Great card from Witchwood
UPdate*** I stand corrected. I didn't think something like this came from that set
Update*** I stand corrected... Rumble pack... huh. I thought it came from a set worth a damn
Another staple
solid removal, always has been and apparently always will be
Such a pain card... perfect inclusion though in continuing Core
Total staple in most Hunter non-face builds. Good addition
They really should push the Elusive ability vs all that text
One of the most busted cards from KotFT
Now that you don't lose 2 other cards, this will be such a better card.
Pretty basic, not a lot of use outside of highlander and spell druid builds.
discovering a COPY is such a great ability.
Great card from Witchwood
UPdate*** I stand corrected. I didn't think something like this came from that set
Great card from Witchwood
Update*** I stand corrected... Rumble pack... huh. I thought it came from a set worth a damn
Another staple
Another staple
solid removal, always has been and apparently always will be
solid removal, always has been and apparently always will be
Such a pain card... perfect inclusion though in continuing Core
Such a pain card... perfect inclusion though in continuing Core
Total staple in most Hunter non-face builds. Good addition
Total staple in most Hunter non-face builds. Good addition
They really should push the Elusive ability vs all that text
They really should push the Elusive ability vs all that text
One of the most busted cards from KotFT
One of the most busted cards from KotFT
Now that you don't lose 2 other cards, this will be such a better card.
Now that you don't lose 2 other cards, this will be such a better card.
Pretty basic, not a lot of use outside of highlander and spell druid builds.
Pretty basic, not a lot of use outside of highlander and spell druid builds.
discovering a COPY is such a great ability.
discovering a COPY is such a great ability.