This is the trickiest card to come out. Unless you have the mana ramp right after to take advantage, you are handing the game to your opponent. On the other hand if you can utilize the card first, you'll blow them out of the water
I like the watch post idea. I think it is about finding the right class to make it work more than about power level. Get ahead and find the way to finish the game before they can stop you.
That was the missing piece for the legendary, now just missing one more secret and I think paladin has the most concrete ideas and strong identity to be good this expansion.
It pays for itself once you have 3 or maybe re minions or once you get to rank two, but hand buffing has historical been too weak to see play. This might finally break the curse or end up being the dud of the set
I feel old remembering this box from the crossroads.
You could run this in any rogue deck, but I think it will want to go in a more midrange control style deck that may not exist yet in rogue. Have to watch and see what happens
Good card. Lost a lot of generation though
Decent 1 mana spell. For the early game
Actually feels worse than the backpack because you only get one even if you do get a body out of it.
Why have to choose between trading and going face. Now do more
Very snowbally
A little slow. If you don't have one of the cards in hand, you have waste more time to draw some of the cards you just buffed.
Good token generator
Good card to hit off of guardian animals.
Shores up a major weakness of token being suspectable to aoe. Good card
This is the trickiest card to come out. Unless you have the mana ramp right after to take advantage, you are handing the game to your opponent. On the other hand if you can utilize the card first, you'll blow them out of the water
One of the few good dh cards this set.
Piggy to the market
Good token generator but nothing else
Still don't think it will work. No real deathrattle to have right now. Maybe on the midexpansion
I like the watch post idea. I think it is about finding the right class to make it work more than about power level. Get ahead and find the way to finish the game before they can stop you.
That was the missing piece for the legendary, now just missing one more secret and I think paladin has the most concrete ideas and strong identity to be good this expansion.
If you hate warlock before, good news, you're going to hate them more now.
It pays for itself once you have 3 or maybe re minions or once you get to rank two, but hand buffing has historical been too weak to see play. This might finally break the curse or end up being the dud of the set
I feel old remembering this box from the crossroads.
You could run this in any rogue deck, but I think it will want to go in a more midrange control style deck that may not exist yet in rogue. Have to watch and see what happens
Good design that fits almost any deck type. Won't win the game, but will definitely help win the board.