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  • shatterstar1998's Avatar
    Eevee 275 138 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 1 month ago

    Can you hear it? Love is in the air for each February 14th. This is the day where we celebrate love in all of its form in Azeroth. And this is the expansion to reflect the complexity and variety of love that can exist.


    Love cards

    One of the most prominent them that will be explored this expansion is the variety of love. To showcase this them, each class will have a Love card that will be generated by class and Neutral cards that is unique for each classes. All of these Love cards have a theme that they will generate another cards with a variety of theme of the classes

    Example cards:

    The Neutral Love card generator is a great example of this mechanic in action: The card will generate which love card depend on the class you are when you play her.. The Hunter Love card and the Mage love card contain one of their subtheme this expansion, with Hunter having Deathrattle synergy and Mage having Spell Damage synergy.

    The rest of the Love cards and Love cards Generators:

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    The keyword is representative of the most basic concept of love: Of caring about someone else. The keyword allows the card and the hero themselves to express how they love the minions around them by giving them a bonus when that character take damage. But beware, while Minions will have the Devotion active as long as they are on the field, spells will only give the effect until the end of the turn to prevent any degenerative combos.

    Another keyword that will be featured prominently in the expansion in the Warrior class will be Magnetic. The keyword will represent the Mech tribe and how they express their love.


    Demon Hunter:

    Love card and Example:

    The theme of the Demon Hunter set would be focusing on Devote, as examplified by their Legendary. Not only he will give you huge amount of healing, he is also a Murloc, a tribe significant to the class this expansion given that it will be part of the tribal synergy between Murloc and Demon. Swamp Felhound is the cornerstone piece of the archetype, allowing the swarming power to stick around and achieve lethal.

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    Love card and Example cards:

    Druid's set will focus on their love for nature. As implied by the Love card and Beloved Saber Cub, the Druid set will mainly focus on Wisp synergy that swarm the field and quickly find to achieve lethal. There is a lot of ways Druid can leverage their Wisps, from making therm extremely sticky with their new Hero or buffing them. There is also a small Beast theme, with Beloved Saber Cub and demonstrated further more by Dreadsaber.

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    Love card and Example cards:

    Hunter's love will focus on the sisterly bond between the Elf sisters, specifically from Sylvanas, who will be returning to the Hunter set with a new more powerful form. By jumping though some hoops can have poteiontally multiple Sylvanas Windrunners on your side of the field and lock down the board. The set also has smaller subset theme of casting small but impactful spell, as shown by Dark Ranger Lieutenant.

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    Love card and Example cards:

    Mage in this expansion will return for a visit to Jaina's mother Katherine. Jaina is atempting to merge her Mage training and rediscovering her root as a seafarer family allows her to use Spell Damage in unique ways rather than slamming tthe opponent face. Wavespeaker is a well statted Spell Damage +2 minion with the extremely downside of prevent you from casting spell that turn, forcing you to get creative on how you can take advantage of it. Control the Wave is a representative of the Elemental synergy will receive this expansion.

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    Love card and Example card: 

    Paladin's set will focus on the more vengeful side of love, as befitting of the class's Retribution spec. The set allow Paladin to not only swarm but take advantage of the minions that died off, big or small, which representing by the Aura package. Devos also represent the Silver Hand Recruit synergy. While she may not be that impressive in Standard, any Wild players know to not underestimate her as a part of the Odd Paladin set.

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    Avenge Card Image


    Example Cards:

    Priest's set will focus on the father bond between Anduin and Varian. Anduin is living up to Varian's legacy as a leader and start to find a compromise between his father's responsibilities and his own peaceful nature, culminating him having the only Quest of the expansion allow him to play a good tempo midrange control game. Purify Disease is one of the many way that will allow you to do that by silence your own minions and allow them to attack. The neutral set also allow him to get more minions to finish the Quest and discover from the Hero Power.

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    Love card and Example card:

    Shaman set will have the theme of how love can transform you, as well as theme of love can happen to anyone regard of their appearance. Almalgamate is a powerful board clear for the Managerie Shaman archetype, as also demonstated by their Love card. The set also has a small Elemental package that can be slotted in, with Servant of Therazane allow for upgrading your puny totems and 1/1 into mighty 2/3 Taunt.

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    Rogue cards and Example Card:

    The Rogue class will focus on the less legal side of love, as demonstrating from their class Love card. Not only will they focus on generating a large amount of Love cards, they will also can generate a large amount of Coins to cast them, as demonstrate by Connie and Blyde and Love Madam.

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    Love card and Example cards:

    Warlock will take on the more obsessive and unhealthy side of love, as demonstrate by their Love card. As the class has natural synergy with the keyword that require them to take Damage, the class will take a more careful balance approach and Summoning Ritual is such card, forcing them to pay for more Mana if they want to take advantage of that natural synergy rather than targeting a friendly minion.

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    Love Card and Example Cards:

    Warrior will have the major theme of Magnetic Mech into their minions. Erazmin will the class's major powerhouse, allowing their Magnetize minions to have twice the value. Mechanocat is another major component of the Magnetic package, as it allows for the Magnetic minion to attack immediately with its Devote effect. It also showcase an example of Devote being used for offensive purpose rather than defensive or neutral.

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    Example Cards:

    The Neutral set is mainly for helping with synergies already exist in the class set, as demonstrated by Impressionable Bot, Starcrossed Lovers and Spirit Healer. The Neutral cards also explore the keywords and themes in various ways, with Kwee Q. Peedlefeet allows for powerful value generation,  Death Revenant allows for aggro decks to burst down with their large board, and Raandyy allows control decks to combat these aggro decks by building big gigantic Lifesteal and Taunt board.


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