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Harpy Lieutenant
Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 435 Posts 389

Ethardoth's Comments

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Very strong if condition is met obviously. Given that new 5/5 aoe dragon, warlock will want to add dragon package. If combined into a zoo deck, lackeys from EVIL Genius and discover might provide solid basis, given Draconic lackey is found.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Conceal for aggro mech decks would be good finisher, but this is too expensive unfortunately. I like the flavor though.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    As for now, could see play only in Mech Hunter in Wild for now, replacing Faithful Lumi as turn 1 play.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From sinti
    Quote From Ethardoth

    I still think the best option would be to concentrate all discussion on a card on its card page. Why? I think in the long run it will benefit the players who searched for the card, so they can see all opinions in one place. People discussing on three different places seems a bit confusing and chaotic to me.

    The way it is now, all those discussions one day will be buried in forum and forgotten. It would be fun to see those opinions later when meta is solved. Card page traffic may be low now but it can be boosted with promotion. 

    We do include the link to the card's discussion thread in its card page. So that should cover what you're asking here, basically. If you want to see what ppl had to say about it on release, you can just click the button and read the thread.

    I understand what ur saying, but in the end i guess it is the matter of preference and this is how we approach this. For now anyway.

    It is good to raise these questions tho, so we can see that ppl might be interested for us to do certain things differently and we can then take that into consideration going forward ;-)

    I'm sorry, I haven't noticed the button until now. That changes my opinion, and I sure do respect your decisions, just wanted to add some constructive criticism. Learned something new in the end!

    I think that separating pre- and post-release opinions is indeed a good idea.


  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    It will be played, packs too much things not to.

    The thing is, this card is mixed value and tempo, where tempo gain depends on your deck composition. If you play a lot of low cost cards, then you lose out a lot on its battlecry. Hero power (value) is not bad, but weaker than Warlock's, and significantly weaker than Warrior's Galakrond HP.

    Edwin/Adventurer fuel or Combo activator, but there are plenty of them already, and those are just 3 single threats.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I like that this card is unique and flavorful, but I really don't want to pull this.

    Token druid is dead, and do you really want this in shaman for bloodlust? Maybe it is sticky enough to see play there, but you have to play it on empty board, and it's expensive. End of the turn spawning is crucial downside.

    Maybe we all don't see something, but I doubt it.

    In reply to Shu'ma
  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I have to confess that initially I thought this card was weak, but I think it will pass okay in Standard, enabling Zoolock. This Galakrond packs:

    1) Great Invoke effect - This is the most important aspect of the card. Free upgraded Pala power with imp synergy, Jumbo Imps and other demon cards can now easily be good. This and Warrior Galakrond power is really strong due to the tempo of Invokers.

    2) 5/4 Invoker that provides great draw, even after transformation when you lose Life Tap.

    3) 5/2 Claw and 4 minions of which usually one will be beefy, as finisher.

    Overall, I like it.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I still think the best option would be to concentrate all discussion on a card on its card page. Why? I think in the long run it will benefit the players who searched for the card, so they can see all opinions in one place. People discussing on three different places seems a bit confusing and chaotic to me.

    The way it is now, all those discussions one day will be buried in forum and forgotten. It would be fun to see those opinions later when meta is solved. Card page traffic may be low now but it can be boosted with promotion. 

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Comparing it to Underbelly Fence, i think this is not impactful enough to be worth running. You either wait for the reward too long (while having one card less in the early game), or you get it fast late when it's not that important. Best case, turn 3 reward, which is good but not game-breaking, and will be rare. Late 1 mana 4/4 rush, great, but is it worth the occasional early game choke when you don't have the rushers? I don't think so. Additionally, top-decking this could also be a problem. 

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I dont like it, this card will only potentially slightly improve existing removal options. If they would even be necessary in a dragon deck, which tend to be tempo-oriented (armor gain is meh). Big Dragon Warrior might want this, if someone can make it work. 

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From YourPrivateNightmare

    yeah, no, we're all going to hate this immensly after about 3 days.

    just slap a dragon package into Quest Shaman. Draconic Lackey already makes this more consistent. So aside from Sandstorm Elemental and MCT you'll also have to worry about getting flamestriked at 3....hitting coincidentally the exact same number of minions that you would play to not play into MCT.

    I'm gonna give this expansion a chance, but I feel like I'm just gonna quit after two weeks.

    Wanted to comment for the entry, but I have basically nothing new to add when you commented what I feel too. Not that I will quit, the expansion has much to offer, but generally it seems that they really upped the power level with some clearly op cards, this included. It will be frustrating to play against this, but at least it will force some to improve their positioning.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    It's good enough to see play in Standard. It will surely lead to some crazy combos with abusing deathrattle, but I like that he's one more enabler for dragon synergy in Rogue, with a nice stats and useful effect for 5 mana. Dragon Rogue with Galakrond sounds fun to try, especially since his hero power draws them as 0, plus it can easily pull out shuffled Waxadred candle along with them. If Galakrond Rogue makes the meta, this card will be a part if it.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    It looks unexciting to me. Board clear could actually be what priest needs when lightbomb goes back to Wild, but running the whole invoke package for it? Random priest cards don't sound like gamewinning strategy. Talanji enabler, sure, but I guess that would be too much investment for an inconsistent reward.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago
    Quote From johnyDI

    I know that this allows you to get 6 potential damage, but outside of an combo deck (or Gonk 'till rotation), is it that useful?
    The best side to these side quests I can see thus far is that they allow you to use questing explorer for card draw, outside a main quest deck.

    Wow, Questing Explorer really works with Sidequests? 

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    This card in the vacuum can't be worth running. Probably only for Gonk combo, like others mentioned, or maybe to serve as Auctioneer fuel, but I think those decks can hardly ever become strong meta competitors.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    I am very excited to play with this, specifically in Aggro Warrior, and I think it might see play in wild dragon decks too (Alextrasza's Champion alone makes it worth it).

    Honestly, I already dare to say that this card will be broken, because of the hero power. Invoke minions will be a good tempo play that contribute to aggro gameplan, instead of being tempo loss as an investment for Invoking. I really hope it will not get nerfed, but would probably be strong even if it only gave +2 attack.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Will be probably hard to spare a slot for this in deck, since its not that impactful, plus it has a condition. When compared to Potion of Heroism, this does not seem much better. Sure, tempo is better, but the deck also has to have enough draw/card gen, which could be problematic to make with Dragons.

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Much more demanding Underbelly Fence. It is a fair card probably, but I don't think it's worth a slot, reward is not good enough for the investment. You have to have those Rush minions AND play them, sure later may result with instant 1 mana 4/4 but it's not that impactful by then, and early on it could easily be a burden.

    In reply to Clear the Way
  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Seems like an interesting idea to try. In which rank you tested the deck?

    I think that Mortuary Machine is too demanding, 0-mana Silence would probably be spent until turn 5, and the deck doesn't have much draw. The other ways of silencing it means it's coming too late and losing its impact, so I would definitely cut it. 

  • Ethardoth's Avatar
    Harpy Lieutenant 435 389 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 6 months ago

    Would be nice to Emeriss this one in Dragon Hunter.

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