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minuano28's Comments

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Someone in Riot is a fan of Bloodborne :

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
    Quote From Phaseshifter

    Killing him, bouncing him, putting him in a stasis statue doesn't work.


    Is there ANY way you can make him trigger more than once?

    Really? I played my fair share of Thresh Nasus during the Shurima expansion and back then if Tresh die and gets revived with Chronicler of Ruin for example, his effect would trigger again, did they change that interaction?

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Long time no see hope you've been doing well.

    God-Willow Seedling is not meant to be used in a landmark deck, it's a combo piece for recall decks it was so good the card got nerfed.

    Mystic Vortex is not that good and "competitive" Bard decks don't run it. The card is a big value engine but it's slow and Bard decks care more about tempo than they do about value.

    Chamber of Renewal is very clunky, you can't afford a mana 3 do nothing in this meta and it only works with champions further restricting it use, also Shurima has better cards to protect their champions.

    Sands of Time is card that many of us thought would be garbage but ended up being very powerful and one the reason why Turbo Thralls is now a tier 1 deck being able to stall and advance your landmarks countdown is everything the deck want

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I am glad to see that are adjusting Disintegrate that card is such BS at the moment, buffing landmark removal is also nice 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    I don't know, the subject never came up I guess.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    It's not that crazy, I mean you wouldn't be able to play every single champion even if you own all of them, so there is little incentive to spend money to unlock champions and Riot makes most of their profit from cosmetics.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
    Quote From Nifty129

    Just going to list a number of dead archetypes that could return and signal a possitive direction for the game 

    1. Fiora Shen - Archetypal midrange pkg that plays for value and challenges and board interaction that no longer has a place in the game. 

    2. Swain TF - A healthy and balanced control deck that only goes off on turn 8 and no longer has a place in the meta.

    3. YOI - Love it or hate it Tristana is a card that needs to exist in some form and be playable.

    4. Viktor Riven - The buffs to Viktor were an amazing possitive development that got killed this expansion

    5. Darkness - One for one spell and creature trading control that no longer has a place in this meta (very saj)

    6. Vlad Braum - Landmark creep is a thing and a 3 mana landmark granting your units tough and a minor stat buff just ain't it anymore

    7. Tahm Kench Soraka - these Champs are so dead they are zombified but it was a unique deck while it lasted.

    8. Banerman/Elites - Mono anything just isn't doing well right now unfortunately, and I do crave the simpler times when allegiance was a valid archetype.

    9. Kenin - What an awesome card but unfortunately Ionia is massively under represented right now along with bandle city 

    10. Zigs Landmark - what a fun card with a fun play pattern, and a fun level up, and fun unique deck building

    11. Nami Fizz - Another example of a very high synergy and interesting play pattern deck just dead in the water. 

    12. Shivana Fury - pretty interesting short lived archetype where you just make her as big as possible with double Fury triggers till she takes off to the sky

    13. Day break - Another high synergy midrange deck that just doesn't cut it anymore because it's too "fair" and "balanced"

    14. Kindred control - The idea of running a champ that has conditional removal as opposed to disintegrates guaranteed removal is a joke and thats the problem

    15. Renekton Overwhelm - the sands will be stained with their blood, need I say more?

    16. Gangplank Sejunai - yeah midrange plunder overstayed it's welcome but it was a unique deck that prioritized leveled Champs and it gets the win in my book 

    17 . Discard aggro - I don't care if it's Jinx, Draven, or Sion or Rumble it's a sad day when the 30 discard cards that exist can't be played

    18. Nasus Slay - can you imagine going for atrocity lethals in a world where vaporize exists? Yeah me neither.

    19. Asol Ramp - ramp decks that don't aim to put 20 stats in board with feel the rush are essentially useless, so why would you ever try to level Asol?

    20. TF Cassino - there is an entire collection of cards dedicated to leveling TF and playing slot bot or riptide junior that can not be played in this meta.

    There we go 20 decks that are awesome, high synergy, and interesting in LOR 

    That will never see play again because they are too fair and balanced.

    So when I say that the current meta is not great, I'm referring to the fact that the card pool for brewing is limited to about 5% right now and that's the lowest it's ever been.

    - Most of these fall out of the meta due to nerfs, some of them were never meta to begin with ( Kindred control, TF casino, Daybreak ).

    - I don't know how many card game you played before but this is a normal cycle, deck become dominant then they fall out of the meta either to nerfs or power creep and that a good thing, seeing the same decks over and over just make the game feel stale and boring, those decks had their time in spotlight, time to move on.

    - Just because some decks share a champion does not mean there is no deck diversity Lissandra/Taliyah and Taliyah/Ziggs both share a champion and are centered around landmarks, yet they play is completely different from one another, the former looks to stall until they unleash a board full of 8/8 overlwhelm and later is midrange burn hybrid.

    - Lastly you seem to confuse a deck being playable and a deck being meta, those are two different things, most of the deck on that list are perfectly playable and you can even use them in ranked to climb up till diamond, once you get there you will have to switch into a more meta deck if you want to climb further but that only a concerns for ranked played.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Don't forget Taliyah/Lissandra better know as Turbo thralls, the addition of Harbinger of Thralls and Sands of Time fixed most of the deck problems and now it's arguably the best deck in the game :

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Don't expect any rational discussion from Nifty the guy post has been nothing but hot takes and knee jerk reactions plus getting all passive aggressive whenever someone disagree with him. As you said it's just ranting for rant sake.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    The new version of POC was a big improvement over the last ( Shard distribution aside ) so this a little bit sad, but it's really not surprising, all of the monetization comes from the PVP side of the game so that always got to come first. 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Riven/Viktor fell out of the meta before the expansion due to nerfs, same thing happened to Darkness Control.  Pirate aggro is still good and so is Sun Disc.  Aphelios/Fizz is one the best decks currently. Azir/Irelia was only used as a counter to Sun disc and FTR. Caitlyn/Teemo and stance swap decks were never good to begin with. Gnar and Swain had about a viable deck each.

    But all of that is beside the point you were claiming that midrange is dead was when the ladder is being dominated by midrange decks. 



  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Quote From Author

    Seju GP works because you have 6 champion cards and you have tutors for them (dreadway and babbling bjerg)  decreasing the odds to not draw them significantly.

    Oh and no, Jhin is not Yasuo version 2 because in order to resemble that he would have damage stunned units on the opponent's attack turn aswell.

    The best versions of GP/Sej didn't run Babbling Bjerg because that card increase the chance of you missing allegiance on Yordle Grifter.




    Also champions don't need to have identical effects for the deck to work, Gangplank was definitely not Sejuani version 2. They just need to have synergy.

    Yasuo has plenty of champions that can synergies with him (Kennen, Swain, Leona, Malphite) and even a champion with similar effect (Jhin) and yet he can't even get a tier 2 deck.

    It's something of a running gag seeing Yasuo fans claiming that he will be finally viable any time a good stun card is released only for them to be wrong each time. 

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Quote From Author
    The main reason Yassao doesn't work is that his deck struggles when he isn't drawn.

    That goes for any champion centric deck, like Gangplank/Sejuani couldn't win without it's champs and the only tutor was an 8 drop, yet the deck still managed to be tier 1, we have been getting plenty of good stun cards for 3 expansion now and there is not even one viable Yasuo deck.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 10 months ago

    Quote From Author

    Decks we are not seeing:

    Yassao, despite all these amazing stun tools we just aren't seeing this guy played much. Possible because he has a 3 region spread and Jhin is a terrible stun card so more like 4 regions.

    Are people still pretending that Yasuo is not a garbage champion and only need good support?

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago
    Quote From sto650

    You need to explain this better. I have no idea how you are getting five different aggressive 1-drops with skills and four 2-drops with skills as well.

    The only 1-drop with a skill that I see is demolitionist. 2-drops, also don't see many of them there either.

    Imperial Demolitionist is a 2 drop I think you meant Legion Saboteur.

    Since Annie is Noxian you have access to Noxus aggro package cards like Legion Rearguard and Precious Pet even if they don't have skills, Crackshot Corsair ability is also counted as a skill by the game.

    As for the the 2 drops you have access to Boomcrew Rookie, Imperial Demolitionist, The Stagehand and Tusk Speaker.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    Cosmetics look great, The infernal ones weren't really my cup of tea but I am definitely getting these.

    Beside that, I was hoping for more nerfs to burn, because Jhin origin just let him access the best burn cards in the game, but those change are better than nothing.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    That's a hot take.

    With 2 health Annie is very resilient for a 1 drop she also force you to either sacrifice a blocker or take damage which is an aggro wet dream once level she even harder to kill and deal more damage, Tibbers is just a cherry on top. Most ( competitive ) decks that are using Annie aren't planning for the game to go past turn 6 anyway. I am also seeing some unfavorable comparison to Zoe. Zoe was great champion, before Bandle Pokey Stick and the buffed Quicksand has pretty much kicked Zoe outside of the realm of viability.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    You believe that Annie is gonna played in control? C'mon buddy we both know that she is gonna be abused in burn aggro.

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    Aggro burn decks are looking bonkers this expansion

  • minuano28's Avatar
    Mountain 700 862 Posts Joined 09/10/2020
    Posted 1 year, 11 months ago

    All of her followers are from Noxus so I think that she will be Noxian.

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