Droppin' the Boom - Warrior Uldum Deck Recipe
Last updated 5 years, 5 months ago by
More Big Warrior Decks
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Been actually wanted to play Big Warrior for a long time, but never sure if it's great.
Colossus of the Moon has inspired me enough to make a deck like this around Big Warrior. That card + Dimensional Ripper or The Boom Reaver is going to feel great.
It's not. It has some nice value potential, but the problem is that most aggro decks will beat you down before you can get that value and most control and value-focused decks just get more bang for the buck so they outlast you. I play the current revision of this decklist through Whizbang sometimes--I won't lie, it is fun when [Hearthstone Card (Dimensional Ripper) Not Found] pulls Grommash Hellscream or when Akali, the Rhino pulls Zilliax, but most of the game is just staring at the board as I slowly loose it and wishing I was just playing normal Bomb or Control Warrior.
As an aside: if you are interested in trying other archetypes out but don't have the collection to build them, Whizbang is a wonderful investment.
Thanks for helping me out. I'll try to go for alternative big decks for this colossus instead.
If you're just looking for a fun Day One deck to build a colossus around, you might want to check out Dekkster's "Big Blatant Colossus Paladin"
Sorry I don't have a formal decklist; but basically this deck looks to cheat your Colossus out from Duel, Prismatic Lens, or Decoy; then keep it alive with Redemption. I have no idea if its actually any good (a lot of commenters predicted it might be too slow against aggro outside of that theorycrafting event), but I will say that I have a fair amount of faith in Dekkster's taste.
Update: Dekkster comes through! https://outof.cards/hearthstone/decks/5723-big-blatant-duel-paladin