New Priest Minion - Chronobreaker
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A new Rare Priest Minion, Chronobreaker, has been revealed!
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A new Rare Priest Minion, Chronobreaker, has been revealed!
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Comparable to Chillmaw.
Doesn't have taunt, but it also doesn't damage your own board. Seems like an exceptionally powerful tool against any aggressive or midrange deck. Should see lots of play in dragon Priest decks going forward.
This card is in check, as long as Priest doesn't get Play Dead.
If it had Taunt like Chillmaw, I might have given it 5 stars. As it is, you have to activate it yourself; the card is okay, but I think you can do better.
Great Target for Wretched Reclaimer and Embalming Ritual
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Damages only the enemy minions? Pretty insane.
Very you a reason to try a deathrattle dragon deck
Really doesn’t seem that great since it can be ignored against a swarm. Not having taunt makes it a lot worse
Who needs consistency when you could have fun?
Anduin, Aggro Annihilator (though this card is harder to trigger without Taunt).
yeah, this card really need taunt, without it it's meh card, but it can be good if no mid range dragons in neutral set, coz dragon priest will need some mid drags for synergy also ok with resurrect and reborn. Oh, and very good with Galakrond, good random priest minion.
This is not necessarily a bad tool for Dragon Priest, but it's worse than Duskbreaker most of the time. With Duskbreaker, the 3 damage came down earlier and was immediate. Best case scenario here is that on turn 6 you hit your opponent with a 3 damage AOE to clear, and then have 6 mana to do what you want with. That's pretty good on its face, but it's not going to stop an aggro deck that has already run over you because your AOE has to wait a turn. Moreover, if you need an AOE on 5, you're typically better off using Mass Hysteria to clear, and if you need single target removal you could use the new Time Rip. The only minor advantage here is that you can play Chronobreaker without a dragon in hand and hope to get one before the effect needs to trigger.
Maybe I'm being unfair here - with tools like Embalming Ritual and Wretched Reclaimer to combo with this, the deathrattle might be better than a battlecry, but I expect that if its good enough to see play in a Dragon Priest deck, that deck will need to be a tempo oriented deck where you can fight for the board in the early turns and set up Chronobreaker as a way to suppress any comebacks from your opponent.
While not as effective as Duskbreaker for clearing the board, the card is great nontheless. Decent stats with a potential board clear. Even without taunt, the potential clear should force your aggro opoonents to sacrifice their minions so that they can rebuild another board.
The effect being a secret is not really important since your opoonent has to judge it as it being activated same as for Chillmaw.
This card also works with cards such as Wretched Reclaimer, Shadowy Figure or even Reckless Experimenter for the guaranteed immediate effect.
A great card for dragon priest with a good amount of synergies.
More dragons? Yes please!
Art is amazing though, reminds me of the Galaxy archetype in YuGiOh xd
Strong effect, but it might be too slow for Aggro meta's. Taunt or direct activators might make this card better however.
5 Mana feels so slow, Im not sure if the yeti on turn 5 is worth it in trade of dealing 3 damage to all enemies only. Priest is more control oriented class, but in wild, midrange dragon priest does exist I think. So not hurting your own minions are nice.
Bu again, do you really want a yeti on turn 5? thats the most important question. I say the mindflayer legendary is much better than that since it has very good stat body and the priest in wild has already has tons of better midrange minion.
I’l give it a try, but doubt its gonna be great.
I think this card is too slow, priest doesn't have many ways to instantly activate it and your opponent can choose to not even trigger it at all (if they have minions with less than 5 attack) and just go face or just trade into this with the board losing the impact of the AOE it's Chillmaw -2 mana -2/-1 and more importantly no taunt, so it's not that great probably won't be run since it's a deathrattle, unless you have deathrattle support.
Could be an interesting piece of tech, will have to see how the Meta evolves once this set launches.
This card is weird - I'll certainly give it a tryout in Dragon Priest (really the only deck that can play it since you need a dragon in your hand at all times lest the deathrattle be useless) but i'm not expecting much.
I made a similar comment on a Warlock card: this class is all over the place in DoD and it'll be interesting to see which (if any) archetypes are viable. You've got Galakrond Priest (Control?), Dragon Priest, Thief Priest, and Deathrattle Priest all getting 2-3 card each, but none of them being the obvious winner. My guess is some Galakrond Dragon Hybrid Priest just carried on how crazy strong Fate Weaver is by itself.
Maybe in the reveal stream we'll see what the designers had in mind and how well it works? I'm just hoping one of them is good enough to put Res Priest back in the box because good lord has Nzoth Wall Priest been an absolute boring, annoying shitshow to play against the last month+. Please let it be over.
That's where I'm at with it, I think at 5 it's a bit too slow against aggro, but Priest does have Reckless Reclaimer for an easy trigger, so maybe something like that could find it's way working. Either way it'll be fun to give it a tr
I don't think this card is good and at the same time I don't think that this is what priest want.
Talking about the card itself we already had cards with similar effects and they never were good enough. Is similar to the mage secret, the difference is that here your opponent can go face with all his minion and completely ignore it. If they decide to not ignore it is only because they can trade with the minions that would die anyway and keep one with more than 3 health.
Basically giving you opponent the choice of what happens and when isn't good, and is even worse if we are talking of turn 5 where things starts to get nastier.
A proactive dragon would have been more appreciated at this point, i don't see the win condition of a control priest of any kind. If is just running out opponent of resources it will work only versus aggro, hearthstone is far away from the time that "fatigue" decks existed and worked. Now decks generate too much value and most importantly have huge powerspike turns that will close the game even if you would eventually wins the value war.
Galakrond version can at least use Talanji for a single powerful turn, which i don't know if it will be enough.
priest has ways of activating its deathrattle (also can give it reborn).. i think this could be a pretty powerful 5 in control priest. doesnt matter that it doesnt have taunt bc u threaten with a possibility of triggering multiple times
Obviously this doesn't have taunt. Cards needs to be somehow balanced, ok? This is a strong card in the right deck, not just in every deck.
Sweet googly mooglies, that is one spicy meatball. 3 damage to all enemy minions is worth 4-5 mana alone. This card is like Starfall + Anubisath defender rolled into one card. That is sick.
Yes, it's situational. I guess we're putting lots of dragons in our priest decks now.
Whew. For a second I thought this was a battlecry, not a deathrattle. OK, that makes this card a lot more fair. Still seems pretty busted tho. The fact that it doesn't damage your side of the bard is huge, it means you can proactively drop this even if you have an army.
Chillmaw is so much worse! Having the effect as a battlecry is essential.
Chillmaw didn’t see play because aggro just trades the low health minions into it
Winner winner chicken dinner
Good, not great. If it had taunt it would be a great card. Don't think it'll see play.
Ah yes, that classic Deathrattle Priest that randomly gets support once in a blue moon. I remember when Chillmaw was occasionally run, but at least that thing had taunt.
Even if you put Reborn or Shadowy Figure into the mix it'S still a pretty slow and unreliable "boardclear"
At best I'd run this in some weird Deathrattle/tempo build where the focus isn't so much board clear but board denial (noone's gonna go wide while this is in play.
Still, at this point Priest has enough decent Deathrattle minions, but no real gameplan. What do I do with all these guys? There's no N'zoth, no Amara and no actual win condition.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
A 3 card combo that... DEALS 3 DAMAGE TO THE ENEMY BOARD!
There are 4 card combos that OTKs the opponent for crying out loud.
Wait, how do you sign here?
Chillmaw likes to say hi.
I too remember the oppressive turbo Chillmaw meta of '86
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
A cheaper Chillmaw, but enemy minions only and no taunt. While its not bad the body is decent and your opponent can kinda play around it.
Not a bad card for res/dragon priest. The deathrattle makes the card a less reliable AOE, but it also allows you to continuously re-summon the minion. I have a feeling this card will be played about the same way Convincing Infiltrator is being played.
This is not a very responsive card because of the deathrattle, but this will just keep on coming back and bombarding your board with more damage, and when played alongside cards like Khartut Defender and Convincing Infiltrator the fact that it is a little slow won't matter.
Carrion, my wayward grub.
They want you to resummon them.
I guess they wanted resurrect priest in the meta.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
slow antiaggro, but it will see play.
at least not so powercreep as duskbreaker
even then, what's the point. Like great, your opponent won't be able to build a board, but how do you win against any deck that isn't bothered by Hellfire spam?
Rez Priest just doesn't work without a N'zoth like effet (and it shouldn't because the deck is boring and binary)
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
There are still cards to be revealed.
Katrina and whitemane might help tho.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Decent, nothing more or less. I think it will be playable, but replacable.
A balanced Duskbreaker? I think it's a bit slow and don't will see play.
I'm sorry for my bad english :)
Another board clear! Exactly what priest needed this time proactive, conditional and slow a trio that always finds a way in tier 1 decks /s
I think this card is actually too slow to be effective. Opponents can play around Deathrattle.Might not even play depending on the Dragons available. But cool design though
Nice board clear for priest. You can't have enough of them.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” ― George Bernard Shaw
EU Legend: S52 (ZooHeal Lock); S76 (Highlander Hunter);
pretty good card for dragon priest instd. no so in wild.
Pretty weak, because it doesnt have taunt. If this was battlecry or it has taunt, it would be broken
A Duskbreaker with a bigger body? Yes plz!
This will only see play if dragon priest is played. A board clear that depends on your healthy minion dying and you having dragons in hand isn't as viable as people might think. Any possible combo to instantaneously activate it will require you to fill your deck with the combo and dragons, leaving very little space for an actual win condition.
Again, it will see play but as soon as better cards appear this is one of the first cards to be cut from decks.
The effect is strong, but not as a deathrattle...
Not a bad card but doest seem to fit in existing archetypes.
I feel the card has more value in a board-centric control priest rather than an anti aggro tool:
The card has value but just needs a deck to fit in.
It’s fine and will likely be included in dragon priest if that deck works.
This one is fine. I mean its a bit clunky in what it does, like Sylvanas. Because this is a deathrattle and not a battlecry you have to figure out how to activate it right away or the right situation for it. That said, its an interesting Dragon and Deathrattle for priest, so it likely sees play but isn't an insane key card for them.
To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.
One of the coolest names.
Aside from that, if your opponent does not want to kill it you can keep healing it, really good card.
enemy only duskbreaker effect on death but a decent minion..could be good in certain situations have to see what the remaining cards bring us..
How many board clear does priest needs?
Struggle with Heroic Galakrond's Awakening? I got your back :
Fun card, another board clear for priest. I’m curious to see if this makes its way into battlegrounds as a tier 6 card, seems suited for a way to make the dragon tribe unique in battlegrounds
Chronobreaker is one of the cards which power level is hard to predict before the expansion launch. Potentially it's storng but might be too slow since an opponent can ignore it. So there should be a way to activate it's deathrattle or give it a taunt. Right now i think priest has more interesting options to clear the board but we might need this card after the new year rotation.
Mini chillmaw without taunt... The opponent Will ignore it and it has too much health for you to sacrafice. I think its not good enough.
Never netdeck, craft Whizbang instead!
Duskbreaker but with a deathrattle and cheaper. This could be like Depth Charge wherein if it lasts more than 1 turn, it can be a multiple turn board clear.
Well it's over
Really slow. Stick with Hysteria.
Against a lot of small minions (quest shaman) this is not practical, since it has a hard time killing itself. And against boards of larger minions, you are pretty dead in the water already, and your opponent knew of the coming boardclear beforehead...
Still seems somewhat playable, at least after the rotation.
With this card dragon priest seems pretty pretty strong. Even without taunt I see this being played. Not great though
Not sure about this one. The AOE is pretty good but the fact that it is a deathrattle makes it not much viable imho.
Deathrattle instead of battlecry makes the card much slower. Still very scary for wide decks.
Looks very interesting. While it seems slow, I think this can be pretty decent. It's not instant, but it does have decent synergy with some of other Priest cards like Shadowy Figure or Psychopomp. Also a decently nice Deathrattle for Da Undatakah - not that it breaks that card, but it's something to note nonetheless.
Should see play in Dragon decks, as their shell seems pretty decent with all new removal, their Galakrond and some cards from the previous year like Wyrmguard. They should be theoretically able to keep quite a lot of boards in check, perhaps they could take a slight Deathrattle approach for this card and previously mentioned ones.
"Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me
"If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me
When priests run out of AoE they somehow always have Dragons to fall back on.
Pretty good minion. 5 mana for 4/5 plus 3 aoe damage is crazzy. Auto-include in all "dragon priest" even if it's not a battlecry. It's a dragon itself and he can be discounted.
A Chillmaw 2.0, but the absence of taunt renders it a pretty risky play against aggro decks since they can just ignore it and you may not even find a way to kill this guy the turn after.
The fact this is only damage to enemy minions seems quite strong. Duskbreaker was always tricky because of how it damaged your minions too.
I'm not sure on this one. On the surface it seems like a decent effect but I think it has too much health. The decks you want this to be effective against will be swarming type decks. Not many of them will have a single minion capable of sacrificing this against on one turn. You will often have to wait for the second turn after you play it to get the board clear. Playing on curve means your opponent gets turns 5 and 6 or 6 and 7 before worrying about it. That is right around where aggro wants to end the game anyway.
Unfortunately, common sense isn't as common as it should be.
The card is good in the sense it dosn't affect your board, but a gain, as a deathrattle is not a proactive card and can be dealt with with a myriad of options for the turn it is played, dosn't have taunt so if you are facing a lethal situation the opponent can just go thrugh it. for me is not good enough
Seems better now after Dragonmaw Poacher reveal.
At least we might drop this against a wide board to make our opponent to decide killing it with minions on the board and lose Dragonmaw Poacher's battlecry or simply waste Dragonmaw Poacher on this.
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Where is taunt? So for an immediate effect, it's at least a two-cards combo? Meh.
Elders Scrolls : Legends / Runeterra
Good card in deathrattle/ressurect priest, will see play for sure.
This ain't duskbreaker to slow to counter aggro
Pretty solid, not as good as Duskbreaker but still solid.
I think this serves a different tool than duskbreaker -- this fits more of a tempo style deck I think.
I got scared initially because I thought it was battlecry. Deathrattle is a lot less spooky, but still scary
The battlecry is great versus aggro. Compared to Duskbreaker, this card looks a little bit weaker, since turn 5 can be too late to turn a match against aggressive decks.
Not a bad card for sure, but compared to Duskbreaker this seems much much worse.
The fact that this lacks taunt makes it potentially awkward. There will be turns you want to clear a board immediately and cannot because this AoE is attached to a deathrattle. Not to mention that you have to be holding a dragon ON THE TURN it dies which could prove to be a hinderance.
Jaina is best waifu. Always.
Priest can continue building anti-play decks, especially in wil
So easy for your oponent to do good trades before activing its effect, so easy to play around i dont see it played.
It looks interesting, but that's it. There's some mindgames included if you play it on an empty board to mess with your opponent's head (should I play my minions or not?), but at that point it falls into the meme category. Depends on the meta most likely.
Think this is pretty decent card. Even though its a little too slow, its good AOE for priest and very annoying for enemies to deal with mid game. It will do well in dragon priest deck
Maybe it is good thing this is a deathrattle card, otherwise would be too strong like Duskbreaker. The effect can be played around, but still very strong, should be auto-included in dragon priest. Coolest artwork of the entire set.
A good card for a Dragon Priest deck. It has good stats and it only damages enemy minions. The downside is that it doesn't have taunt so against aggro decks it can be ignored. Maybe you play it after clearing the board?
Deathrattle and absence of taunt makes this card much less interesting. But effect itself is powerful enough to push opponent to suboptimal trades. In overall still very good control tool.
Fun and interactive game.