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  • Fedrion's Avatar
    Zombie 1675 733 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 5 years ago


    Nerfing the quest isn't really the solution, the main problem with Shaman right now are 3 cards:

    Corrupt Elementalist, Galakrond, the Tempest, and Dragon's Pack, the later being the least impactful of the 3.

    Corrupt Elementalist: Simple solution would be change it to Rush - Battlecry: Invoke Galakrond. Period. Invoking twice, and four times with quest enabled... That's the real problem. In theory, you could play normal Quest Shaman, add Galakrond and 1 Elementalist, finish the quest HP and a board full of 2/1's with rush ready to counter the enemy board, 2 8/8's next turn and that with just ONE battlecry, that you can previously HP and get 4 8/8's...

    Galakrond, the Tempest: Two solutions, change the HP, summon a 2/1 with Rush that dies at the end of the turn. No way to maintain insane value for Faceless Corruptor, or make a full board capable of Bloodlusting the opponent next turn. Or, make the 8/8's be just 4/4's. The fact that Shaman can cheat out 2-4 Mountain Giants in the same turn, and replay 2 again when using Shudderwock, yeah... Busted.

    Dragon's Pack: Some might say it's not busted, some might defend it... Yeah... Invoking with Shaman it's not only easy, but also useful for removal right now, for the same amount of mana you can get 2 5/5's with rush in Oasis Surger, previously you must fulfil the quest, or if not, it's a 5 mana 5/5 or 2 3/3's, then you can have Faceless Corruptor, 2 5/4's with rush, but you need another minion in play for that. While Pack doesn't sound busted, yeah, 10/12 in stats with 2 separate taunt with an easy to meet requirement for Shaman right now. +3/+2 would sound better and less busted IMO.


    Anyway, that's what I think, and also... They even invaded casual... Not even funny anymore to be paired with a Shaman after Shaman... After Shaman...