I think the relic are ok, the problem comes with the draw and infusion part. If played without infuse it's not too strong at all. And if you manage to combo it wih Brann Bronzebeard is just very powerful. Hope it seems play
This location can be used with a lot of beasts strategies (aggro, midrange, big). If it was played before any beast can make it useful for trading as soon as it arrives on the board. Very strong option
This is Living Roots big brother. I think that with all the tokens that a druid can summon, probably he will the best to see the infusion mechanic fully working
The best scenario is getting Altimor on the mulligan in order to have it fully infused to play it on curve. The 3 animal companions costs 9 mana. So for 1 less mana you are getting 3 companions and a 5/4 body. Very broken if fully infused imho
Questline hunter card is the new hunter weapon meme from wow lol.
It's a very powerful card in that deck, and if you are lucky enough to get the stag, the weapon will provide enough pressure to make some concede through opponents
Very slow and rng dependant to include it, but if you manage to discover it and playing the Naga that casts twice, you probably get an otk out of nowhere
I like the wild seed mechanic, because on the worst scenario is still an ok card, and you can get a highroll if it gives you the stag. On the other hand, you can use the bear or the stag with the location for a good trade gaining some tempo
It have very underwhelming stats for it's cost, the optimistic scenario is when you play it already infused and using the location to guarantee the multiple trade
If it manage to copy some nasty deathrattle as Stoneborn General, Mo'arg Forgefiend or Humongous Owl or even Sesselie of the Fae Court and then use the location to power tempo play
I think the relic are ok, the problem comes with the draw and infusion part. If played without infuse it's not too strong at all. And if you manage to combo it wih Brann Bronzebeard is just very powerful. Hope it seems play
This location can be used with a lot of beasts strategies (aggro, midrange, big). If it was played before any beast can make it useful for trading as soon as it arrives on the board. Very strong option
This is Living Roots big brother. I think that with all the tokens that a druid can summon, probably he will the best to see the infusion mechanic fully working
Very powerful, this will see play on every druid deck just because it have a lot of versatility and this is a lot of fuel to the nature dragon synergy
The best scenario is getting Altimor on the mulligan in order to have it fully infused to play it on curve. The 3 animal companions costs 9 mana. So for 1 less mana you are getting 3 companions and a 5/4 body. Very broken if fully infused imho
Play Ara'lon in turn 5 and Wild Spirits on 6 is the wet dream of this expansion hunter. Very powerful and a lot of stats
Questline hunter card is the new hunter weapon meme from wow lol.
It's a very powerful card in that deck, and if you are lucky enough to get the stag, the weapon will provide enough pressure to make some concede through opponents
If you manage to cast this with the effect of Twinbow Terrorcoil the tempo gain is totally absurd. The best wild seed archetype card imho
Very slow and rng dependant to include it, but if you manage to discover it and playing the Naga that casts twice, you probably get an otk out of nowhere
I like the wild seed mechanic, because on the worst scenario is still an ok card, and you can get a highroll if it gives you the stag. On the other hand, you can use the bear or the stag with the location for a good trade gaining some tempo
It have very underwhelming stats for it's cost, the optimistic scenario is when you play it already infused and using the location to guarantee the multiple trade
Maybe played on curve with Batty Guest and Maze Guide will give your the fuel to activate the infusion effect
I like the Hotel Transylvania reference, he even talk like Dracula and the bat form see like him too
5 stars just because he is Kel'thu-freakin'-zad.
On the other hand, I am sorry for the poor Mr. Bigglesworth, at least he joined it's master in the shadowlands
It's super powerful in wild if you didn't manage to kill it asap.
Hope MarkMckz will make another crazy deck trying to get Halkias too
I still don't get why this card refers to Tyrande (or just another Elune's priestess), maybe just a hint to the mini set or next expansion?
Or it's just a bloody Mary reference?
I love the art, lore and flavor of this card. He just can't do it because he have to sit all night in the sofa dying of boredom
Blizzard cousin where you can change the freeze effect for the skeleton. It's better if you already have some skeletons on board to maximize damage
Very powerful just for the effect, summoning and freezing are just to powerful, and you can play it twice! Nice card imho