My only concern for this card is it may be too good for aggro decks.
If you are a control dragon deck which runs anti aggro tools like the Bronze Explorer and the aggro deck drops this the turn after. That will be a 8/6 minion in play on turn 4.
I think text like "If your opponent controls a dragon, +4/+4 with Rush this turn" would be more fair. Similar to the text of the Militia Commander.
I just noticed it doesn't have the "on your turn" text like the Floating Watcher.
So this spawns minions on your opponents turn.
Assuming you survive to turn 8, might be relevant against flooding decks. The minion acts as a soft taunt since tokens won't be able to hit face unless they want to fill the board with 6/6 minions.
As others have said, leans towards a slower more mid-rangey pirate warrior.
Currently, my meme deck of choice is (Hack the System) Quest Warrior. If I'm lucky (or unlucky lol) enough to pull this out of a pack, might experiment with a mid range pirate/weapon based mid range warrior. Likely won't be good though lol.
Pirates that support a weapon based strat in standard:
lol, sorry. Read "Dragon Hunter", assumed it was a DoD deck.
Aren't The Curator and Ragnaros the Firelord returning to wild?
Additionally, being a highlander deck, I feel Dragonqueen Alexstrasza should be an auto include.
Is this a tempo deck or a control deck?
I feel it's trying to do both.
Very nice blizzard.
My only concern for this card is it may be too good for aggro decks.
If you are a control dragon deck which runs anti aggro tools like the Bronze Explorer and the aggro deck drops this the turn after. That will be a 8/6 minion in play on turn 4.
I think text like "If your opponent controls a dragon, +4/+4 with Rush this turn" would be more fair. Similar to the text of the Militia Commander.
EDIT: Leeroy Jenkins synergy! Whelps FTW lol
Meta dependent but I like the tech card.
8/8 with rush for 4 is great value.
I like it.
Tech card to counter dragons.
8/8 with rush for 4 has a lot of value.
Pretty bad.
Seems like a strictly worse Saboteur unless I'm missing something.
Outside of Arena, I don't see myself ever playing this card. Battle cry is low impact on a minion with vanilla stats.
WOW, just WOW.
A neutral card too. Must have tech card in every deck?
Good Read!
Pretty good card, just looked boring at first glance lol.
Not a bad card but doest seem to fit in existing archetypes.
I feel the card has more value in a board-centric control priest rather than an anti aggro tool:
The card has value but just needs a deck to fit in.
Not bad, not great.
As others have said, it has value the entire game. It just does't progress your win con (unless your win con is out valuing your opponent).
Dropping this on curve, I'd imagine getting most of the time 4/4 worth of stats on a sticky minion. Not bad.
Tech card to use against classes with slow draw.
I just noticed it doesn't have the "on your turn" text like the Floating Watcher.
So this spawns minions on your opponents turn.
Assuming you survive to turn 8, might be relevant against flooding decks. The minion acts as a soft taunt since tokens won't be able to hit face unless they want to fill the board with 6/6 minions.
Pretty slow but very snow-bally if left unchecked.
Dang, didn't realize this can hit face.
Card starting to look better than my initial impression.
5/5 for 5, not bad.
Kinda reminds me of Fire Elemental with a bigger upside but conditional effect.
EDIT: Wow, didn't realize this can hit face.
7 mana, 10 damage reach for quest shaman.
As others have said, leans towards a slower more mid-rangey pirate warrior.
Currently, my meme deck of choice is (Hack the System) Quest Warrior. If I'm lucky (or unlucky lol) enough to pull this out of a pack, might experiment with a mid range pirate/weapon based mid range warrior. Likely won't be good though lol.
Pirates that support a weapon based strat in standard:
Southsea Deckhand
Bloodsail Raider
Dread Corsair
Kobold Stickyfinger
Captain Greenskin
If pirate warrior becomes a thing in the next season, this card might become a staple.
I like this card.
Specific card draw, removal, and beast synergy.
In addition, supports the quest Clear the Way.