I can see this in Arena going nuts. The idea that you can continually pump out 2/1 minions every turn in addition to what you have in your hand seems like a really cool idea
I can see this in Arena going nuts. The idea that you can continually pump out 2/1 minions every turn in addition to what you have in your hand seems like a really cool idea
Wonderful splendor of an this being reduced in cost!
Wonderful splendor of an this being reduced in cost!
Even with the buff, it's still meh
Even with the buff, it's still meh
This is pretty solid. NOt over powered that I can see.... then again I was wrong about oh my yogg, so...
This is pretty solid. NOt over powered that I can see.... then again I was wrong about oh my yogg, so...
I can see this in Arena going nuts. The idea that you can continually pump out 2/1 minions every turn in addition to what you have in your hand seems like a really cool idea
I can see this in Arena going nuts. The idea that you can continually pump out 2/1 minions every turn in addition to what you have in your hand seems like a really cool idea
The only bad thing I have to say about this card is that he ALWAYS shows up from a Zephrys for me
The only bad thing I have to say about this card is that he ALWAYS shows up from a Zephrys for me
Always loved this cheaty face way of getting around untargetable minions
Always loved this cheaty face way of getting around untargetable minions
It feels more and more like Blizzard is going to allows Arcane, Fire, and Frost specs with the changes to the spells like this
It feels more and more like Blizzard is going to allows Arcane, Fire, and Frost specs with the changes to the spells like this
I'm happy to see this come back through the ranks
I'm happy to see this come back through the ranks
Decreased cost may help this see some play finally
Decreased cost may help this see some play finally
May as well keep a good card in the rotation
May as well keep a good card in the rotation