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Live4vrRdieTryn's Comments

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I think people were thinking that I was saying that cards with huge win-when-drawn rates should basically have little chance at all of appearing when put in a deck, cards like Nitroboost Poison, Secret Passage, and Skull of Gul'dan. Admittedly I arbitrarily used 15% in my example which maybe lent to those extreme opinions (i'll change it now).


    I think a better way would be if a card has a winrate when drawn of 54% it should be drawn 4% less, or even 2%. That reduction is very small you must understand and would only be a factor in games over time. It'd be a soft nerf that could be implemented universally instead of having to sit through meta after meta where one new card appears that everybody hates unless they are abusing it.


    This way people that want to play it can still play it and people that don't like to see it see it a little less over time. It's a concept to lessen the state of being forced to "join them or lose them" which is pretty much every meta where a few cards are released a little overtuned and we are captive for sometimes months losing to them before they are nerfed, which usually destroys the card alltogether.


    Again, this strategy already has success in Arena where outperforming classes have less likely drafts of higher winrate cards.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Obsequious disagree with whatever new idea is being brought up replies. You guys already proved you didn't understand my post by your replies so I'm just gonna quit trying to convince you. Have fun seeing the same cards over and over again and playing with just 5% of your collection. Say what you want about me, but that fact says a lot about you.


    I read your replies and they aren't even in response to what I'm proposing. Every one is just jumping down my throat at something I didn't even say. Just a lot of TLDR to make up for no point at all except, "i dont like the sound of this idea".

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    HIghlander Secret/Dragon Mage has really been a blessing getting to play these cards in standard one last time. Climbed to diamond 8 so far with it.


  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    .......Snake Trap?

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Ok, the people have spoken. It's the perfect solution to solve imbalanced cards and allow a little more variety into the game, but I guess not such a good idea. Have fun net-decking the same boring decks that involve cards that carry the win for you like the good little robots that you are : D


    Reading your replies you guys seem to think I'm saying to make it the card won't show up at all. Not the case. They would show up  less often in a series of games, thus taking down the winrate of deck abusing power cards over time.



  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Reply obviously did not grasp the concept of post judging by text. It doesn't put the cards at the bottom of the deck. You have to understand statistics being that if you reduce a card's draw rate by even a % you affect its win rate ever so slightly. Do your research and look at draw win rates at hsreplay. 


    The general idea is if a card is leading to many wins nip it in the bud by adjusting it's frequency. I wrote 15% above but more realistically it would be smaller, like 5%. We can't expect every card Bliz releases to be perfectly balanced. That's impossible. So do the obvious thing and at least make them show up just a little less often.


    It isn't about the one game: it's about many games in a row. You shouldn't be able to win game after game because the overpowered cards keep showing up.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    This was in response to Zeddy's video today: I just felt like sharing my response here because I really have no life XD


    The nerfing method they are oblivious to is tweaking the draw rate of an overpowered card. Take example of many broken cards that have gained a mana cost and have fell into oblivion, Spiteful Summoner an example. The better solution is to simply adjust the rate it can be drawn from deck. Right now every card has a 1/X chance of being drawn X being deck size. I believe that for over-performers they should occur less, thus carrying decks less consistently.

    This already sort of exists in the game in Arena where outlying classes get worse drops and weaker ones get better drafts. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to apply this to the general game where, sure, you can add Secret Passage but just know that it occurs just 4%* less in a draw than your other cards will. There can even be written an algorithm where the more a card is performing inside of these constraints it automatically adjusts itself a % or two accordingly to the point where the problem takes care of itself.

    A hyperbolic example would be if there came to be a card that read, "1 mana: deal 30 damage to the enemy hero" the card would eventually be so reduced in draw rate you had a 1% chance of even drawing it, making it a pretty much useless card (not counting tutoring ofc). By this means, Skull of Guldan doesnt have to be nerfed into oblivion it just doesn't show up quite as much.

    As far as I am concerned this is the natural remedy to this ongoing problem and they certainly have the brains to whip up a method of implementing this and everybody wins: people who want to play the broken cards can still play them in all their glory and people who hate them get to see them less often.


    * number was originally 15% which admittedly is way too high

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Welcome to my Big Turalyon guide by a player who goes 8-12 wins with him every time. I main the T-man and often end runs when I do not get him until it finally gives me him. I averaged the same number of wins on Heroic Duels but since I'm saving up gold for the next expansion I've been able to just devastate casuals with him without needing to play out another class, none of which I really enjoy.

    *** There's just two weeks to enjoy this build before Duels' season rotates!!! I will be playing a lot of Turalyon's next batch of cards and write a follow-up to this guide when I feel I have a grasp of it. Also, apologies on the spacing, was written elsewhere originally and didnt paste over well, no way to fix it seems ***


    So why play Turalyon in the first place?


    - His hero power packs the most value of any when used correctly

    - Starting item, Royal Greatsword often seals the win if played on curve
    - Dominates the early rounds easily

    - I've never once been victim to a C'Thun, the Shattered or fatigue
    - Unbelievably fun every time!

    Why wouldn't you?


    - Deck is expensive and having the legendaries is pretty important

    - Can get ran over by opponent's early bullshit

    - Many treasures and passives do not synergize at all

    - Lack of removal
    - His name is really hard to spell (i had to copy/paste it)


    The general mindset you want to get into when playing Turalyon is every choice matters, maybe more than any other hero, because if your hero power is summoning garbage you're probably not going to win. Sometimes you try not to use it so much early so your pool isn't so diluted by lesser picks (the first time one of your rez's dies it means there are now two in the deadpool).


    Luckily, this is part of the fun: playing the mini-game both in a match and when building deck that you are maxing out your Golden Light hero power. You are going to want to pass up certain high-powered cards like First Day of School for example because in the long run it is going to muck you up.

    Naturally, one of the greatest reasons to want to play Turalyon is because of his mind-blowingingly powerful starting treasure, Royal Greatsword. Priced at 5 mana, it's already excellent for its 6/3 stats (Upgraded Arcanite Reaper). On top of that you'll be summoning a daunting amount of stats... attached to minions who synergize with your hero power o.O

    Keep in mind that this deck can jam up like any other and you can become susceptible to whatever over-the-top craziness that your opponent pulls off as much as they are to your's (e.g. I recently played a Druid with Greybough and the duplicate legendary passive, rip..). However, if you're a fan of both the big and rez play styles, you will want to give him a second chance.

    Turalyon isn't played so much because people play him wrong. Enough attention is not given to his weaker early game and people just want to pop off with the titans. This is not how he is played.


    Let's continue on to the cards you will be adding. I like to go 5-6 good legendaries and I add ONLY good ones when they offered. Simply compare to the cards listed below when deciding. Usually you will want to bolster your early game and move onto good curve cards. The first few rounds are easy wins but as you advance your games will take longer and your cheap win condition appears less. ALWAYS TAKE NO MORE PLEASE.



    I play not just to win but also to have fun. Because of that I am always shifting my roster up to whatever mood I'm in. There are some core cards that I never change though. I have tried out several Paladin cards in my dozens of games with this build and these are the ones that always keep coming back.


    Must Haves:

    Sphere of Sapience - This is one of the reasons you should breeze by the early rounds. Sphere pretty much guarantees you get your Greatsword when you need it. It also turns away expensive legendaries we don't need early on.

    Oh My Yogg! - Don't laugh.. This card carries. When you go 12 rounds in a row you are guaranteed to transform a few treasure spells into garbage a few times. Opponents often do not respect it and lose a huge chunk of power of their deck for their foolishness. Remember never to cast when they have coin. Acceptable turn 1 play, but for maximum output use a little later on.

    Sneaky Delinquent - Dependable early game and a useful resurrect,
    Argent Braggart - While a wretched hero power target, your pool will be filled by the time it comes out. It's just too much value to pass up on since we are going big.

    Wolfrider - Solid early game removal and fine resurrect target. It just makes sense.
    Fishy Flyer - Early game cannot be stressed enough and four damage for 2 is always fine. Later into runs you may want to carefully manage this card with Sneaky Delinquent because they can fill your hand up a bit much.
    Blessing of Authority - Combos with Argent Braggart and resurrected Sneakies. It's just a plain strong card for what we are trying to accomplish.


    Legendary List (in order of importance):


    Keymaster Alabaster - Double your chances of screwing with their treasures. I remember first giving Ally a try out and thinking, hey why not. Capturing their power cards at 1 mana is soul-crushing. Excellent resurrect at that.
    Ragnaros, Lightlord - Not to be passed up unless you do not own (will likely not return to Duels for a while).
    Turalyon, the Tenured - Surprisingly good. It's removal which the deck needs and I am rarely disappointed when drawn by Greatsword. Awesome resurrect.

    Ysera - Unfortunately not the Lich King but is still a welcome addition to this deck. I own her golden!
    Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound - A terrifying 10/10 plus more. Not necessary but can win games all by itself being drawn out early.
    Cairne Bloodhoof - Solid curve minion, acceptable Greatsword and resurrect targe
    Tirion Fordring - Oh, Tirion... This card is a mixed bag, it being a massively great hero power pick BUT can sabotage your Greatsword if drawn first and your opponent destroys him. All in all, it is a great choice but has cost me some long games that could've been won much faster.
    Loatheb - Just plain good and acceptable draw from Greatsword.

    Alexstrasza - Can be good especially in later rounds when opponent's have tons of health.

    Support Cards:

    Animated Broomstick - Very useful control tool and not a terrible rez.

    Loot Hoarder - It's alright, albeit slow. This is a personal choice matter.
    Consecration - The classic Paladin AoE. You just can't go wrong.


    Not Recommended (in starting deck, fine during selection):

    Goody Two-Shields - Took me a while to depart from using this gal. It's just too slow and we do not pack enough spells. Wolfrider is leagues better.
    Darkmoon Dirigible - Seems a good idea and when corrupted it certainly is. However, I always find myself having to play it on curve and a 3/2 div shield for 3 is too slow.

    Truesilver Champion- I stopped running this as it conflicts with weapons we already have and other minions and hero power take care of its niche.

    Fleethoof Pearltusk - While having an 8/1 rusher for 2 mana is tempting, this card is little help in the early game and overkill versus wide boards.



    All passives are not created equal. These are the ones you need to choose in order of importance. If it isn't listed it isn't worth your time.


    Fist Pick:


    Rocket Backpacks - This is just simply great, overshadowing most of the early passives.
    Scattered Caltrops - These add up to a lot of damage. Controlling the board is extremely important and these will help achieve that.
    Recycling - This is an excellent choice because we will be summoning several 1 health minions. It will really keep you out of death range long enough to apply your own deadly value.

    Mysterious Tome - Very helpful to boost our subpar early game. On a high roll you will get Rigged Faire Game and start the game with three extra cards!
    Grommash's Armguards - This isn't terrible at all. Optimally you will be getting the jump on the opponent all the sooner! However, we don't run a lot weapons or are offered any we like, so it isn't high value.
    Pillage the Fallen - I never get offered this one oddly, so am unsure if its interaction of playing a NEW weapon will proc it, destroying that new weapon. If so, it's garbage, if not a solid choice.
    Ever-Changing Elixir and Unlocked Potential are never to be taken and they are a detriment to the game plan.

    Second Pick:


    Disks of Legend - Oh yeah. If you are lucky enough to be offered to this you want to take it. Pretty self explanatory and will increase your odds of rezzing those big boys.

    Scepter of Summoning - Similar if a little worse than Disks is this Sceptre. Being able to cheat the costly legs out for 5 is a terrific benefit.

    Emerald Goggles - Always a great pick-up, it aids both the early and late game.

    Mummy Magic- This can really help bring the most out of your Fishy Flyer and Sneaky Delinquent. Such early game value is important.
    Book of Wonders and From the Swamp (does this still exist?) are never to be chosen as they can or will lead to wrecking our hero power.



    Just like passives the treasures you are offered can decide how many wins you get, both if offered and if you can draw them. These are the ones that work for me. If you are not offered any of these use your best discretion.


    First Pick:


    Loyal Sidekick - Great pick since it passively gains stats when rezzed: for just 2 mana your hero power resummons it with just one less health than when you cast it for 4.

    Vampiric Fangs- One thing this deck is weak at is removal, hence the Paladin class.This spell will save your butt and keep you alive.
    Crusty the Crustacean - Sure, it is a terrible rez but we critically lack removal short of rush so is still a high priority selection.

    Murloc Holmes - A bite-sized Keymaster, this makes for a solid hero power rez. Solid 3-drop at that.

    Anything that summons trash minions is to be passed up. Also Princess is really not as exciting as it sounds like it would be.


    Later Picks:


    Staff of Scales - Easily my favorite treasure. If you can get all six snakeys to die your chances at summoning two poisonous rushers for 2 mana is high. Completely broken on Turalyon. Opponents tend to concede when it gets through their head that they are not allowed to have board anymore.

    Wand of Disintegration - Removal. Nuff said.

    Book of the Dead - Removal. Nuff said.

    Hyperblaster - (slow) Removal. Nuff said.

    Archmage Staff- A decent choice as it can bestow some good stuff.


    (Coming Soon: High Priority Cards to Draft!)


    Well, I hope that helps! I had a good time writing it while I had to endure a lengthy zoom meeting in the background. I highly encourage anyone who tried old-school Turalyon before and felt he wasn't strong enough to try my build. At the very least it's a ton of fun. Always mulligan for early game and keep an eye on your deadpool: try to manipulate it so you have the best chance of squeezing the most value out of it.


    Also, Turalyon's emotes are arrogant af. Use them often for maximum tilt. Feel free to ask any questions or leave any comments.


  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    ---> 2000th reply on the 100th page

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Thank you, Dekkster! Thankfully I am able to enjoy the year of the Phoenix thanks to the new highlander mage. It's a bit expensive, but legendary cards like Ivory, Jandice, and Sayge aren't totally necesary. VERY fun deck. Whole new clown fiesta everytime. Effective as well, I have climbed to Plat 7 easily.


  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Clockwork Giant?


    EDIT: i hope i was right about runespear, ive never seen it happen but have heard that it does... if i messed up i apologize

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Happy 100th page everyone!


    Also this has gone on too long... the card was The Runespear because of its interaction when you cast a spell with it if it slays the target you can actually attack again with it. The "Nature's Fury Spreads" line was a nod to lightning spells being nature magic now.


    Take it away, anyone!

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    This one can attack multiple times too if everything goes right. Should I just say it?

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Gotta disagree on it crushing duels. Not versus me anyway. Very rare I've seen it go off. You're shuffling in 4 mediocre spells that dilute your chances of getting your treasures. I personally find it to be a bust.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Just search weapon press crafting bc a lot of ppl wouldn't want to own this card and figure out which one it is XD

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Whether it's ranked or duels I see this card all the time. For the 80 times I've seen it shuffle in at the start of game I think I've seen it actually play out three times or so. Still people always throw it in. Why? No I do not play aggro decks.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    None of these are the weapon. I guess keep hacking at it and you'll get it. Sorry, maybe the interaction isn't known.


    It's a weapon that can attack more than once a turn if something happens.

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    No sir

  • Live4vrRdieTryn's Avatar
    500 924 Posts Joined 07/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    It's a weapon