That is a pretty good solution. I still think the biggest issue with Discard Warlock is that it has a lot of burst damage that you can't heal through while dealing with all their free minions. If you AOE a Pirate Rogue's board early, they are shit outta luck. The same isn't true of Discard Warlock.
Tome Tampering wasn't the offender of Discard Warlock being broken, it was Soul Barrage. Should have made it so it only hit minions, because it is you cannot build boards against it. Minions only serve to mitigate Soul Barrage's damage.
I hope the card does not stay permanently banned, though. The great thing about HS being digital is that Team 5 can errata cards to give them completely different effects, which is not possible in physical games. It would be dumb if you could only ever play Tome Tampering in solo stuff after it gets rotated out.
Oh, for sure. I love the novelty of it. It is just that it is impossible to build something that doesn't go for the distance or isn't pure aggro when Renathal is around. I have you tried playing 3RFrost DK? It is pointless with the meta being what it is.
I do not mind that every class splits into multiple different archetypes but I do think it is an issue when the different archetypes a class plays has no weakness because it uses cards from the other archetypes within that class. I hope the rune system or something similar is added to every class in the future.
I loved Denathrius because in Wild, it gave slower decks a chance. I hated it because so many decks built around it. Ultimately, I think this is a needed nerf. I hope that Prince Renathal gets nerfed next because in Standard nearly every deck is running it.
It is really hard to judge this one this time around because everyone is playing Death Knight, lol. I think it was pretty accurate as far as the blood rune cards go. They are pretty good.
That opening a signature legendary does not give you protection from opening the normal legendary, and that you cannot reroll a legendary you have unpacked after you have opened it's signature?
I would agree with you, but that literally is not the case with Runestones. You should at least check the prices before you make a claim like that. Everything costs the same it used to before Runestones.
I think if there is anything to be upset about when it comes to HS, it is the F2P experience. Runestones as they are, are not shady or slimy in the slightest.
Edit: I have made about 4(?) purchases since Runestones were implemented and I went to check to see if I have any left over since I never bothered. I had zero.
I forgot to hit reply on another user's post. My bad.
On a side note, unless someone can correct me, Blizzard hasn't done anything Shady with Runestones yet. I expect them to do so, but at the moment 100 Runestons = 1 Dollar so everything costs the same. I wonder how it impacts other countries, though?
The argument that HS is dying is so absurd to me because Overwatch is an example of what happens when a Blizzard game dies. It immediately stops getting supported.
People point to the fact it isn't at the top of Twitch, or that is has the biggest player base without recognizing that the people that HS appeals to is slim. It is a card game. It is hard to get Timmy with ADHD who ate sugar for breakfast and lunch to pay attention to it after sitting still in school for 8 hours. Hell, most adults and teens are playing Apex Legends or some FPS. Even though it has a smaller audience, it has them all pretty much locked down.
Hearthstone will die when it no longer has the digital CCG market cornered.
Also, you have said HS is dying literally every other month for the past few years. I am more inclined to think it is doing just fine when you think it is doing bad.
I mean, at the end of the day I don't know anything about coding so I don't have a dog in this discussion... but I was active on r/Hearthstone when the prologue was released. Maybe the average HS player wouldn't get confused, but I can guarantee you a good 2/3 of Redditors were.
One thing I really appreciate about Hearthstone is that Team 5 is willing to change what is established. I imagine half the people here would be huge Yugioh fans if Konami actually formatted their cards.
Thank Yogg. It was absurd being able to snipe important cards and losing on a dice roll at no cost to your opponent. I hate disruption cards where the only counter play is to keep your hand big. At least with Mutanus it cost a lot of mana and you need to build your deck in a specific way to get the most out of it.
I have been playing this game for 4 years, easily have thousands of hours, and thought the only difference between class cards was the color of their border. I am hopeless.
Edit: Actually, my first card back was Shadowmoon Valley, which came out in 2016. I have been playing for 6 years lol
That is a pretty good solution. I still think the biggest issue with Discard Warlock is that it has a lot of burst damage that you can't heal through while dealing with all their free minions. If you AOE a Pirate Rogue's board early, they are shit outta luck. The same isn't true of Discard Warlock.
Tome Tampering wasn't the offender of Discard Warlock being broken, it was Soul Barrage. Should have made it so it only hit minions, because it is you cannot build boards against it. Minions only serve to mitigate Soul Barrage's damage.
I hope the card does not stay permanently banned, though. The great thing about HS being digital is that Team 5 can errata cards to give them completely different effects, which is not possible in physical games. It would be dumb if you could only ever play Tome Tampering in solo stuff after it gets rotated out.
I know it won't affect me for a while. Just sucks knowing the deck I dropped 200+ on is gonna get hit immediately after I bought it, lol.
noooooooooooooooooooo I just bought the entire Tear deck nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
edit: thank christ for that floo hit though lol
Start of game effects that have conditions to activate can conflict with each other. I think they trigger based off of where they are in your deck?
An example of start of game effects conflicting would be Genn Greymane activing half the time in a deck with C'thun, the Shattered.
Oh, for sure. I love the novelty of it. It is just that it is impossible to build something that doesn't go for the distance or isn't pure aggro when Renathal is around. I have you tried playing 3RFrost DK? It is pointless with the meta being what it is.
I do not mind that every class splits into multiple different archetypes but I do think it is an issue when the different archetypes a class plays has no weakness because it uses cards from the other archetypes within that class. I hope the rune system or something similar is added to every class in the future.
I loved Denathrius because in Wild, it gave slower decks a chance. I hated it because so many decks built around it. Ultimately, I think this is a needed nerf. I hope that Prince Renathal gets nerfed next because in Standard nearly every deck is running it.
It is really hard to judge this one this time around because everyone is playing Death Knight, lol. I think it was pretty accurate as far as the blood rune cards go. They are pretty good.
That opening a signature legendary does not give you protection from opening the normal legendary, and that you cannot reroll a legendary you have unpacked after you have opened it's signature?
I would agree with you, but that literally is not the case with Runestones. You should at least check the prices before you make a claim like that. Everything costs the same it used to before Runestones.
I think if there is anything to be upset about when it comes to HS, it is the F2P experience. Runestones as they are, are not shady or slimy in the slightest.
Edit: I have made about 4(?) purchases since Runestones were implemented and I went to check to see if I have any left over since I never bothered. I had zero.I forgot to hit reply on another user's post. My bad.
On a side note, unless someone can correct me, Blizzard hasn't done anything Shady with Runestones yet. I expect them to do so, but at the moment 100 Runestons = 1 Dollar so everything costs the same. I wonder how it impacts other countries, though?
The argument that HS is dying is so absurd to me because Overwatch is an example of what happens when a Blizzard game dies. It immediately stops getting supported.
People point to the fact it isn't at the top of Twitch, or that is has the biggest player base without recognizing that the people that HS appeals to is slim. It is a card game. It is hard to get Timmy with ADHD who ate sugar for breakfast and lunch to pay attention to it after sitting still in school for 8 hours. Hell, most adults and teens are playing Apex Legends or some FPS. Even though it has a smaller audience, it has them all pretty much locked down.
Hearthstone will die when it no longer has the digital CCG market cornered.
Also, you have said HS is dying literally every other month for the past few years. I am more inclined to think it is doing just fine when you think it is doing bad.
I mean, at the end of the day I don't know anything about coding so I don't have a dog in this discussion... but I was active on r/Hearthstone when the prologue was released. Maybe the average HS player wouldn't get confused, but I can guarantee you a good 2/3 of Redditors were.
The way Celestalon's comment read to me was that the players were confused, not T5. The deck slot meme is relevant here.
What do you mean by "icky?" and does this imply that they will change appearance every expansion?
Is this the first time they have just reskinned a cardback? feels kinda lame
One thing I really appreciate about Hearthstone is that Team 5 is willing to change what is established. I imagine half the people here would be huge Yugioh fans if Konami actually formatted their cards.
Thank Yogg. It was absurd being able to snipe important cards and losing on a dice roll at no cost to your opponent. I hate disruption cards where the only counter play is to keep your hand big. At least with Mutanus it cost a lot of mana and you need to build your deck in a specific way to get the most out of it.
I have been playing this game for 4 years, easily have thousands of hours, and thought the only difference between class cards was the color of their border. I am hopeless.
Edit: Actually, my first card back was Shadowmoon Valley, which came out in 2016. I have been playing for 6 years lol