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icameron's Comments

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    It's signififcantly worse than Lesser Diamond Spellstone or even Mass Resurrection, and most of Big Warrior's cards are rotating besides The Boomship. Hard to imagine this seeing play unless there are some new cheaper ways to cheat out big minions in warrior.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Pretty solid card. Compared to Rotten Applebaum, it's 1 more mana for only 1 more health, but the heal effect is much better on average: there's no chance for them to silence it away, and you get it immediately upon drawing so you don't even need to play the card to potentially get out of range of some lethals! You can sometimes draw it at full health which is a bit sad, but most of the time the kind of deck running this will lifetap on turn 2 and obviously you never keep it in the mulligan, so you should almost always get some heal value. Then of course there's the Plot Twist synergy, as mentioned above. Overall I expect this to see play for as long as control warlock is viable and doesn't get even better healing from something else.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Presumably you have some in practice, even if they're generally vague and/or mostly common sense; no advertising, no hate speech, etc. How far down the list of things to do is it to post them somewhere for users to view?

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  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    The general use of this card is to try to dig for more useful cards when your hand is terrible for the situation you're in, that doesn't put you any closer to fatigue and is much cheaper than drawing a bunch with lifetap or whatever else. After casting it you will be down 1 card and 2 mana, so it isn't free, but it's still a pretty useful effect in any deck with lots of situational cards that will usually have a reasonably large hand; i.e. basically any control warlock.

    There are a couple other interesting things you can two with this. The first is synergy with "when you draw" effects, especially flashy with Fel Lord Betrug who could easily give you a full clear. Dollmaster Dorian is a cheaper but slower version of this, favouring strong deathrattles and other text that's still relevant on a 1/1. In Wild you could turn a 6 card hand into a full hand with Chromaggus, which could be especially potent in fatigue when you can just get extra copies of 5 cards of your choice; that's clearly far too slow to be good, but you could probably do some funny stuff with that.

    The other is Augmented Elekk to make your deck fatter, though this massively increases the chance of drawing some of the same cards again. If you really want to be better against fatigue, then Baleful Banker+Glinda Crowskin is a more reliable way to do that, but if you're running this card anyway then adding a 3 mana 3/4 with the occasional upside of helping with fatigue could be worth it.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    In case you were, like me, wondering if it might work like Eternal Servitude: this is how it actually works. It's still a very good card if built around adequately, since many deathrattles are at least as good as a 3 mana card by themselves, then you also gain value by putting that minion in your hand. It's probably worth it to put a variety of deathrattle effects, so you can keep repeating the one that's good in that specific matchup; Mechanical Whelp vs control, Rotten Applebaum vs aggro, etc.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    It's an okay target for warlock's "destroy own minion+upside" cards in general, since in that case it's basically a split-up Blessing of Kings. Grim Rally in particular means you can guarantee that the buffs land on minions already on the board, letting you use the stat buffs immediately. Void Terror means you don't waste his 2/2 stats, but that's a 7 mana combo so it's unlikely to be relevant in a zoo deck. Could also just be played on a board with a mix of higher and lower health minions to punish small AoE like Consecration or Shriek.

    Since you probably play this in a deck with EVIL Genius, you can sometimes combo him with a Goblin Lackey, which is fantastic way to make use of the stats while also getting the buffs on the same turn.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Will the spell power from Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury persist during your opponent's turn, buffing Explosive Trap? If not, I'm not too excited about this card until we see something like Powershot or Grievous Bite to really take advantage of the spell power for board control. Right now the most useful board control synergy it has is probably Baited Arrow, as it becomes much easier to get the overkill. It might still be good enough just to give you a bunch of face damage, especially since the weapon hits for a total of 6 damage even without you using any spells.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Probably fits best in a treant druid, considering that lets you have a lot of threats which are generated by spells and also has multiple druid-only minions with treant synergy: Dendrologist, Treespeaker, Mulchmuncher.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    A pretty decent midgame payoff to playing Thief rogue, assuming you're not relying solely on Academic Espionage. It should help you reach Tess Greymane more safely.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Yup, this card is definitely well suited to a "cheap spells" mage, which can now be pushed more safely after the Mana Wyrm nerf. However, I think it's worth noting that Secrets are a pretty large portion of mage spells that cost 3 or less, so you can very consistently see at least once secret when you play this card. Random secrets are often pretty good because your opponent won't have as much of an idea of which secret you just played!

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years ago

    Seems incredibly strong to cheat out early, but unlikely to be good enough to include otherwise; if your opponent is playing similarly large minions this guy won't help you much.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    From the cards we know so far, this is not good enough to see competitive constructed play. Earthen Ring Farseer is probably slightly stronger in a vacuum (similarly mediocre body for the cost, but less mana so easier to fit in) but only very rarely gets used. If we get another card like Corpsetaker which encourages you to put divine shield in your deck, then maybe.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    In addition to Jepetto Joybuzz, Priest will still have Zerek's Cloning Gallery to help populate the resurrect pool. I enjoy playing big priest as well, I tried to make it work for a long time when it only has the original Resurrect and Onyx Bishop. So I'll definitely be trying to make this card work!

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Ray of Frost looking even better! This probably fits best into tempo mage, where you can use a bunch of cheap spells to gain tempo then play this to refuel without having to risk losing it again as you would with Arcane Intellect.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Clearly intended to be used with Dragon Speaker, but also just generally good for improving consistency for decks who run dragon synergies. Assuming the tokens cost 4 mana, this is a pretty decent card overall, but it remains to be seen if the deck it would go into has enough stuff to be good.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    A generally good, flexible, low-cost card. Especially good with Sorcerer's Apprentice, where for 0 mana you can deal 2 damage, or freeze 2 minions, or if there's already a frozen minion, deal 4 damage! A freeze mage of any kind can include it just for the extra freeze effects and occasional efficient removal on a key target when combined with their existing freeze cards. I'm pretty certain this card will see a lot of play, as it fits nicely into both tempo mage and any control deck which runs cheap spells and freeze effects.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Perfectly fine stats and a potentially pretty good upside, I'd be very surprised if this sees no play at all. However, not all paladin secrets actually benefit from this; Autodefense Matrix and Repentance simply function as normal. Let's look at the remaining secrets:

    Eye for an Eye is probably not going to be used unless it gets discovered, and the main source Hydrologist rotates out. In some very fringe situations the double could be relevant, but most of the time it's probably just 1-2 extra damage; there's a reason nobody puts this card in their deck on purpose.

    Hidden Wisdom is a pretty good refill against certain decks, it might be a 1-of, and it's a very strong double. However, if you opponent plays 3 cards they would probably remove Rhyssa.

    Noble Sacrifice is the classic "pretty good" paladin secret, and doubling it yields a free 2/1, which is defiintely enough to justify Rhyssa.

    Redemption is probably good enough in a Bellringer Sentry deck, and doubling it should generally be at least as good as Noble Sacrifice.

    Overall, I think this is a strong card, and I think a paladin deck with secrets is likely to be included in the tierlists.

    Edit: I somehow missed Never Surrender!, but that's an incredibly strong one to double, essentially negating a Flamestrike for you. Yeah this card is incredible!

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Fluxflashor
    Quote From icameron

    Yeah, I'd feel a lot better about Hearthpwn being conspicuously abandoned this spoiler season if the new site's deckbuilder actually felt like it was a finished, polished thing. I'd also like to be able to import decks so I can quickly make small changes to an already existing deck, by adding in a small number of Rise of Shadows cards for example.

    So, HearthPwn hasn't been abandoned, at least not by myself and the mod team. We're just stuck, unable to get a site update out to support the new set because of people that aren't us. That broke all of the tooling that has been built over the years to handle reveal seasons.

    With that said, you can import decks properly now. Previously you had to use just the deckhash itself and not the entire copy that the Hearthstone client gives you. The client gives you a lot of "commented" information that we weren't correctly parsing out from the deckhash. That fix is being deployed momentarily.

    The explanation on the Hearthpwn situation seems intentionally vague, so I'll assume that you can't tell us everything because of legal/professionalism reasons.

    The reason I thought I couldn't import decks was because I was always clicking on a class on the Deckbuilder dropdown menu, since I was used to seeing an import deck field on the class deckbuilding page from Hearthpwn. It might be worth including it there as well for other people like me, who will be bringing their Hearthpwn habits with them.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    I can't remove cards from decks at all, or if I can, it's not clear how to do so. Perhaps this is a bug on my end? I'm using Chrome Version 73.0.3683.86 (Official Build) (64-bit), on Windows 10 Pro.

  • icameron's Avatar
    150 42 Posts Joined 03/22/2019
    Posted 5 years, 1 month ago

    Seems pretty decent by itself as a turn 8 stabilisation tool vs faster decks, similar to Primordial Drake. Strong synergy with Corpsetaker in wild, and very strong with attack buffs; though now that Flametongue Totem and Rockbiter Weapon have been nerfed, it might be difficult to actually place any such buff on him.

    The most promising synergy I can think of right now, for standard at least, is Eureka! in a "Big Shaman" type deck. Like this: Deck ID Not Found.

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