still be something there with shaman, but I guess if nobody has found it by now it just might still be lacking.

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    This deck is pretty sick so far.  I've only played a handful of games but it's going really well.  I'm not sure if it's just my small sample size but i've been absolutely farming Rogue.  


    Fibonacci switched the Sul'thrazewith a Supercollider, btw.  I think it's a good switch because it's so strong against mages.

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    Just had a pretty nutty game.  I was playing bomb warrior against a control warrior.  I was forced to just remove things and waste resources to keep tempo for most of the game because he had Boom on 7 and mine was second card from the bottom of deck.  This is usually the only way you lose that game as bomb warrior so i was hoping my archivist cards would carry me, and boy did they.  This has to be the sickest archivist picks i've ever seen.  I got the bomb wrench, elekk, blastmaster boom, upgrade, and some random dude.  I had already saved a natural elekk, clockwork gnome, and wrench for after he played his archivist, so I knew he was going to get bombed the fuck out.   So i put those bombs in his deck a turn or so after he played archivist, and like two turns later after i did my second swing of wrench, he plays fucking Rafam he got off of pinata way earlier.  He gets an Emeriss on a pretty full hand from one of his Rafam cards and all those bombs I put in his deck are now random legendaries so he's very far ahead in fatigue.  Probably thinks there is no way.

    But then I play some of the archivist elekk/wrench/upgrade stuff and play two full blastmaster booms back from back and just melt him from full health.  Was pretty hilarious  



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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    It's fairly similar.  Quest rogue, especially before the nerf(s) was still a much stronger deck.  It was faster and more consistent.  Quest starts in your hand whereas you have to draw into your pogo/piper/lab recruiter to get things going.  Some games you're dead before you have a halfway decent pogo or you're forced to try to win without it.  You can highroll sometimes with the perfect draws and curve but quest Rogue was much faster and better at closing games with it's burst where as pogos can just get frozen and you get your face smashed.  

    The meta is so much faster than year of the mammoth/raven, too.  Anti-control decks just aren't as valuable.  

  • duppie's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 10 months ago

    I really enjoyed the tournament.  The top 4 all had incredibly impressive levels of play.  Warrior mirrors can be a bit boring to some (I actually don't mind them) but mage mirrors are usually pretty insane and fun to watch.  


    Posesi was actually someone who impressed me most out of everyone, and I didn't even know him before this tournament.  He actually had the most impressive record and the highest overall winrate (had the best swiss record being the only person to go 11-1).  His conjurer mage play was insane.  I feel like he was playing that deck about as well as anyone including the grandmasters who brought it and apxvoid.  I feel like the pressure got to him a bit in the final games, but for the most part his decision making and play was so fast and clean.  He had some amazing Luna turns and looked awesome at the mirror, even often winning the mirror without the coin which is a big disadvantage.  I felt like i was learning about the deck just watching.  I felt like his sidedecks could have been better, but his main deck was simple and clean and his play was top notch.

    Tom was pretty sharp on Conjurer mage as well.  One game in particular, against a mech paladin (can't remember their name) he had a super impressive performance.  They were running a side deck that had big game hunter and mc techs for the mage matchup, and he played around them beautifully by dropping his questing adventurer on the right turn to make it stick with freezes while only building it up to 6/6 so it played around BGH, the next turn he had three minions on board including a giant so BGH would leave a big guy up no matter what WHILE playing around mctech.  Every turn in the game he played around his opponents hand like he knew every card in it.  

    Gallon had pretty much the best warrior play of anyone at the tournament (obviously since he made the finals).  He played the mirror well and despite all the decks trying to counter warrior, he pulled through.  I feel like he had one of the best understandings of how to pilot the deck strategically.  Some pros preach tempo and aggression with bomb warrior while most pros in general favor slower play..  Gallon knew how to balance the two and when to use each strategy.  He won games by being super aggressive and others by being super controlling.  He almost went 2-2 with Dog's hyper anti-warrior deck but ended up making what some would call a mistake in the last game, but you always push the one damage.  Show dominance by hitting that mage in the face with your super-collider.  

    Dog played well and he was heavily rewarded for bringing what was kind of a meta breaker.  this site has his deck listed as conjurer mage but it's really more of a freeze/conjurer hybrid.  It's a nightmare for warriors, favored against regular conjurer mage as long as they don't highroll, and did well against Rogue.  The kinds of decks it probably would lose against just weren't common at the tournament.  It also seemed like he had Luna's Pocket Galaxy on curve every game, but you gotta get a bit lucky to make it through so many games.

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    The best advice i've ever gotten/can give about hearthstone is to not be results oriented, be performance oriented.  Being good at hearthstone is skill dependent, but not always skill rewarding.  Sometimes you can make the best plays available and you still just have pretty much no chance.  It's a one on one game, so you are going to lose a lot, because only one of you can win.  If you focus on playing well, winning or losing is inconsequential. 

    But also, you should play your games out.  Sometimes you draw the nuts and still lose.   I can't tell you how many games I seriously considered conceding just to save time, but played the game out and won.  Always play to your outs.  If there is a way to win, even if it's low percentage, go for it.  

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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 4 years, 11 months ago

    As far as the current meta decks only the first three I list below will buff a current meta deck.  Not sure any have the strength to push another deck into the front of the meta.

    Luna's Pocket Galaxy is a card i've already seen in at least two top legend lists for cyclone/miracle mage.  I'm not sure if it's just a card they're forcing in because it's cool or how good it actually is, but in long matches i've won games against warriors and stuff with a randomly generated one.  The potential with conjurer's calling and Pocket Galaxy at 5 mana seems like it could be a thing.

    Necromechanic is probably going in just plain bomb hunter and definitely going in the more off meta mechrattle hunter deck.

    Crystology is already super strong and in holy wrath paladin and mech pally.

    Thunderhead and Extra Arms make those cards really good (Thunderhead is already good, now better) but i'm not sure it's enough to push those classes over.  I think shaman is really close and this is a great push, though.

    Gloop Sprayer makes heal druid like 2% better by making Juicy Psychmelon better.

    I don't think the rest are that relevant.  Pogo is cool and a 50% reduction is definitely strong but I don't think the problem with Pogo rogue was ever "gosh I have all these pogos but I just don't have the mana to play them!".


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    HearthStationeer 320 240 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    It's poppin off

    In reply to Rise of Shadows
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