Why the long face, man? 5 legendaries from 103 packs is statistically pretty good, and (with the exception of Finley) they all sound like exotic, interesting cards--great for throwing together an experimental deck around now, before the meta starts to stabilize and everyone starts net-decking. Worst case scenario: you goof around for a couple of weeks playing oddball decks that noone expects, then dust your legendaries for +4000 dust. Although I'd be very hesitant to dust those quests--that Warlock Quest that you frowny-emoji'd in particular. Sure, its probably the most difficult to build a deck around, but that card has some real potential, man. Check out some of Brian Kibler's pre-release videos--he's had a blast playing it!
Not unpacking your priest legendaries--sure, that's a shame, but you can always craft them, right? :-)
You gotta enjoy what you got! It's release day! New toys! Unstable meta! Stop worrying about what you could have high-rolled and go have some fun!
I don't know about Leeroy Jenkins--I think this quest wants to be less SMOrc and more board-control that's top-decking a new threat every turn. I think I like Damaged Stegotron a lot better in that spot--before completion he's a solid body and a dream target for Hymn/CoH/Waterbearer, and afterwards he's great as an 8 mana 8/12 with taunt.
Thanks for the feedback. I agree that we're trying to go fast, but I'm 99% sure there are going to be multiple decks that go a lot faster than this, meaning that we need to have ways to keep control of the game. Sul'thraze does that extremely well, especially with Armored Goon. I've played Sul'thraze before, and I'd say on average you get 3 hits in on decks that care about the board.
Oh I like Sul'thraze in general--I just don't like the way it lines up with this quest, especially in this deck. If you're trying to complete through an Axe on T2 and a Wrench on T4, then either you're using a different weapon for your completion swing on T6 or you're missing out on golem opportunities and/or overkill swings. It's OK if we hit Greenskin or Upgrade and get our fifth swing off the Wrench, but then we're still holding our Sul'thraze in hand, hoping to use it off-curve. Perhaps that's the price we need to pay to be viable, but it just feels so bad to me. I think I could justify it if we were taking the quest slower--say, no Axe on T2, and then being out of mana on T6 doesn't matter because we still need 3 more swings for completion anyways. But then we need to think about how to contain aggro before T6 AND how to keep up with value decks afterwards, and I think the deck starts to want to look like conventional Bomb Warrior with Quest and a few extra weapons sprinkled in.
I'm just going off my own gut though--obviously I haven't actually played anything yet, and like I said, everyone else seems to be predicting that Sul'thraze is all-around great for this quest. We'll find out for sure tomorrow. Good luck!
Maybe this is just me--everyone else seems to thinking the opposite--but I think Sul'thraze is extremely greedy for this quest. The dream is--what? You play this on T6 and then maybe get one extra attack and summon 1 extra golem on T7? Meanwhile its a dead card until T6, it prevents you from using your hero power on the same turn (which hopefully you're completing the quest on T6 so if this was a lower cost weapon you could do both). At the least, I think you cut it to 1 copy, and maybe put in Darius or a Seaformium Bomber instead.
I believe this quest wants to go fast. For your bomb variant--which I like, by the way--I think you're banking on swarming the board on turns 6-9 and a combination of S'MOrc and Boom bots and bomb draws to smother your opponent. If the game draws out and your opponent stabilizes, I think other decks just get way better long-term value propositions than summoning a couple of 4/3s each turn.
Sorry I don't have a formal decklist; but basically this deck looks to cheat your Colossus out from Duel, Prismatic Lens, or Decoy; then keep it alive with Redemption. I have no idea if its actually any good (a lot of commenters predicted it might be too slow against aggro outside of that theorycrafting event), but I will say that I have a fair amount of faith in Dekkster's taste.
Almost every class has a guaranteed board clear, except mage.
Maybe if by "every class", you mean Warlock, Priest, Warrior (discounting that Brawl leaves 1 minion), and Paladin (assuming you have a Pyro or Consecrate to combo in with Equality or Shrink Ray), and we also discount the number of deathrattles that summon new minions. Shaman has only damage-based clears, but granted that usually enough to get the job done. The other 3 classes have only low-damage AoEs: Hunter has flame trap, Druid has Swipe and Starfall, and Rogue has Fan.
Why? According to Blizzard, the mage should excel in AOE. Is AOE something different from a guaranteed board clear? I do not understand. Any1 has ideas about this?
Again, 90% of the time, damage (in this case, Flamestrike and Blizzard) can clear a wide board. When it can't, it's either because there's a single tall minion (which you should answering with Polymorph, Fireball or freezing instead), or its because your opponent is just winning, and sometimes that just happens.
I don't have Whizbang, which made me happy when Zayle was introduced - but he's not getting deck updates quite yet :'(
I was hoping that he would get some love as well, it would've been fun.
I was hoping too, but I don't think that's actually going to happen. Updating Whizbang's decks is essentially free--they're going to publish new recipes anyways--but updating Zayle's decks would mean additional labor and possibly actually cost them profit, since it would slightly discourage players from buying new cards and the players who haven't already bought Dalaran Heist probably aren't going to change their minds based on new decklists.
On the plus side: I have a good feeling that next month's new single-player adventure will have a "good guy version" of Zayle for Druid + Hunter + Mage + Paladin. I'll even go as far to predict that the Hunter deck will be highlander and Paladin deck will be quest. :-)
Been actually wanted to play Big Warrior for a long time, but never sure if it's great.
It's not. It has some nice value potential, but the problem is that most aggro decks will beat you down before you can get that value and most control and value-focused decks just get more bang for the buck so they outlast you. I play the current revision of this decklist through Whizbang sometimes--I won't lie, it is fun when [Hearthstone Card (Dimensional Ripper) Not Found] pulls Grommash Hellscream or when Akali, the Rhino pulls Zilliax, but most of the game is just staring at the board as I slowly loose it and wishing I was just playing normal Bomb or Control Warrior.
As an aside: if you are interested in trying other archetypes out but don't have the collection to build them, Whizbang is a wonderful investment.
Why the long face, man? 5 legendaries from 103 packs is statistically pretty good, and (with the exception of Finley) they all sound like exotic, interesting cards--great for throwing together an experimental deck around now, before the meta starts to stabilize and everyone starts net-decking. Worst case scenario: you goof around for a couple of weeks playing oddball decks that noone expects, then dust your legendaries for +4000 dust. Although I'd be very hesitant to dust those quests--that Warlock Quest that you frowny-emoji'd in particular. Sure, its probably the most difficult to build a deck around, but that card has some real potential, man. Check out some of Brian Kibler's pre-release videos--he's had a blast playing it!
Not unpacking your priest legendaries--sure, that's a shame, but you can always craft them, right? :-)
You gotta enjoy what you got! It's release day! New toys! Unstable meta! Stop worrying about what you could have high-rolled and go have some fun!
I don't know about Leeroy Jenkins--I think this quest wants to be less SMOrc and more board-control that's top-decking a new threat every turn. I think I like Damaged Stegotron a lot better in that spot--before completion he's a solid body and a dream target for Hymn/CoH/Waterbearer, and afterwards he's great as an 8 mana 8/12 with taunt.
Oh I like Sul'thraze in general--I just don't like the way it lines up with this quest, especially in this deck. If you're trying to complete through an Axe on T2 and a Wrench on T4, then either you're using a different weapon for your completion swing on T6 or you're missing out on golem opportunities and/or overkill swings. It's OK if we hit Greenskin or Upgrade and get our fifth swing off the Wrench, but then we're still holding our Sul'thraze in hand, hoping to use it off-curve. Perhaps that's the price we need to pay to be viable, but it just feels so bad to me. I think I could justify it if we were taking the quest slower--say, no Axe on T2, and then being out of mana on T6 doesn't matter because we still need 3 more swings for completion anyways. But then we need to think about how to contain aggro before T6 AND how to keep up with value decks afterwards, and I think the deck starts to want to look like conventional Bomb Warrior with Quest and a few extra weapons sprinkled in.
I'm just going off my own gut though--obviously I haven't actually played anything yet, and like I said, everyone else seems to be predicting that Sul'thraze is all-around great for this quest. We'll find out for sure tomorrow. Good luck!
Maybe this is just me--everyone else seems to thinking the opposite--but I think Sul'thraze is extremely greedy for this quest. The dream is--what? You play this on T6 and then maybe get one extra attack and summon 1 extra golem on T7? Meanwhile its a dead card until T6, it prevents you from using your hero power on the same turn (which hopefully you're completing the quest on T6 so if this was a lower cost weapon you could do both). At the least, I think you cut it to 1 copy, and maybe put in Darius or a Seaformium Bomber instead.
I believe this quest wants to go fast. For your bomb variant--which I like, by the way--I think you're banking on swarming the board on turns 6-9 and a combination of S'MOrc and Boom bots and bomb draws to smother your opponent. If the game draws out and your opponent stabilizes, I think other decks just get way better long-term value propositions than summoning a couple of 4/3s each turn.
If you're just looking for a fun Day One deck to build a colossus around, you might want to check out Dekkster's "Big Blatant Colossus Paladin"
Sorry I don't have a formal decklist; but basically this deck looks to cheat your Colossus out from Duel, Prismatic Lens, or Decoy; then keep it alive with Redemption. I have no idea if its actually any good (a lot of commenters predicted it might be too slow against aggro outside of that theorycrafting event), but I will say that I have a fair amount of faith in Dekkster's taste.
Update: Dekkster comes through! https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/5723-big-blatant-duel-paladin
I'm not. :-P All the highlander decks that I've seen to have the same strategy:
Step #1: Play Zephrys the Great
Step #2: ???
Step #3: Victory!
Maybe if by "every class", you mean Warlock, Priest, Warrior (discounting that Brawl leaves 1 minion), and Paladin (assuming you have a Pyro or Consecrate to combo in with Equality or Shrink Ray), and we also discount the number of deathrattles that summon new minions. Shaman has only damage-based clears, but granted that usually enough to get the job done. The other 3 classes have only low-damage AoEs: Hunter has flame trap, Druid has Swipe and Starfall, and Rogue has Fan.
Again, 90% of the time, damage (in this case, Flamestrike and Blizzard) can clear a wide board. When it can't, it's either because there's a single tall minion (which you should answering with Polymorph, Fireball or freezing instead), or its because your opponent is just winning, and sometimes that just happens.
I was hoping too, but I don't think that's actually going to happen. Updating Whizbang's decks is essentially free--they're going to publish new recipes anyways--but updating Zayle's decks would mean additional labor and possibly actually cost them profit, since it would slightly discourage players from buying new cards and the players who haven't already bought Dalaran Heist probably aren't going to change their minds based on new decklists.
On the plus side: I have a good feeling that next month's new single-player adventure will have a "good guy version" of Zayle for Druid + Hunter + Mage + Paladin. I'll even go as far to predict that the Hunter deck will be highlander and Paladin deck will be quest. :-)
It's not. It has some nice value potential, but the problem is that most aggro decks will beat you down before you can get that value and most control and value-focused decks just get more bang for the buck so they outlast you. I play the current revision of this decklist through Whizbang sometimes--I won't lie, it is fun when [Hearthstone Card (Dimensional Ripper) Not Found] pulls Grommash Hellscream or when Akali, the Rhino pulls Zilliax, but most of the game is just staring at the board as I slowly loose it and wishing I was just playing normal Bomb or Control Warrior.
As an aside: if you are interested in trying other archetypes out but don't have the collection to build them, Whizbang is a wonderful investment.