No mention of Silverfuse's Troll-play deck? Harrumph. That deck is great.
I think she dropped that video after I had already picked decks for this article. A big drawback for doing an ongoing series. :-( For those interested: it's a Warmother's deck that runs 3x Trundle 2x Sejuani 1x Tryn plus 2x Warmother's and 3x all the new trolls.
I wonder if Petty Officer will change to just summoning a Keg?
More likely: change him from a 3/2 to a 2/2. That way the total stats between both bodies is more in line with other 3-drops.
He's used almost exclusive for the random 1-drop. If he could only summon kegs, he'd become a worse version of Dreadway Deckhand -- and already most players don't run that card.
I wouldn't agree with that statement. Let's look at the 2 most popular Ezreal decks right now: TF Ez and Karma Ez. The former can still level up with a single Make it Rain (3) + a single Riptide Rex (7). The latter wants to stall to Round 10 and uses 20x targeting spells + Yone to do it, so it really shouldn't have a problem leveling him up in time either. Sure both decks will have games were they don't draw well and now lose where they previously might have won, but that's a risk for any combo deck in any game. The real blow though is to decks squeezing Ezreal where he honestly doesn't even belong -- e.g., Ezreal Vi Targon Gem decks -- and frankly I'm happy to see Ez pushed out of those archetypes to make way for lesser played champs like Lee Sin and Taric.
unfortunately For The Fallen reduces the cost only if in hand while summoning Elites, so either you mulligan for a 8 mana cost card, or it's of no use
It's true it only reduces while in-hand, but Mogwai makes the case (which I buy) that just makes its final cost reasonable: if you draw it early, it will continuously get reduced until you can play it mid-game for half-price; if you top-deck it late-game, you can afford to pay the full 8 mana.
why even have the search by region option if it doesn't work? i just want to see freljord decks please
What exactly isn't working for you?
I go to Menu -> Decks -> Freljord Decks, I get this page. If I instead go to All Decks, highlight the Freljord icon and click the "Filter" button and I still get the same result.
I know Spacey Sketcher is OP as every targon deck ever uses it almost, but i have no idea how to use it. In this particular deck, what do you discard? And what do you aim to invoke? The snake? Double stun for an attack turn?
Think of her like exchanging the worst card in your hand for something more practical. Kind of like a mid-game mulligan. Usually you'll want to pick something you'll use right away, but on occasion you'll want to save Equinox or Crescent Strike until end game. The Messenger is probably the "default" choice, but The Serpent and The Trickster are usually pretty good too. The less reliable choices are Moonsilver, The Charger, and Moonglow : while each can be excellent in certain situations, they tend to be much less impactful in general than the other 5.
It's too late for me to add to the article, but here are 2 similar very interesting Fizz + Taric + Jack, the Winner decks provided to me from Beejsbj over on reddit:
is [Hearthstone Card (icequake) Not Found] worth 8 mana ? when it's worth to use it ?
Fantastic question! I personally would say that Icequake isn't a very good card in general, but it is a very effective card in the meta right now. The reason is because there is so much healing (e.g., Starshaping), stall (The Infinite Mindsplitter), and late-game gas (Aurelion Sol) that lots of players are just using Icequake as a stall tool. We'll have to see if it continues being a good answer or not.
But maybe with Targon being such a great expansion maybe they'll give us something less cool for the next region like Shurima before adding the Void.
How dare you call Shurima un-cool! OK maybe the region itself isn't as lore-rich as Targon but come on: Amumu? Rammus? Reketon? Nasus? Cassiopeia? Sivir? There are some really cool champs from there.
You're also totally discounting Ixtal as the possible next region: Nidalee, Rengar, Zyra, Malphite.
Really, I think I'll be happy with whatever region they pick so long as they keep doing as good a job as they are.
1.) Make the deck in OutOf.Cards (copy code -> Menu at the top of this page -> Deckbuilder -> Import -> Save)
2.) Go to the new page for your deck and click the "Copy BB Code" button -- this will put it in your clipboard
3.) Paste from clipboard into your comment. It will create something of the form {runedeck}1234{/runedeck}, except with square brackets instead of squiggly
Here's a very competitive dragon list I've already entered. I've also seen variants with Garen and with no champions.
I personally haven't played much dragons yet, but I love that they are in the game. The Fury mechanic is a lot more fun in practice than I would think given how basic it looks on paper. I can't wait for Shyvana!
Consider trying to squeeze in 2x Atrocity and/or 3x They Who Endure for some late-game reach. I would probably look to Hapless Aristocrat and Elise for these slots -- they're good cards in general, but they don't have high synergy with the rest of your deck.
My post here i would like to talk only about the dragons.... in fact i will criticize it. As seems that the game maker would not even bother the balance of power between the old cards and new. That stupid Aerolian Sol (i don't care if i spell right... it is a trash for me) basically make all the other heroes completely useless. And those stupid celestial/ dragon combo would allow the spamming of high cost monsters and spell at 0 costs !!!!!
Who are half of those people other than hawktie I know him from mtg even though he has a small audience. Swim hit masters with spiders, mogwai is playing thresh gangplank. Every single player I'm running into is playing lulu or bilgewater. Like do you play the game?
RattlingBones is playing Diana + Leona sailor moon
Kuvira is playing Trundle Noxus
Tempo13 is playing Garen bannerman
moms_den is playing Trundle + Sol
drayzer is playing GP + Sejuani
Haloplasm is playing Lulu demacia aggro
That's how I personally would objectively measure "streamers general unwillingness to run this region". I would try to avoid focusing on individual steamers, and if anything I would downplay what Swim and Mogwai are playing as they both go out of their way to not play what others are playing as part of their "brand". I also wouldn't try to tie what you personally experience to streamers' feelings -- they are 2 totally independent trails of evidence.
Again: I'm not really debating your underlying thesis about Targon being weak. I'm just trying to constructively point out that from a purely rhetorical viewpoint, there are some inconsistencies in how you're making your case. A debate coach would tell you to avoid bringing up the shaky evidence and just stick to things that clearly reinforce your argument, like the mobalytics rankings.
So after a long time of contemplating I have decided to actually just quit Hearthstone altogether. I have done this once before back in April but I came back out of boredom (and because the new expansion looked pretty good). HOwever, I can no longer play this game while keeping my sanity and it has become a huge time sink for me.
Basically my reason for leaving once and for all is this: The game has become way sided? Basically over the past year swing turns have become more and more important....and this expansion is by far the worst. Basically every single class in the game has one or more brutal swings that either need an immediate specific answer or else the game is decided on the spot. Classes that don't have this resort to pure aggro (DH and Hunter for instance).
Essentially Hearthstone has turned into what I quit Legends of Runeterra over. A game where answers are sparse and a single play decides the game instead of multiple smaller ones.
Hey folks, we just deployed a fix for the always-needing-to-update issue on PC, and later tonight we're planning to hotfix Zephyr Sage's wording to prevent an infinite loop (it won't be able to copy other copies of Zephyr Sage). Hope you've been enjoying Call of the Mountain!
At the end of the day I think the rankings and streamers general unwillingness to run this region supports this opinion.
I'm not sure how you're drawing that conclusion. Quick snapshot of top 8 LoR streamers on right now:
Swim is playing some meme-y SI + P&Z championless deck which arguably shouldn't count
Glop is playing Taric + Lee Sin
Freshlobser is playing SI + Noxus mistwraiths
Alanzq is playing Trundle + Sol control
HawkTie is playing Taric + Braum
Zentron is playing Trundle + Tryn warmother's call
Hsuku is playing Anivia + Thresh control
FierceFerrits is playing Leona + Karma celestials literally half the top-8 are using Targon. And looking at last week's Reckoning decks: 12 out of 16 opted to use Targon in one of their decks to that tournament.
I could see your arguments working on the reasoning that play rate and win rate don't always correlate (i.e., "new toys" scenario), but in terms of overall popularity I would say Targon is close to if not the most popular region right now.
I think she dropped that video after I had already picked decks for this article. A big drawback for doing an ongoing series. :-( For those interested: it's a Warmother's deck that runs 3x Trundle 2x Sejuani 1x Tryn plus 2x Warmother's and 3x all the new trolls.
Ack! So I did..
More likely: change him from a 3/2 to a 2/2. That way the total stats between both bodies is more in line with other 3-drops.
He's used almost exclusive for the random 1-drop. If he could only summon kegs, he'd become a worse version of Dreadway Deckhand -- and already most players don't run that card.
I wouldn't agree with that statement. Let's look at the 2 most popular Ezreal decks right now: TF Ez and Karma Ez. The former can still level up with a single Make it Rain (3) + a single Riptide Rex (7). The latter wants to stall to Round 10 and uses 20x targeting spells + Yone to do it, so it really shouldn't have a problem leveling him up in time either. Sure both decks will have games were they don't draw well and now lose where they previously might have won, but that's a risk for any combo deck in any game. The real blow though is to decks squeezing Ezreal where he honestly doesn't even belong -- e.g., Ezreal Vi Targon Gem decks -- and frankly I'm happy to see Ez pushed out of those archetypes to make way for lesser played champs like Lee Sin and Taric.
It's true it only reduces while in-hand, but Mogwai makes the case (which I buy) that just makes its final cost reasonable: if you draw it early, it will continuously get reduced until you can play it mid-game for half-price; if you top-deck it late-game, you can afford to pay the full 8 mana.
What exactly isn't working for you?
I go to Menu -> Decks -> Freljord Decks, I get this page. If I instead go to All Decks, highlight the Freljord icon and click the "Filter" button and I still get the same result.
Think of her like exchanging the worst card in your hand for something more practical. Kind of like a mid-game mulligan. Usually you'll want to pick something you'll use right away, but on occasion you'll want to save Equinox or Crescent Strike until end game. The Messenger is probably the "default" choice, but The Serpent and The Trickster are usually pretty good too. The less reliable choices are Moonsilver, The Charger, and Moonglow : while each can be excellent in certain situations, they tend to be much less impactful in general than the other 5.
It's too late for me to add to the article, but here are 2 similar very interesting Fizz + Taric + Jack, the Winner decks provided to me from Beejsbj over on reddit:
Fantastic question! I personally would say that Icequake isn't a very good card in general, but it is a very effective card in the meta right now. The reason is because there is so much healing (e.g., Starshaping), stall (The Infinite Mindsplitter), and late-game gas (Aurelion Sol) that lots of players are just using Icequake as a stall tool. We'll have to see if it continues being a good answer or not.
Two thoughts that come immediately to mind are dropping 3x Jury-Rig, 3x Solari Soldier in exchange for 3x Zaunite Urchin, 3x Spacey Sketcher.
I also like trying to squeeze in Starshaping, but I don't see an obviously slot for it.
How dare you call Shurima un-cool! OK maybe the region itself isn't as lore-rich as Targon but come on: Amumu? Rammus? Reketon? Nasus? Cassiopeia? Sivir? There are some really cool champs from there.
You're also totally discounting Ixtal as the possible next region: Nidalee, Rengar, Zyra, Malphite.
Really, I think I'll be happy with whatever region they pick so long as they keep doing as good a job as they are.
FYI, I've seen 2 different players hit top ranks using the above decklist.
1.) Make the deck in OutOf.Cards (copy code -> Menu at the top of this page -> Deckbuilder -> Import -> Save)
2.) Go to the new page for your deck and click the "Copy BB Code" button -- this will put it in your clipboard
3.) Paste from clipboard into your comment. It will create something of the form {runedeck}1234{/runedeck}, except with square brackets instead of squiggly
Here's a very competitive dragon list I've already entered. I've also seen variants with Garen and with no champions.
I personally haven't played much dragons yet, but I love that they are in the game. The Fury mechanic is a lot more fun in practice than I would think given how basic it looks on paper. I can't wait for Shyvana!
Consider trying to squeeze in 2x Atrocity and/or 3x They Who Endure for some late-game reach. I would probably look to Hapless Aristocrat and Elise for these slots -- they're good cards in general, but they don't have high synergy with the rest of your deck.
I'm confused... did you want to talk about the dragon tribe on the whole or just Aurelion Sol + The Great Beyond who happen to be a dragon? The Destroyer, The Immortal Fire, and The Scourge are just as problematic as the former and don't have the dragon tag.
I'm literally going to and blindly picking the 8 streamers at the top of the page -- here's right now:
That's how I personally would objectively measure "streamers general unwillingness to run this region". I would try to avoid focusing on individual steamers, and if anything I would downplay what Swim and Mogwai are playing as they both go out of their way to not play what others are playing as part of their "brand". I also wouldn't try to tie what you personally experience to streamers' feelings -- they are 2 totally independent trails of evidence.
Again: I'm not really debating your underlying thesis about Targon being weak. I'm just trying to constructively point out that from a purely rhetorical viewpoint, there are some inconsistencies in how you're making your case. A debate coach would tell you to avoid bringing up the shaky evidence and just stick to things that clearly reinforce your argument, like the mobalytics rankings.
Yes--come play Legends of Runeterra instead!
Oh wait... ;-)
I'm not sure how you're drawing that conclusion. Quick snapshot of top 8 LoR streamers on right now: literally half the top-8 are using Targon. And looking at last week's Reckoning decks: 12 out of 16 opted to use Targon in one of their decks to that tournament.
I could see your arguments working on the reasoning that play rate and win rate don't always correlate (i.e., "new toys" scenario), but in terms of overall popularity I would say Targon is close to if not the most popular region right now.