Nice booty health wise, but attack is low which means it will bust after a few hits. It will have served its purpose though, which is to stall the game.
Rend Blackhand after major inflation occurred. Sad day for Rend I guess.
Nice flavor/design. I guess this might see some play in Mage? Shaman seems to go for full on Frost mode.
Abonimably bad, might see some play in Arena where most bad cards give their appearance.
Pack filler. Only sees play in Arena and in the Magma Rager section of the expansion compendum.
Bad card, seems like they intentionally make Windfury cards bad. The new legendary Windfury minion is kind of an exception to this rule.
Can become very sticky and annoying paired with Guardian Augmerchant.
Neutral tutor card, so should be good or decent at least.
Seems like a trend that these tutor on a stick cards will appear in the future for 4 mana and on a 3/5 body.
Not bad, would have been great if it was a battlecry effect. Will see play in Arena and to complete the new XP achievement.
Crazy card, will definitely see play because there is no way that there is no new XP achievements related to this.
This has to be an auto include in Evenlock or Reno Evenlock, reaching 15 health is no issue in those decks.
Great card which enables big minion decks. I had to pick Drek'Thar though, simply because: FOR THE HORDE!!!
Windchill is good, and getting more of those means this is also good.
Hm, if your own minions do not unfreeze the next turn I am inclined to say this is not such a good card. It will be big minion though.
Seems good in Freeze Shaman. When will Kobolds get their own tribe keyword?
Seems decent. Freeze Shaman might finally be a viable archetype. I will experiment with this if I open it in my packs.
Auto include in Secret Hunter, even if it is kind of slow. Tutor effects are always worth considering.
More support for Deathrattle Rogue, but I doubt it will ever reach a viable state. Rogue is much better in other areas than Deathrattle.
Excellent card for Burgle Rogue. Will this deck finally lose it's meme status and become viable?
Thing from Below but with Burgle like synergy. Good card in a meme deck.
Nice booty health wise, but attack is low which means it will bust after a few hits. It will have served its purpose though, which is to stall the game.
Rend Blackhand after major inflation occurred. Sad day for Rend I guess.
Nice flavor/design. I guess this might see some play in Mage? Shaman seems to go for full on Frost mode.
Abonimably bad, might see some play in Arena where most bad cards give their appearance.
Pack filler. Only sees play in Arena and in the Magma Rager section of the expansion compendum.
Bad card, seems like they intentionally make Windfury cards bad. The new legendary Windfury minion is kind of an exception to this rule.
Can become very sticky and annoying paired with Guardian Augmerchant.
Neutral tutor card, so should be good or decent at least.
Seems like a trend that these tutor on a stick cards will appear in the future for 4 mana and on a 3/5 body.
Not bad, would have been great if it was a battlecry effect. Will see play in Arena and to complete the new XP achievement.
Crazy card, will definitely see play because there is no way that there is no new XP achievements related to this.
This has to be an auto include in Evenlock or Reno Evenlock, reaching 15 health is no issue in those decks.
Great card which enables big minion decks. I had to pick Drek'Thar though, simply because: FOR THE HORDE!!!
Windchill is good, and getting more of those means this is also good.
Hm, if your own minions do not unfreeze the next turn I am inclined to say this is not such a good card. It will be big minion though.
Seems good in Freeze Shaman. When will Kobolds get their own tribe keyword?
Seems decent. Freeze Shaman might finally be a viable archetype. I will experiment with this if I open it in my packs.
Auto include in Secret Hunter, even if it is kind of slow. Tutor effects are always worth considering.
More support for Deathrattle Rogue, but I doubt it will ever reach a viable state. Rogue is much better in other areas than Deathrattle.
Excellent card for Burgle Rogue. Will this deck finally lose it's meme status and become viable?
Thing from Below but with Burgle like synergy. Good card in a meme deck.