Whilst we all love the content you make I think it's fair to say no one priorities it over your well-being. Make sure you take a (much deserved) break if you're able to :)
Decks can now be marked as Favorites, and will display at the top of your Collection. No more sorting through dozens of meme decks (now they’ll all be at the top)!
This is awesome. I can absolutely relate to having too many meme decks (or failed homebrews).
I've not been active on the site lately, but a new custom card competition is as good a reason as any to return.
Imagine if they did this without telling anyone and then took the 1 gold away the next time you logged on. The carnage on Reddit...
The video got leaked:
Hey Flux!
Whilst we all love the content you make I think it's fair to say no one priorities it over your well-being. Make sure you take a (much deserved) break if you're able to :)
Petition for this article's thumbnail to become a profile header.
I'm awaiting the next patch notes:
The Coin -> "Worthless Token"
I'm glad it helped, and thanks for the hint :)
Hint for "When you look at your cards..."
These ones are much harder (for me at least), I'm very confuzzled about the dragons one
This is awesome. I can absolutely relate to having too many meme decks (or failed homebrews).
You probably want to post in the main thread for friend challenges.
Woah there Flux, that's too far!
I'm joking, of course, no one's day deserves to be ruined for something that's not their fault.
BC/PZ puffcaps is looking absolutely terrifying.
Unlocked, eg you could play Heimerdinger in Bilgewater/PZ and your deck would still only be Bilgewater/PZ
They explain it here.
Damn there's been a lot of announcements today
The new event calendar in the client has a fair few cool looking events which I'm surprised to see nobody talking about.
I tried to insert an image using Imgur but it's playing up (probably user error XD) so here's a link to it instead: LoR event calendar
Happy birthday OoC! Thanks to Flux and everyone else for being absolute legends ;)
R is correct!
I was trying to make a riddle when I thought, "Hey - why not just give them a picture of the card." So that's what I did.
Guess the Weight! Lines 2 and 3 describe its effect and line 4 has the same meaning as 'Guess the wait'.
Imperative, Fellows, One-sided - circle.