that's true but drawing 5 cards with Subject 9 could still be a benefit for the deck since you're looking for some specific cards and this process is accelerated by him, still don't know
this deck has the handicap to be singleton so if you don't get your Juicy Psychmelon then Jepetto Joybuzz will find yourMalygos. Might be inconsistent as you said but I didn't try it yet :)
no, it doesn't work with Da Undatakah. Same with Myra Rotspring
Proof that Hunting Party combo works. Go at 9:40
that's true but drawing 5 cards with Subject 9 could still be a benefit for the deck since you're looking for some specific cards and this process is accelerated by him, still don't know
thanks for the advices! Might consider adding subject 9 but I'm going to wait on next reveals!
also if you draw too many cards you'll have a hard time emptying your hand from things that you don't want to duplicate ;-;
It duplicates discounted Malygos, yes. Also I don't know about Barista Lynchen but I will add her for the memes if needed :D
this deck has the handicap to be singleton so if you don't get your Juicy Psychmelon then Jepetto Joybuzz will find yourMalygos. Might be inconsistent as you said but I didn't try it yet :)
I like the x2 BEEEES!!! and the other win condition with Pounce. Really not sure about Gadgetzan Auctioneer since Acolyte of Pain or Ticket Scalper do the same job better. Dreampetal Florist isn't that great so I might remove her but card pool is really small now. I feel like Dreamway Guardians and Power of the Wild give you something to do in early stage because Druid has really been lacking control stuff since Branching Paths, Spreading Plague and Naturalize are not a thing anymore. I will make some changes! Thanks for the advices!
I will update it, glad you enjoyed :)
It could be an option because all of them die neverthless
Ironhide Direhorn only spawns 2 Ironhide Runt because Bees stay on the board until they all die. Also you want to use Juicy Psychmelon to draw Linecracker not the Ironhide Direhorn in my opinion
it works I posted proofs in the guide