I absolutely love these word searches!
Quick question: I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, but what can we do with gold?
Could be good on curve if you manage to play enough watch posts.
This looks extremely powerful
Even more AoE, how much are we going to get?
This seems much stronger than Altruis the Outcast and we know how that went...
There are a lot of cards with conditional effect going round this expansion.
There are a lot of conditional cards going round this expansion.
This card makes no sense at all. What is the link to spell generation?
This and lots of rush beasts is very scary.
That art's very nice.
This and Greybough looks scary.
This looks fun, kind of reminds me of Cascading Disaster
Correct! I guess it was really easy :)
Possibly really easy riddle but here goes:
Leper Gnome?
Probably as far away from a healthy giant as you can get.
This is a great 2 drop if you have some small spells in hand. Is spell hunter going to be a thing again?
Well no Finja :(
Looks like a fun card to play around with and could be very powerful with a full board of murlocs.
Not bad, could be good in some situations.
Ragnaros, Lightlord?
Has giant stats and heals.
The upgrades for each ranks seem pretty small compared to some of the other ranked spells.
I absolutely love these word searches!
Quick question: I don't know if I'm missing something obvious, but what can we do with gold?
Could be good on curve if you manage to play enough watch posts.
This looks extremely powerful
Even more AoE, how much are we going to get?
This seems much stronger than Altruis the Outcast and we know how that went...
There are a lot of cards with conditional effect going round this expansion.
There are a lot of conditional cards going round this expansion.
This card makes no sense at all. What is the link to spell generation?
This and lots of rush beasts is very scary.
That art's very nice.
This and Greybough looks scary.
This looks fun, kind of reminds me of Cascading Disaster
Correct! I guess it was really easy :)
Possibly really easy riddle but here goes:
Leper Gnome?
Probably as far away from a healthy giant as you can get.
This is a great 2 drop if you have some small spells in hand. Is spell hunter going to be a thing again?
Well no Finja :(
Looks like a fun card to play around with and could be very powerful with a full board of murlocs.
Not bad, could be good in some situations.
Ragnaros, Lightlord?
Has giant stats and heals.
The upgrades for each ranks seem pretty small compared to some of the other ranked spells.