Secret Hunter auto include. I am very stoked to run this card in that deck and complete the new XP achievement very efficiently.
Love this new Hero card, very flavorful hero power which brings back memories of Kalimos, Primal Lord.
Insane hero power. It will easily slot into every Demon Hunter deck for sure.
Vanish is back baby. This together with the new Paladin Hero card are probably the strongest two.
Slots nicely into Big Paladin. Huge value for one single card and has rush too.
One of the reasons to play Big Spell Mage. I was so happy for the Angry Chicken podcast which revealed this new card.
Spell Mage support. At least this is more conditional than Incanter's Flow, but it will exist along that card which might be a problem for the new meta.
Class dedicated Tunnel Blaster which will see recurring play because of the new Priest Hero card and resurrect abilities.
Alternative Darkshire Councilman which will see play in Token Demon Hunter. I doubt it will scale fast enough to make the deck relevant though.
Tutor card on a stick. This will be played in combo Paladin decks for sure.
They are really pushing Heal Priest this expansion. I remain skeptical if it actually might prove to be reasonably good though.
This will go into each Standard Paladin deck. Heck, I think this might even be in contention for the best new Hero card.
Frost Pyros. Olaf easily wins the cute contest though. Will see play because of the new XP achievement.
Hero cards should not be underestimated. If only the recasted spells would be cast on the enemy it would have been amazing.
Inner Fire strikes back. Combo Priest is back with a vengeance.
Heal Priest support. However, heal Priest bad so will not see play I think.
Only viable when discovered. I do not see any existing deck that wants this ability.
Cheap mind control and might actually be played in Aggro decks. Why bother with the deathrattle downside if the opponent is already dead?
The ultimate hand buff Paladin card. Guess in which deck this will slot into?
More card draw for Priest is always good, but healing also affects enemy board which might be detrimental. Not sure which deck this will slot into.
Secret Hunter auto include. I am very stoked to run this card in that deck and complete the new XP achievement very efficiently.
Love this new Hero card, very flavorful hero power which brings back memories of Kalimos, Primal Lord.
Insane hero power. It will easily slot into every Demon Hunter deck for sure.
Vanish is back baby. This together with the new Paladin Hero card are probably the strongest two.
Slots nicely into Big Paladin. Huge value for one single card and has rush too.
One of the reasons to play Big Spell Mage. I was so happy for the Angry Chicken podcast which revealed this new card.
Spell Mage support. At least this is more conditional than Incanter's Flow, but it will exist along that card which might be a problem for the new meta.
Class dedicated Tunnel Blaster which will see recurring play because of the new Priest Hero card and resurrect abilities.
Alternative Darkshire Councilman which will see play in Token Demon Hunter. I doubt it will scale fast enough to make the deck relevant though.
Tutor card on a stick. This will be played in combo Paladin decks for sure.
They are really pushing Heal Priest this expansion. I remain skeptical if it actually might prove to be reasonably good though.
This will go into each Standard Paladin deck. Heck, I think this might even be in contention for the best new Hero card.
Frost Pyros. Olaf easily wins the cute contest though. Will see play because of the new XP achievement.
Hero cards should not be underestimated. If only the recasted spells would be cast on the enemy it would have been amazing.
Inner Fire strikes back. Combo Priest is back with a vengeance.
Heal Priest support. However, heal Priest bad so will not see play I think.
Only viable when discovered. I do not see any existing deck that wants this ability.
Cheap mind control and might actually be played in Aggro decks. Why bother with the deathrattle downside if the opponent is already dead?
The ultimate hand buff Paladin card. Guess in which deck this will slot into?
More card draw for Priest is always good, but healing also affects enemy board which might be detrimental. Not sure which deck this will slot into.