Asking because I know I completed this one a couple days ago with a Kalista + Shark Chariot deck and had no problems earning progression.
It was definitely broken on release (last Wed); I think it was broke through the weekend and fixed either Monday or Tuesday. This Reddit post was the first Riot-backed statement I found either way on the topic.
And also took it from the same Reddit thread, I'm still days away from reaching the quests myself (without additional grinding).
Me too. :-( I did make it to 7 of 9 on the questline last night, and it looks like there's no limit on how many champ-specific quests you can have active at the same time and that those mostly happen organically so it should just be a matter of time. Still 3 weeks left.
FYI, there seems to be a bug with the "revive" half of this quest -- people report that nothing seems to progress it so they need to resort to completion through the "target enemies" half. (I'm still only on #4 so I can't personally confirm.)
My $0.02: the current problem is Vlad requires moderate investment (not easy to level, costs respectable mana for L1 vanilla stats, and really wants a fair amount of your deck to snergize with him) for only moderate payout (does minor damage to nexus; self-damage often hurts as much as it helps due to defender deciding blocks; L2 for is nice but rarely game-swinging). Any improvement comes down to 3 forms:
Reduce the direct investment by either making him easier to flip or make his L1 form better (I honestly don't know why L1 Garen has regen but L1 Vlad doesn't).
Reduce the indirect investment by giving him better synergy cards -- problem with this is as Steve Rubin frequently points out, if you make followers more effective they usually just find their ways into other decks (re: Crimson Disciple)
Improve the payout by making his L2 form better. This personally is my favorite option -- I'd like to see L2 Vlad drain the entire battlefield a la Tarkaz instead of just allies such that the awkwardness of min/maxing blocks is shared. Alternatively, you could also add something like "Passive: whenever an ally survives damage, give it +0|+1" so that the Blood Pool at least will never net negative.
Here's a breakdown of the numbers for anyone who's interested in grind-v-reward:
You have 27 days including today but not Nov 24 (event ends at 11am PST)
You get 2 hearts especially for your first PvP win of the day and a reoccurring epic quest for 3 hearts for 3 wins, so if you play for the normal 3 wins/day that's a total of 5 hearts/day from wins
The other epic quest is a chain with longer progress; it looks like there are 9 steps and they only give 7 hearts/each (63 total if that's true).
The final cards reward is 3x Give It All at Level 20 i.e. 190 hearts. That will require a pace of 7 hearts/day
The maximum level, 28, requires 270 hearts or a pace of 10 hearts/day
So far, it feels like a bit of a slog -- I've played 1-2 hours so far but only have 18 hearts and am ~25% up the 2nd quest of the chain. That said: if they refresh that epic quest chain on Patch 1.14 and allocate an additional ~60 hearts for the second 2 weeks, that should be a total of ~120 hearts that just happen "organically", meaning you'd only be left needing 50 hearts (10 days at 3 wins/each) for all the cards. Max rewards is a bit stiffer: you're short 150 hearts, which means at least 3 wins on all 27 days plus an additional 15 PvP wins.
In all seriousness, I understand your pain given that I've kept LoR away from me with a 10 foot pole. These scavenger hunts aren't as fun when it becomes a chore of just clicking everything. Luckily, there is something on it's way soon that should help with about half of them. So if you do continue trying to go for the last 16, good luck but if you don't, 3/4ths of all the riddles is still really good!
I tried to make sure at least 50% of the LoR clues would be gettable even for someone who's never played the game if they were willing to search for matching keywords, and at least 25% required in-game knowledge. O:-)
All 3 have taken more time than previous seasons for me. It also seems to me like more were in reverse-order this time -- I wonder if Flux found some difficulty setting he pegged to max. :-P
Yay to squeezing Lee Sin and Make it Rain changes to this patch. But will it be enough? Honestly, I'm scared -- Lee's power is in his inevitability when combined with overwhelm; he frankly had the potential to be a top-tier even when he was 6 mana so I'm questioning how much of a deterrent this will be.
Often, limits are necessary in computer games just to define how much memory much be allocated.
I agree that any such limits should be high enough that they don't impact normal gameplay, but to be fair: hitting the current limit is exceptionally rare. I've been playing almost daily since Open Beta and have never encountered this myself.
I'm a little disappointed they didn't include Dekkster yet did for 5 names I've never heard before. Hopefully they at least give him another card reveal -- that kid busts his butt showcasing novel & innovative decks!
I like it; it's a nice update on an old archetype. The only change I would make is squeezing in 1-2x Citrus Courier, possibly in the Fading Memories slot.
2a.) First half of Taste: that unit strikes your Tahm Kench
2b.) Second half of Taste: if TK survives, that unit is detained
3.) If TK levels or L2 TK attacks: the detained unit is permanently obliterated. Otherwise, it will return instantly if TK is killed, obliterated, or recalled.
Smart opponents will take advantage of 2a and use that opportunity to either damage TK or buff their unit's attack such that TK doesn't survive for 2b. It is good to try to keep some buffs in hand so you can boost your TK's health and/or heal him up. This is part of what makes TK + Soraka such a powerful pair.
I've been wondering: Does Vaults of Helia NOT kill your unit if there's nothing appropriate to draw? I assume that's what you mean by "kill the chain."
It only kills your unit if there is a N+1 unit in your deck. If there is nothing for it to replace the most expensive unit, it can "skip" if say your 2nd most expensive unit on board has an eligible target.
Also: if there are 2 Vaults of Helia out simultaneously, each will proc sequentially so you essentially get +2.
EDIT: apparently it can skip! I was basing my earlier statement on a game where my opponent must not have had any eligible targets left in his deck.
At the very least, I suspect you'll need a third copy of Bastion to keep her alive.
We'll see! I will tell you he built this live on-stream and spent a lot of time considering things; as I recall his angle was more so winning with Shyvana and having Soraka just be a literal support to that goal. I think it's towards the end of his Oct-12 Twitch video if you want to go review it.
It was definitely broken on release (last Wed); I think it was broke through the weekend and fixed either Monday or Tuesday. This Reddit post was the first Riot-backed statement I found either way on the topic.
Me too. :-( I did make it to 7 of 9 on the questline last night, and it looks like there's no limit on how many champ-specific quests you can have active at the same time and that those mostly happen organically so it should just be a matter of time. Still 3 weeks left.
...Also: don't forget to look for and upvote cool decks yourself. O:-) The more people chipping in, the more meaningful the whole rating system is.
Personally, no, but some YouTube videos have caught my eye..
According to reddit:
Edit: Doh! Didn't read that Frosty already added this. :-(
FYI, there seems to be a bug with the "revive" half of this quest -- people report that nothing seems to progress it so they need to resort to completion through the "target enemies" half. (I'm still only on #4 so I can't personally confirm.)
My $0.02: the current problem is Vlad requires moderate investment (not easy to level, costs respectable mana for L1 vanilla stats, and really wants a fair amount of your deck to snergize with him) for only moderate payout (does minor damage to nexus; self-damage often hurts as much as it helps due to defender deciding blocks; L2 for is nice but rarely game-swinging). Any improvement comes down to 3 forms:
Here's a breakdown of the numbers for anyone who's interested in grind-v-reward:
So far, it feels like a bit of a slog -- I've played 1-2 hours so far but only have 18 hearts and am ~25% up the 2nd quest of the chain. That said: if they refresh that epic quest chain on Patch 1.14 and allocate an additional ~60 hearts for the second 2 weeks, that should be a total of ~120 hearts that just happen "organically", meaning you'd only be left needing 50 hearts (10 days at 3 wins/each) for all the cards. Max rewards is a bit stiffer: you're short 150 hearts, which means at least 3 wins on all 27 days plus an additional 15 PvP wins.
EDIT: apparently there's an additional small quest line for unlocking each of the cards; they are good for an additional 14 hearts/card = 70 hearts total. This reddit post does a better job explaining than I did:
I tried to make sure at least 50% of the LoR clues would be gettable even for someone who's never played the game if they were willing to search for matching keywords, and at least 25% required in-game knowledge. O:-)
All 3 have taken more time than previous seasons for me. It also seems to me like more were in reverse-order this time -- I wonder if Flux found some difficulty setting he pegged to max. :-P
Yay to squeezing Lee Sin and Make it Rain changes to this patch. But will it be enough? Honestly, I'm scared -- Lee's power is in his inevitability when combined with overwhelm; he frankly had the potential to be a top-tier even when he was 6 mana so I'm questioning how much of a deterrent this will be.
Often, limits are necessary in computer games just to define how much memory much be allocated.
I agree that any such limits should be high enough that they don't impact normal gameplay, but to be fair: hitting the current limit is exceptionally rare. I've been playing almost daily since Open Beta and have never encountered this myself.
I'm a little disappointed they didn't include Dekkster yet did for 5 names I've never heard before. Hopefully they at least give him another card reveal -- that kid busts his butt showcasing novel & innovative decks!
I like it; it's a nice update on an old archetype. The only change I would make is squeezing in 1-2x Citrus Courier, possibly in the Fading Memories slot.
1.) You have a Tahm Kench on board at the start of a round; he generates 1x fleeting An Acquired Taste
2.) You play that An Acquired Taste on an enemy unit
2a.) First half of Taste: that unit strikes your Tahm Kench
2b.) Second half of Taste: if TK survives, that unit is detained
3.) If TK levels or L2 TK attacks: the detained unit is permanently obliterated. Otherwise, it will return instantly if TK is killed, obliterated, or recalled.
Smart opponents will take advantage of 2a and use that opportunity to either damage TK or buff their unit's attack such that TK doesn't survive for 2b. It is good to try to keep some buffs in hand so you can boost your TK's health and/or heal him up. This is part of what makes TK + Soraka such a powerful pair.
Almaniarra! Good to see you posting here again! It's been a while; I was afraid we'd lost you. <3
It only kills your unit if there is a N+1 unit in your deck. If there is nothing for it to replace the most expensive unit, it can "skip" if say your 2nd most expensive unit on board has an eligible target.
Also: if there are 2 Vaults of Helia out simultaneously, each will proc sequentially so you essentially get +2.
EDIT: apparently it can skip! I was basing my earlier statement on a game where my opponent must not have had any eligible targets left in his deck.
We'll see! I will tell you he built this live on-stream and spent a lot of time considering things; as I recall his angle was more so winning with Shyvana and having Soraka just be a literal support to that goal. I think it's towards the end of his Oct-12 Twitch video if you want to go review it.